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Substitutee Marriage: Fallingg For My Ugly Wifee

Chapter 256
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Chapter 256

“Didn't you and Millie get married without even taking any wedding photos? So, we organized a wedding photoshoot for you. Grandma wants you to visit the family mansion and choose the thof the photoshoot. We've already contacted a world- renowned photography team for you.”

Millie’s eyes widened in surprise. Why did Claudia suddenly want them to do a wedding photoshoot?

“No, we don’t need it. If you want a wedding photoshoot so badly, do it when you get married,” Marcus replied somberly as he stuffed one hand in his pocket.

Millie snapped her head in his direction before immediately tuming away with a sullen expression. His response was typical of him, but the way he quickly declined the offer still left her with a heavy feeling in her chest.

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“What are you talking about? Of course, you and Millie need it! It’s already bad enough that the heir of our family didn’t have a grand wedding ceremony; skipping the wedding photos altogether is just unforgivable. Don’t worry about me. I’m still too young to tie the knot. Besides, I’m sure Grandma will also organize a top-notch photography team forwhen I get married.”

Bruce finished his lengthy response, only to find that Marcus was unfazed and maintained his serious demeanour. He groaned in exasperation.

He then tumed to Millie. “Millie, you want to do the photoshoot, right? Women like this sort of thing. Just say the word, and Grandma will push through the photoshoot. She'll make sure that you have the most beautiful wedding photos in the world.”

After giving Marcus a quick glance, Millie promptly shook her head. “We don’t really need to take wedding photos. Please send our thanks to Grandma for her thoughtfulness.”

Since Marcus had declined so categorically, she did not want to insist on it. Doing so would make her look desperate. Anyway, she had never considered taking wedding photos with Marcus.

If he did not want it, she did not want it either. “What?” Bruce’s expression went from one of anticipation to one of disillusionment in an instant.

“Millie, | Know you're only saying that because you’re upset at Marcus for not wanting to do the photoshoot. | can’t blyou, though. He is a complete jerk.

What kind of man doesn’t want to take wedding photos with his wife? Really, Millie, you should've just married me.”

“Marry you?” Marcus’ eyes narrowed and fixed coldly on Bruce.

Millie shot Bruce an unimpressed look. What in the world was he saying?

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Bruce glared back at Marcus and hardened his stance. He was doing the other man a favor, but he was being an ungrateful bastard.

“Well, | didn’t know you were such an irresponsible man,” Bruce spat.

“If you married her, given your stress tolerance, she would have driven you nuts long ago.” Marcus gave Millie a meaningful glance, then returned his attention to Bruce with a cold snort.

He recalled the many times he had lost his temper since marrying Millie. The woman really had a unique talent for getting on his nerves. He had never met someone as infuriating as her.

Millie turned her head abruptly in Marcus’ direction. What did he mean by that?

She balled her hands into fists, clearly angry at the man’s words. How could such a tiny woman like her make someone go nuts with anger?

“What do you mean by that, you bastard?” How am | the infuriating one here? If anything, it'swho's going crazy because of how annoying you are. You don’t want to take wedding photos with me? Fine. | don’t want to do it with you, either.