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Saga of The Night God

Chapter 137 Cute Erwin
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This was Erwin's third week as a slave. He had now about two months and one week to get his freedom back. To do that, he was looking at random items from the system he got in the last three weeks. He was already using the pitiful Plushie, Wretched Heart Pendant, and ring of mana he got last week. but not every item he got was great as them he also got some other useless items like this one.

[Sock of Sockiness (grade:- trash) : This sock possesses a peculiar enchantment that makes it perpetually sticky and prone to sticking to everything it comes into contact with.]

This is the most useless item Erwin had got from the system. He stared at the Sock of Sockiness in disbelief. "What am I supposed to do with this sticky disaster?" Erwin thought, how can it be any use of him? Then he thought about selling it for some fortune and readied a sales pitch. "Introducing the Sock of Sockiness! It sticks to everything like a clingy ex. Just be careful where you step, or you'll find yourself in a sticky situation."


[Boomerang of Absurdity: When thrown, it takes on unpredictable paths, seemingly having a mind of its own. Instead of returning directly to the player, it embarks on a whimsical journey, bouncing off various objects and occasionally even the player's own head. However, against all odds, there exists a minute 0.01% chance of a happening a miracle]

Erwin held the Boomerang of Absurdity, perplexed yet amused. "This boomerang is a true rebel," he chuckled. "Well, at least there's a slim 0.01% chance it might miraculously obey the laws of physics. Fingers crossed!"


He also got some good items, like the one Erwin is looking at, an exquisitely crafted buttplug, shimmering with a faint glow that shifts between shades of silver and violet. Its surface is smooth and seamless, with intricate patterns etched along its length, reminiscent of ancient arcane symbols.

[Item :- Dominance Nullifier(platinum) :- A Sex toy used to punish and train slaves.

The person wearing this plug will lose his/her powers and will be weaker than the host. 

Requirements:- The person has to willingly put that plug in her butt.

Durations : 1 hour (Reset : 7 Days)]

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He mused with a sly grin. "Wear this, and you'll be weaker than the person hosting your behind. It's like a power trip."


[Item: Jinxed jellybeans(Golden): Every jellybean come with a different type of jinx. On consuming the person, will unleash a random and unpredictable jinx that affects them or their surroundings. The nature of the jinx can range from falling amusingly to dying.] 

Erwin had in about three jinxed jellybeans, along with one strength pill, two dexterity pills, and one stamina pill. To further enhance his personal power, he had also used two marrow cleansing potions he got from Valara. Using them, his abilities had significantly improved over the past week.

[Host status]

[Name :- Erwin Nightrage

Race :- human-Nightling hybrid

Level:- first circled mage

Sexual Preference :- Females

Mana points :- 576

Strength :- 5

Dexterity :- 7

Stamina :- 13


Charm:- 13

Beauty:- 18

wealth:-  6 Gold coins

Social status:- slave (lowest possible) ]

[Attribute point:- 10]

Over the course of the week, Erwin dedicated time to honing his spell-casting skills and delving into the vast knowledge of this world within library tomes. he also shared the two of the extra marrow cleansing potions with Kael, who, in return, taught Erwin a new spell called Shadow Step. This intriguing spell involved creating a mana circle beneath one's feet, allowing the caster to step into thin air with a touch of magic.

Throughout his endeavors and magical pursuits, Erwin couldn't help but notice the absence of some sex. The women he encountered seemed to be disappeared from the world. except Valara, who seemed as unapproachable as an ice sculpture. His hopes for a passionate encounter dwindled. Nevertheless, Erwin remained determined, knowing that patience and opportunity often go hand in hand.

And today that opportunity has arrived as his slave master Adelaide. Erwin's anticipation soared as he made his way to Adelaide's office. She returned to the academy last night and had summoned Erwin to meet her in the noon. And seeing the sun at the top of his head, with a wide smile on his face and a noticeable bulge in his pants, Erwin made his way toward her office.

Erwin's frustration grew with each passing day. He had never gone a whole week without experiencing the pleasure of an orgasm. In his previous world, he had freely indulged in his desires, satisfying himself on a daily basis. However, the system's restrictions had forced him to suppress his urges, leaving him pent up and eager for release. As he approached the meeting with Adelaide, he couldn't help but show the excitement with the bulge in his pants.

