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Spy Mage System

Chapter 77
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77 A Very Wavy Escape

I looked around, trying to see any sort of sign of an escape. But there was none, the room was completely sealed off.

I then heard footsteps coming towards the door. I quickly sat down, thinking it may be Rocke. As the door opened, I saw a regular TSA agent, who was probably coming in to check on me. He was quite stubby, and his beady eyes scanned the room until they saw me.

“Hey, you okay in here?” he asked.

I didn’t say a word. He grunted and walked over to me. He then felt my pulse and looked into my eyes. “You don’t seem too hurt,” he said. “You hit the water hard, but you’re lucky you didn’t hit your head on anything.”

I still said nothing.

He then sighed and walked back towards the door, but then I saw something. His utility belt. If I could click the button and take his wand, I could knock him out and cut myself from these ropes. But they were very strong apparently.

Maybe I could break the chair.

The agent then walked back over to me and said, “I’ll be back in a few minutes, just stay here and rest.” I nodded, and as he turned around, I pushed my leg out and tripped him. He yelped as he fell to the ground, and his head hit the hard floor with a thud.

He was done, but now I need to get his wand. But I was tied up, there was no way I could reach it.


I then had an idea. I scooted my chair over to him and used my foot to push the wand closer to me. I then leaned over as much as I could and used my teeth to grab it.

I then quickly sat straight up and began to move as much as I could. The chair was way too still for its own good, but eventually, I was able to make it budge an inch.

Then two inches.

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Then three.

Eventually, I was able to make a complete tip-over, and I fell to the ground with a thud.

But I was free, and now I had the wand.

I quickly got up from the chair, with the wand held tightly in my hands. Now would’ve been a great time to major in a power. I opened the door, seeing a gray hallway with a few doors on either side. I then quickly made my way down the hall, trying each door until I found one that wasn’t locked.

The one on the far left was the last, and I slowly opened it, seeing a small room with a window on the other side. There was a small bed in the corner and a table with a cup.

I’m not sure if this place is a hotel or prison, but I’m getting out of here.

I walked over to the window and began to pry it open, but it seemed to be stuck. It led outside to some sort of balcony of a ship, meaning I was on the upper floor. I then heard footsteps coming, and in a fast motion.


I quickly leaped down and rushed under the bed, just in time to see the door open. It was another TSA agent, but this one was different. He had a military haircut and looked like a hitman. My heart pulsated, my palms were sweating, and I was holding my breath.

The man then looked around the room until his eyes landed on the bed. He slowly walked towards it, and my face began to sweat.

He stopped suddenly as my breathing did and then slowly lifted the bed sheet.

I was petrified.

He then looked under the bed, our eyes meeting. I held my breath hoping he didn’t see me in the darkness. But then he reached down, grabbing a fist full of my hair and yanking me out.

“What the-”

I kicked his stomach as hard as I could and then elbowed him in the face. He staggered backward, holding his stomach in pain. I then quickly got up and sped out of the room, moving through the halls as fast as I could.

I looked back and saw the hitman-looking guy coming after me, so I quickly turned around the corner and ran into another hall that led to stairs. I then ran down them as fast as I could, not looking back until I was at the bottom.

The good news was that he wasn’t close behind me, the bad news was he was still behind me. I quickly looked to the left and right, seeing no doors of escape. “Got nowhere to go kid, do ya?” the man chuckled.

I looked behind me, seeing a gun pointed to my face and a wand in his other hand. He then slowly began to walk toward me, and I was backed into a corner.

“Please, just let me go!” I yelled pleadingly. I had no power in this situation, and I was completely helpless.

The man then chuckled again and said, “I don’t think so kiddo,” as he grabbed me. I needed to do something quickly. But then, the man was shot with a bolt, sending him flying backward.

I looked to see Tisiah standing there with a smug look on his face. “Hey there,” he said. “Been looking for ya.”

A smile swept across my face as we rushed in for a hug. I was so happy to see him, and he had saved me once again.

“Come on, we gotta go before any more of these guys come,” Tisiah said. “But it’s so good to see you again.” Tears welled up in my eyes, and I nodded.

He was right, we had to go. But even though everything that was happening was so fast, it was so good to see him. “Do you know where the rest are?” I asked, and he shook his head. “I might sort of have an idea,” he said. “But we’ll have to hurry.”

I nodded and followed him as we made our way through the TSA ship, trying to find the others. But with each step, I couldn’t help but feel like something was watching us. Like we were being led into a trap.

We were beginning to arrive at more stairs that led down to what looked like the engine room. But as we walked down, I couldn’t help but notice the eerie silence. It was too silent for our good. The engine room looked completely abandoned, and it made me shiver.

“Where is everyone?” I whispered to Tisiah. He shrugged in response, looking around.

The place smelled of oil and metal, and it was very dirty. There was dust and dirt everywhere, and the floors were greasy. The walls were dented and scratched, and there was rust all over the place.

“Good lord, this place is terrible,” Tisiah said. “Let’s move back upstairs before the guards finally come back to their posts.”

“I’m sorry, what?” I asked. “I thought there were no guards here!” Tisiah looked at me in disbelief. “What do you mean, no guards? This is a high-security area!” he exclaimed.

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I then realized that I had made a mistake. I had led us right into the heart of the TSA’s ship. We were in their most secure area, and there were probably going to be a lot of guards speeding towards us now.

“We need to find them now,” I said, as we started running through the halls. “We need to find the others and get out of here before it’s too late.”

Tisiah nodded in agreement as we turned towards the stairs and went up, going to the right this time. We went up two flights of stairs before we finally arrived at a door. But as Tisiah went to open it, I stopped him.

“Look inside first,” I said. “I have a bad feeling about this.” Tisiah nodded and looked through the peephole.

“It’s clear,” he said, and I nodded. But then we began to hear more footsteps rushing in our direction. They were coming for us.

“Hurry!” I said, and Tisiah quickly opened the door. We rushed inside and he locked the door, ducking down behind it.

I then looked around the room and saw that we were in some kind of control room. There were dozens of monitors and computers and even a large window that showed the engine room.

“What is this place?” I whispered to Tisiah. But before he could answer, the door flew open and guards came rushing in.

“There they are!” one of them shouted, and we were surrounded.

“Well this doesn’t look good for us,” I said, as the guards pointed their guns at us. “What do we do now?”

Tisiah looked around and then an idea seemed to pop up in his head.


“You got any water?” Tisiah asked. I shook my head, and he looked around the room until he found a cup. He then went over to one of the computers and unplugged it, before carrying it over to the window.

The guards were still pointing their guns at us, and I could see the confusion in their eyes. They were probably wondering what in the world Tisiah was doing.

“What are you doing?” I asked him, as he placed the computer on windows.

“Electrifying the sky,” he said, as he took the cup of water and poured it over the computer. Then he plugged it back in, and sparks began to fly.

The guards shouted in alarm as they were hit by the sparks, and they began to fall to the ground. I then rushed over to help Tisiah, and we unplugged the computer.