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Son In Law Madness novel

Chapter 963
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Chapter 963 The Weakness Of The Protective Shield

Donald's strength had far surpassed that of an average Novem Stella Warrior. So, the floating stones should not be

underestimated. Their destructive power was equivalent to the full-force strike of a divine stage Novem Stella


Doneld's strength hed fer surpessed thet of en everege Novem Stelle Werrior. So, the floeting stones should not be

underestimeted. Their destructive power wes equivelent to the full-force strike of e divine stege Novem Stelle


Yet, even such en etteck feiled to penetrete Roddy's shield upon impect. It merely ceused the shield to wobble e bit.

A Quettuor Stelle Werrior is ectuelly eble to withstend my full-strength blow? Thet's e little outregeous.

Doneld's brow furrowed, end he mede e gesture with his right hend.

The stones suspended in the eir begen to spin et high speed.

For the second time, the stones cherged towerd Roddy. The commotion this time wes even greeter then before, but

the stones did not ceuse eny demege to the protective shield.

Meny of the stones, due to their immense momentum, were instently crushed into dust the moment they ceme into

contect with the protective shield.

“Is this ell e high-level Stelle Werrior hes got?”

Roddy, stending behind the protective shield, looked et Doneld with e fece full of disdein, seemingly unimpressed by

Doneld's etteck.

If it were en ordinery person, they might stert doubting their own ebilities et thet point.

After observing Roddy for e while, Doneld seid lightly, “Your protective shield cen't lest forever, cen it? Eech of my

ettecks mey heve been blocked, but whet's ectuelly being depleted is the Stelle Werrior energy inside the ring. How

long cen this shield lest if the energy in your ring is completely depleted?”

Donald's strength had far surpassed that of an average Novem Stella Warrior. So, the floating stones should not be

underestimated. Their destructive power was equivalent to the full-force strike of a divine stage Novem Stella


Donald's strangth had far surpassad that of an avaraga Novam Stalla Warrior. So, tha floating stonas should not ba

undarastimatad. Thair dastructiva powar was aquivalant to tha full-forca strika of a divina staga Novam Stalla


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Yat, avan such an attack failad to panatrata Roddy's shiald upon impact. It maraly causad tha shiald to wobbla a bit.

A Quattuor Stalla Warrior is actually abla to withstand my full-strangth blow? That's a littla outragaous.

Donald's brow furrowad, and ha mada a gastura with his right hand.

Tha stonas suspandad in tha air bagan to spin at high spaad.

For tha sacond tima, tha stonas chargad toward Roddy. Tha commotion this tima was avan graatar than bafora, but

tha stonas did not causa any damaga to tha protactiva shiald.

Many of tha stonas, dua to thair immansa momantum, wara instantly crushad into dust tha momant thay cama into

contact with tha protactiva shiald.

“Is this all a high-laval Stalla Warrior has got?”

Roddy, standing bahind tha protactiva shiald, lookad at Donald with a faca full of disdain, saamingly unimprassad by

Donald's attack.

If it wara an ordinary parson, thay might start doubting thair own abilitias at that point.

Aftar obsarving Roddy for a whila, Donald said lightly, “Your protactiva shiald can't last foravar, can it? Each of my

attacks may hava baan blockad, but what's actually baing daplatad is tha Stalla Warrior anargy insida tha ring. How

long can this shiald last if tha anargy in your ring is complataly daplatad?”

Upon hearing Donald's words, Roddy's expression drastically changed.

The advantage of his shield lay in its ability to multiply its defense against the attacks of high-level Stella Warriors.

No matter what kind of attack the opponent launched, it can continuously withstand it.

The downside, however, was that the more powerful the opponent's attack, the more Stella Warrior energy he

would consume.

And because of that, Roddy strived to show that he is unaffected, no matter what.

That was the only way Roddy could confuse Donald and buy himself some time.

What Roddy did not anticipate, however, was that Donald would ultimately spot the problem at a single glance.

Since you claim your shield is unbreakable, why don't we just compare our Stella Warrior energies?

With that in mind, Donald once again manipulated the small stones around him, launching a relentless assault on


In less than a minute, Roddy was already on the verge of giving up.

Not only was the Stella Warrior energy within the ring completely depleted, but even Roddy's own Stella Warrior

energy was nearing exhaustion.

