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Sweet Doting Husband: Sorry, my Wife is a little Crazy

Chapter 132 - Third Brother Is In Love With...Sister Sia?
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With his brows furrowed, Mu Jun looked out of the window with his dark eyes as he could feel a wave of burning anger on John rising in his stomach.

Though he was curious to know why he disliked John and why his stomach was churning when imagining his face, he did not bother about that much because...he was angry!!.

Pouting his lips, Mu Jun frowned as he recalled how John had effected his mood from his first day. His closeness towards Sia, his childishness towards Sia, his understanding about Sia everything....everything felt very annoying but he did not know why.

Just as he was internally scolding John, his cell phone rang with a beep. Looking at his mobile which was placed on his study table, he thought for a moment before reaching for his cell.

Unlocking his cell phone, he found a message from Sia in his inbox. When he saw the name 'Sia' at the top of his inbox, an unintentional smile appeared on his face.

curious as to know what this crazy girl would have texted him, Mu Jun clicked on the name and saw the message which read "Mr. Handsome, thank you for helping me. To express my gratitude I decided to prepare chocolates for you but I don't know whether you like it or not?"

Mu Jun chuckled after reading the message. Initially, he thought to tell her that he disliked chocolate but when he recalled that Sia was especially preparing for him he thought why not give it a try?. With that thought, he texted 'I'm okay with that' before sending it to Sia.

A few seconds later he again received a reply from Sia saying great.

Looking at the message, Mu Jun's smile widened and his mind slowly drifted to the time when he saw her for the first time and recalled her craziness before the morning's incident flashed in his mind.

recalling how scared Sia was when had teased her and how she tried to pretend to be brave even though she was scared of frogs, Mu Jun chuckled lightly which later turned into a peal of low laughter. Looking out of the window, Mu Jun shook his head and laughed until his stomach hurt.

Shen Yi and the other two animals who were busy with their work were startled when they heard a charming chuckle.

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Turning their head towards the direction of the sound, their eyes widened when they saw Mu Jun laughing while looking out of the window.

Unable to believe what he was watching, Yang Jie slapped Si Ming's head roughly and looked at him dumbly.

Rubbing his head which was slapped just now, Si Ming glared at Yang Jie and asked "Why did you hit me?"

looking at Si Ming with a blank expression, Yang Jie asked "Did it hurt"

"F*ck. You are asking me did it hurt? Of course, it hurts" Si Ming cursed

"Oh" nodding his head, Yang Jie responded "Then It's not a dream nor a hallucination"


"By the way, what has happened to third bro? is he possessed by ghosts?" Yang Jie frowned

"Yeah...he has been behaving abnormally these days. I wonder why?" Si Ming thought

Rubbing his chin, Yang Jie thought for a moment before he asked "has he gone insane due to stress?"

"Nah...I guess he is possessed by some ghost" Si Ming denied

Rolling his eyes at his friend's stupidity, Shen Yi rubbed his aching forehead. Not able to hear their nonsense anymore, he slapped Si Ming's head.

"Ah..." turning to Shen Yi, Si Ming pouted his lips and whined "Why did you hit me now? don't tell me you hit me to check whether I was dreaming or not"

Controlling the urge to roll his eyes, Shen Yi looked at Yang Jie and Si Ming with disappointment and asked "can you guys be any more stupid?"

"Huh? What do you mean?" Yang Jie and Si Ming asked simultaneously

"Don't you understand? Third brother is in love" Shen Yi said

"Wait, what? I guess I heard it wrong" Yang Jie said and moved closer to Shen Yi.

Nodding his head, Si Ming turned to Shen Yi and said "I guess even I hear wrong. Second brother, can you repeat what did you just say? I guess we both heard something else"

"I said the third brother is in love and you have not heard me wrong. The thing that has possessed him is not a ghost but something that is called 'Love' "

Hearing that both the animal's eyes turned wide and they almost yelled loudly but before they could Shen Yi covered their mouth tightly and whispered "Don't shout"

With that said he dragged them out of the room. Once outside, he closed the door and let go of the two animals who were looking at him with a dumbfounded expression.

Coming back to his sense, Yang Jie shook his head and looked at Shen Yi with his eyes wide and asked "Second brother, the thing you said just now...is it true?"

nodding his head, Shen Yi sighed "hundred and eleven percent"

"Then does that mean he has finally fallen in love?" Yang Jie asked

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"Yeah" Shen Yi replied calmly

"the wood black has finally moved?"


"Does that mean there exists a girl who could melt him?"

Resisting the urge to strangle Yang Jie, Shen Yi replied "Yeah"

"then-" before Yang Jie could ask further, Si Ming who had remained for a while finally opened his mouth to ask "No, that's not the point. The thing is...Who is that great girl who was able to melt his stone heart"

Realizing the point, Yang Jie nodded his head and turned to Shen Yi and asked curiously "Oh yeah...whose that girl who could move the great Mu Jun?"

"You know her"

"We know her? Who can it be?" Si Ming asked and fell into deep thought

"We know her? then is it Rosy? Meena? Qiyu Yu? Rong You Yue? Rita?...." Yang Jie listed all the names he knew except the one he was closer to.

The more Shen Yi listened to Yang Jie the more frustrated her was. Not able to control himself anymore, Shen Yi grabbed Yang Jie's collar and shook him roughly and almost yelled "Do you have to go so far? Didn't I tell you that she is someone we know? Is it that tough to guess now?" Shen Yi yelled and shook him again making Yang Jie dizzy.

Shaking his head to shake off his dizziness, Yang Jie looked at Shen Yi with a frown and was about to speak when Si Ming's eyes suddenly widened in realization and he asked in disbelief "Don't tell me it's actually the one I'm thinking off"

Turning to Si Ming, Yang Jie frowned and looked at the later in confusion but right at that moment, something flashed in his mind causing Yang Jie to be shocked to the core.

Turning to Shen Yi, he looked at him with his eyes wide and asked in disbelief "Third brother is in love with Sister SIA?"