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Saga of The Night God

Chapter 80 He Is Safe
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The moon shined brightly as the pink-haired woman ran through the jungle, her cute smile lighting up her round face. Her height of 5.3 feet didn't stop her from sprinting with all her might, and her white skin glistened with sweat as she moved.

"He hehe." With each step, she let out a bubbly laugh, enjoying the freedom of the wind in her hair and the pavement beneath her feet. Her bright pink hair bounced with each stride, adding to her overall charm.

As she made her way through the dense foliage, her thoughts turned to her latest accomplishment. "I wonder if Duke will appreciate my gift," she mused, a cruel smirk spreading across her lips. "I made sure to decorate it just like my brother does. But who cares if he likes it or not? James gonna love it if he saw it what his sister has made."

Salena's sly grin widened as she thought about the events of the night. "We didn't get to play with that Nightling," she said, her voice full of sadistic glee. "But I had fun tonight. James and Alex chased after that prince - he was quite handsome too."  She spoke as if sharing a secret with a close friend, her playful and teasing tone only adding to her sinister demeanor. "I wish I could have had the opportunity to make him beg; I'm sure his face would have looked divine." There was a hint of wickedness in her voice as she spoke, revealing her desire to cause harm and suffering. She then let out a sigh, but her intentions remained clear. "Alas, one cannot be too greedy. I must leave something for my companions as well."

Salena made her way through the dense jungle. As she rounded a bend, she caught sight of two figures lying on the ground up ahead. "is that them?" she exclaimed excitedly to herself, picking up her pace.

As she got closer, her excitement turned to confusion, and then to shock as she realized that it wasn't her brother and James on the ground, but instead Alex and a woman she didn't recognize. "Alex? What happened?" she asked, her voice shaking as she knelt down beside her.

Alex groaned and opened her eyes, wincing in pain. "Salena, thank god you're here. It's a long story," she said, struggling to speak up.

Salena's mind was racing as she helped him up. "What do you mean, a long story? Where's my brother?" she asked, trying to keep her voice steady.

She noticed the look of sadness in her eyes. "What's wrong?" she asked, her heart beginning to race. But Alex didn't answer, and instead looked away, her gaze settling on the woman lying on the ground beside them.

But Alex just shook her head, her eyes still fixed on the woman. She said softly. "James is gone."

"where?" Salena said, her eyes filled with worry for her brother.


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As the giant bird soared through the air, the purple-haired woman sat with her legs crossed on its back. She wore a flowing violet dress that matched the hue of her hair, which billowed in the wind like a banner. In her hand, she held a small, glowing crystal that pulsed with a gentle light.

Beside her lay the injured woman, her short white hair matted with blood and sweat. Her muscles bulged under her torn clothing, evidence of the fierce battle she had endured. She was unconscious, her breath shallow and ragged.

The purple-haired woman closed her eyes and began to chant softly, her voice carrying on the wind like a song. The crystal in her hand glowed brighter, casting a soft glow over the injured woman's body.

Slowly, the wounds on the woman's body began to heal, her torn flesh knitting together and her bruises fading. The purple-haired woman poured her magic into the injured woman, her face serene with concentration.

As the spell reached its climax, the injured woman's eyes fluttered open. She gasped, her breath catching in her throat as she sat up, looking around in confusion.

"Where am I?" she asked, her voice hoarse.

"You're safe, Agda." the purple-haired woman said, smiling gently. "I healed you with my magic."

The injured woman looked down at her body, marveling at the lack of scars and bruises. She turned to the purple-haired woman, her eyes wide with wonder.

"your highness," Agda looked shocked and attempted to get up but groaned with pain.

Jiona held her down gently. "take it easy," she said. "You've been through a lot. Just rest for a bit." And she smiled.

"Thank you, your highness," Agda bowed. She caught Jiona's smile and felt her face warm with gratitude, but soon her expression shifted from one of sunrise to one of guilt.

Jiona noticed the change in Agda's expression and concern etched across her features. "Agda, what is it?" Jiona asked, her tone laced with worry.

Agda's eyes filled with tears as she struggled to speak. "Your highness, I have failed you. I was tasked with protecting your child, and I failed in my duty. I am sorry," Agda said, her voice choked with emotion.