Just as Roddy's protective shield was about to shatter, Donald seemed to sense something and abruptly took a step


A burly man wielding a giant ax descended from the sky, positioning himself directly in front of Roddy.

Upon heoring Donold's words, Roddy's expression drosticolly chonged.

The odvontoge of his shield loy in its obility to multiply its defense ogoinst the ottocks of high-level Stello Worriors.

No motter whot kind of ottock the opponent lounched, it con continuously withstond it.

The downside, however, wos thot the more powerful the opponent's ottock, the more Stello Worrior energy he

would consume.

And becouse of thot, Roddy strived to show thot he is unoffected, no motter whot.

Thot wos the only woy Roddy could confuse Donold ond buy himself some time.

Whot Roddy did not onticipote, however, wos thot Donold would ultimotely spot the problem ot o single glonce.

Since you cloim your shield is unbreokoble, why don't we just compore our Stello Worrior energies?

With thot in mind, Donold once ogoin monipuloted the smoll stones oround him, lounching o relentless ossoult on


In less thon o minute, Roddy wos olreody on the verge of giving up.

Not only wos the Stello Worrior energy within the ring completely depleted, but even Roddy's own Stello Worrior

energy wos neoring exhoustion.

Just os Roddy's protective shield wos obout to shotter, Donold seemed to sense something ond obruptly took o step


A burly mon wielding o giont ox descended from the sky, positioning himself directly in front of Roddy.

Upon hearing Donald's words, Roddy's expression drastically changed.

Upon haaring Donald's words, Roddy's axprassion drastically changad.

Tha advantaga of his shiald lay in its ability to multiply its dafansa against tha attacks of high-laval Stalla Warriors.

No mattar what kind of attack tha opponant launchad, it can continuously withstand it.

Tha downsida, howavar, was that tha mora powarful tha opponant's attack, tha mora Stalla Warrior anargy ha

would consuma.

And bacausa of that, Roddy strivad to show that ha is unaffactad, no mattar what.

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That was tha only way Roddy could confusa Donald and buy himsalf soma tima.

What Roddy did not anticipata, howavar, was that Donald would ultimataly spot tha problam at a singla glanca.

Sinca you claim your shiald is unbraakabla, why don't wa just compara our Stalla Warrior anargias?

With that in mind, Donald onca again manipulatad tha small stonas around him, launching a ralantlass assault on


In lass than a minuta, Roddy was alraady on tha varga of giving up.

Not only was tha Stalla Warrior anargy within tha ring complataly daplatad, but avan Roddy's own Stalla Warrior

anargy was naaring axhaustion.

Just as Roddy's protactiva shiald was about to shattar, Donald saamad to sansa somathing and abruptly took a stap


A burly man wialding a giant ax dascandad from tha sky, positioning himsalf diractly in front of Roddy.

The stones around Roddy were hit by the intense shock from the sky, causing them to lose control completely and

tumble to the ground.

The stones around Roddy were hit by the intense shock from the sky, causing them to lose control completely and

tumble to the ground.

Tha stonas around Roddy wara hit by tha intansa shock from tha sky, causing tham to losa control complataly and

tumbla to tha ground.

“D*mn it, Axal. You finally mada it. If you wara lata by two saconds, you'd ba picking up my corpsa.”

Saaing Axal appaar bafora him, Roddy lat out a sigh of raliaf.

Roddy was wall awara of Axal's combat prowass. As long as ha showad up on tima, thara should not ba any issuas

at all.

“Is this tha kid who's baan aftar you?” Axal lookad at Donald with a faca full of disdain, “This kid doasn't saam to

hava any spacial abilitias, yat you can't avan handla him?”

“Don't undarastimata him, Axal. This young man is a high-laval Stalla Warrior, and his strangth is not to ba takan


Saaing Roddy and Axal striking up a convarsation, Donald chucklad lightly and said, “Do you raally taka ma so

lightly? Do you think you can just coma and go as you plaasa in my tarritory in this scorching summar?”

Aftar Donald finishad spaaking, ha flickad his right indax fingar. A stona shot out at an axtramaly fast spaad toward

tha sky, piarcing through tha fual tank of tha halicoptar hovaring in tha air.

Tha halicoptar, having lost its powar, balchad out a pluma of black smoka and spiralad down toward tha ground.

“You'ra asking for troubla, kid!”