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Spirit Vessel

Chapter 417: Three Different Paths
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The three in black were shocked outside of the pavilion. Their identity was figured out so easily by the enemy. What could they do now? If this matter was exposed, it wouldn’t only end with their death.

They ate some spirit pills in order to recover and got up. Wolong Sheng didn’t care at all and gave them the time to mend.

Beiming Que stared at the two men and said: “If you know we’re from the Beiming Clan, you should also know that you’re in big trouble.”

“Trouble?” Haha, Brother Feng, this guy is still sleepy, right?” Wolong Sheng mocked with his eagle eye. It was sharp like a poisonous blade.

Feiyun poured more cup and smiled back: “I’m actually scared though. Messing with the Beiming Clan might end with our death!”

Beiming Que and Beiming Jing naturally sensed the sarcasm and became even angrier. Someone actually dared to not care for the Beiming Clan at the capital? Such outrageous boldness.

“Who the hell are you two?” Beiming Que asked again.

“It’s fine to let you know.” Wolong Sheng got up and said: “The guy sitting directly from me is the Third Rank Holder of the lower historical list.”

“The demon’s son, Feng Feiyun!” The three became devastated after hearing this and stared at Feiyun. They then retreated and took out their soulbound artifacts.

Feiyun slightly grimaced and thought to himself: ‘This Wolong Sheng is quite calculating, revealing my name so that I will have to kill them. Even if a wisdom master from the Beiming was to calculate this sight, it would be my fault. The Destruction Cave will have nothing to do with this.”

Moreover, he had to kill them. Letting them escape would still bring more trouble.

Wolong Sheng snorted: “Now that you know, tell us your meeting location and I can... grant you a swift death.”

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“What meeting location, what are you talking about?” Beiming Que said.

“Boom!” Sheng gently raised his palm. A huge palm strike descended and pushed down on Beiming Que. He threatened: “Don’t play dumb now. A big shot from your clan wants Ye Xiaoxiang and sent out twelve people to ambush the convent with the help of the Dark Realm. She was captured and you want to help them get into the capital. Where is the meeting location?”

This was a very mysterious mission and was mostly done by experts from the Dark Realm. However, the Beiming Clan still got exposed at this moment.

“Who knows!” Beiming Que clenched his teeth with a determined glint in his eyes. He suddenly self-destructed his dantian. A devastating explosion blew his body and the nearby vicinity.

The suiciding blast of a second-level Heaven’s Mandate was quite powerful. Wolong Sheng, Feng Feiyun, and Xiangcen instantly retreated.

“Bang!” The entire peach mountain quaked continuously with smoke everywhere. All the trees nearby turned into ashes. Four great cracks emanated from the top all the way down to the base of the mountain.

‘Whoosh!” Wolong Sheng flew down with a flash in his one eye: “Not good, Beiming Jing and Hu Ying got away!”

“They won’t make it!” Feiyun floated to the sky with two plumes of fire emerging in his eyes. Two tracing rays shot out.

Beiming Jing and Hu Ying were top heaven-defying geniuses so they both had qi image. They could run and hide their aura but not their qi image.

Plus, they were grievously wounded and couldn’t get that far.

“Got them, to the east.” The flames disappeared and Feiyun activated his Swift Samsara to give chase.

His speed was comparable to a half-step Giant so he instantly disappeared from sight. Xiangcen and Wolong Sheng couldn’t compare to him at all in this regard.

“So fast!” Sheng was shaken. This was indeed the Young Lord of the Feng. The guy didn’t disappoint him at all, worthy of his third-ranked position.

“Boom! Boom!” Two thunderous explosions resounded causing the ground to quake. Countless buildings collapsed. One large street was separated into two halves.

Once Sheng and Xiangcen got there, they found Feiyun standing among the ruins with two gigantic pits nearby.

Xiangcen got next to him. After seeing that he was fine, she asked: “What happened?”

Feiyun replied: “The two of them saw that I caught up and knew they couldn’t get away so they self-destructed. Fortunately, I realized it in time and dodged their desperate attacks.”

“That’s top experts from the Dark Realm and Beiming Clan for you.” Wolong Sheng’s expression became even uglier.

Xiangcen said: “This commotion will attract many experts, we need to leave first.”

The other two nodded in agreement. They turned into faint images before disappearing.

Even though fighting was forbidden at the capital, robbing, killing, and competition always happened. The prodigies didn’t care for the military.

A fight between Heaven’s Mandate experts was too destructive. They could easily destroy an entire area. That’s why the buildings at the capitals were reinforced with a formation to limit the property loss.

Otherwise, two self-destructive experts wouldn’t have just destroyed a street.

“We lost our lead. If they take Ye Xiaoxiang to the clan, no one will be able to save her.” Wolong Sheng tapped his forehead and seemed to be worried.

Feiyun was slightly surprised: “We’re not here tonight to talk about the alliance?”

“The alliance will have to wait. I owe Fairy Ye a favor so I will not let her be captured by the Beming Clan and become a boy to some old scum.” Wolong Sheng said.

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Feiyun was even more taken aback. This brutal man was actually quite emotional. At the very least, he wasn’t one to forget favors.

Xiangcen frowned: “But the four are dead, we don’t know which gate they’ll be bringing her into the capital from.”

Sheng said: “She’s the most famous maestro at the capital right now and many characters at the marquis level are her fans. Even those who want to monopolize her wouldn’t dare to do so openly.”

Feiyun continued: “Half-steps and Giants have too big of an aura. Plus, they are always under watch by other great powers and garner too much attention. Thus, the best way is to have the top youths do it. If things were exposed, they can blame it on a youthful competition and deny everything.”

The three of them were on the same boat right now. If the Feng Clan wanted to form an alliance with Destruction, Feiyun needed to help Wolong Sheng save Ye Xiaoxiang.

After a while, Feiyun said: “When Beiming Que died, Beiming Jing and Hu Ying could have separate and escape for a higher chance at survival. However, they both ran towards the east.”

“Right! People naturally gravitate towards something at a subconscious level. They clearly needed to head east tonight so when they tried to escape, that was their direction.” Xiangcen agreed.

Wolong Sheng nodded: “Very likely. We need to stop them at the east gate.”

Even though the possibility wasn’t great, this was their only way so they need to give it a shot.

Sheng slightly touched his left eye socket. His right eye became even more unyielding. If it wasn’t for Fairy Ye’s song, he would have died five years ago.

Back then, he challenged one of the eight older historical geniuses, Beiming Potian, but lost completely and was blinded in one eye. Potian wanted to kill him then. After all, he was too talented and would be a big threat. Killing him would end this future problem.

But the kind Ye Xiaoxiang coincidentally walked by and felt pity. Thus, she pleaded for the blind man lying in the pool of blood and played her flute for Beiming Potian. Potian agreed to spare Wolong Sheng.

Sheng still remembered it deeply and always cared about Ye Xiaoxiang’s matters. Thus, after finding out that someone from the Beiming Clan wanted to scheme against her, he came without hesitation.

“There are only three paths from Faith Convent to the capital. The first is to borrow the route from the Earth’s End Slave Auction. The second is the canyon by the eastern forest. The third is the ancient road by the Beast Mount Jiluo.”

“Miss Wan, please take a trip to the slave auction. That’s the closest and safest place. Brother Feng, you are the fastest among us so please go to the beast mountain. That’s a dangerous path but they might still pick it.”

“I think the eastern canyon is the most likely path, so I’ll take that one. Let’s go!”

The three leading experts of the young generation picked three different paths and set off.