As the words left her lips, Jiona felt a weight lift from her shoulders, but her voice held a hint of sadness. She smiled at Agda through her tears, trying to reassure her. "Don't worry about him. He is safe now," Jiona said, her tone gentle and comforting.

Agda's eyes widened with surprise at the news. "The prince is safe? Where is he?" she asked eagerly.

Jiona took a deep breath, her expression pensive. "He is somewhere far away from this kingdom," Jiona said, her voice trailing off slightly. She knew it was for the best, but it still pained her to be separated from her child.

Agda's face fell slightly at the news, but she quickly regained her composure. "As long as he is safe, that's all that matters," Agda said, her voice filled with conviction. She trusted Jiona's judgment and knew that whatever decision she had made was for the good of her child.

"Would you like to go meet him and act as his protector once again?" Jiona asked, seeing the sadness in Agda's eyes.

Agda's face lit up at the suggestion, and she nodded eagerly. "Yes, your highness. I would be honored to protect your child once more," Agda said, her voice full of determination.

Jiona smiled, her heart swelling with gratitude for Agda's loyalty and dedication. "Thank you, Agda. then I will send you there, but take care of your family matters before that." Jiona said, her voice warm with appreciation.

Agda nodded with sad face and remembered she remembered what her husband had done without her permission - he had arranged their son's marriage without telling her. She knew she needed to take care of her this before she could leave to protect prince again.

The giant bird continued its flight, carrying the two women towards their destination. Agda felt a renewed sense of purpose and determination, knowing that she would soon be reunited with the prince and that she had a chance to make up for her previous failure.

Jiona, on the other hand, felt a sense of trepidation at the thought of being separated from her child once again. But she knew that it was necessary for his safety, and she trusted Agda to protect him with her life.

As the two women traveled towards their destination, they both felt a sense of hope and determination, knowing that they had each other's support and that they would do whatever it takes to keep their kingdom safe.


The darkness of the room was suffocating, with not even a sliver of light penetrating the thick walls. The air was musty and stale, almost suffocating the child, who was trapped in a small cage in the center of the room. His hands and feet were shackled with iron chains, preventing him from moving more than a few inches in any direction.

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The child was disoriented and scared, his mind racing with questions about where he was and how he had ended up in this situation. He could feel the cold metal of the chains digging into his skin, causing pain and discomfort with every movement.

He strained his eyes, trying to make out any details in the darkness. But all he could see was the faint outline of his own body, caged in by the unforgiving metal bars.

His heart pounded in his chest as he realized he was completely alone, with no way out of this nightmare. He tried to call out for help, but his voice was hoarse and weak from hours of screaming.

After hours of screaming, there was not much power left in his small body, so he lay curled up on the floor of the cage.

The Child's eyes were closed, but he was not sleeping. He was lost in thought, his mind racing with repated questions and fears. How had he ended up in this place? Who had put him here? And most importantly, how was he going to get out?

Suddenly, he heard footsteps outside the cage, and he looked up to see a figure moving towards him. The figure was shrouded in darkness, but the child could make out the glint of steel in its hand.

"Who are you?" the child asked, his voice barely more than a whisper.

The figure did not answer, but instead reached out and unlocked the cage door. He tried to move, but his shackles were too heavy, and he could barely lift his arms.

The figure stepped into the cage and lifted the child to his feet. "Can you walk?" it asked.

Barely, the child thought, but he nodded nonetheless. The figure led him out of the cage and into the darkness beyond.

The child stumbled along behind the figure, his feet barely able to lift themselves off the ground. He had no idea where he was or where he was going, but he knew one thing for certain: he had to get out of this place, no matter what it happens.

As they made their way through the darkness, the child began to see glimpses of other figures moving around them. They were all shrouded in darkness, their faces hidden from view.

The child began to feel a sense of unease as he realized that they were in a large room filled with people. But it wasn't until they reached the end of the room that he saw what was truly happening.

An auctioneer was standing on a raised platform, calling out bids. However, what filled the child with fear was the item being sold: humans. The child's heart sank as he came to the realization that the reason he had been brought there was to be sold off as a slave.