As Erwin reached Adelaide's office, he spotted Valara standing outside, clutching a stack of papers. Sensing his presence, she glanced at him with her icy gaze and offered a curt nod. 'Cold as always,'

Erwin thought, finding her demeanor as chilly as ever. Undeterred, he mustered a friendly smile and closed the distance between them. "Is professor inside?" he asked.

"Yeah," the assistant replied, glancing at the paper in her hands. "But she's currently in a meeting with some guests, so you'll have to wait a bit before you can see her."

Erwin nodded understandingly, his smile unwavering. "No problem at all. but who is she meeting?"

"You can go in and see them yourself," Valara said, her tone indicating her disinterest in further conversation.

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However, Erwin failed to pick up on her cue and continued speaking. "I really appreciate you making those potions for me. They've been a tremendous help."

"Likewise," Valara replied, her lack of enthusiasm evident as she didn't even bother to look at him.

Erwin's enthusiasm remained undiminished despite Valara's lackluster response. Ignoring her disinterest, he pressed on with his thoughts, inwardly chuckling. 'Ah, Valara, always the epitome of warmth and excitement,' 

With a casual shrug, Erwin shifted his attention back to the office. 'Well, I guess I'll just have to wait.' he thought, a mischievous glimmer in his eyes. His mind began to wander, imagining all sorts of unconventional scenarios that could unfold.

Erwin's thoughts were interrupted as the door to Adelaide's office swung open, revealing the slave master herself standing in the doorway. "Erwin, come in," she beckoned with a slight smile.

Erwin's excitement surged as he eagerly stepped inside, his eyes scanning the room for any hints of the mysterious guests. The office was tastefully decorated, adorned with elegant furniture and shelves lined with books and artifacts. As he approached Adelaide's desk, his gaze shifted to the corner of the room, where a figure stood, partially obscured by shadows.

He couldn't help but be intrigued by the presence of this enigmatic person. Her attire was striking, a dark blue dress that hugged her curves, complemented by a wide-brimmed hat of the same color. The hat concealed her face, leaving only her luscious red lips visible, adorned with a beauty mark beneath her chin.

Erwin's curiosity piqued as he observed the mysterious woman. His gaze lingered on her, trying to decipher her hidden allure. Sensing his interest, Adelaide smiled knowingly and introduced her.

Erwin's eyes widened with a mixture of shock and excitement as Adelaide introduced the woman before him. "Erwin, allow me to introduce you to Professor Ryat," Adelaide said, her voice filled with respect. "She is a renowned mage and a close friend of mine, as well as the principal of Vasmorth Academy."

Erwin's heart raced with anticipation as he looked at Professor Ryat. Her reputation preceded her, and he had heard countless tales of her incredible magical prowess during his time at the academy. She was known as the most powerful magician in the world, and now, he stood in her presence.

As Erwin's gaze lingered on Professor Ryat, he couldn't help but wonder about the extent of her powers. Rumors had spread throughout the academy about her extraordinary abilities, with tales of her manipulating the very fabric of reality and summoning majestic elemental creatures.

It was said that Professor Ryat possessed a deep connection to the arcane arts, tapping into the raw energy of the cosmos itself. Her spells were known to be awe-inspiring, capable of reshaping landscapes, controlling time, and even altering the fates of individuals.

Legends spoke of her casting spells so potent that they shook the foundations of the magical realm, leaving her adversaries helpless in the face of her might. Erwin had heard stories of entire armies being decimated by her single incantation, and even the most seasoned mages being left in awe of her prowess.

Yet, despite her incredible power, Professor Ryat remained an enigma to many. She rarely appeared in public, preferring the solitude of her research and the mysteries of the arcane. Her presence alone was enough to command respect and admiration from anyone who crossed her path.

As the conversation continued, the woman in question gracefully stood up from her seat and approached Erwin with an air of elegance. Every step she took seemed to exude confidence and grace, drawing Erwin's attention even more. Her movements were fluid, like a dancer in perfect harmony with her surroundings.

As she neared him, Erwin's heart skipped a beat, and he couldn't help but notice her captivating beauty. With each passing moment, the mysterious woman's features came into view from under the brim of her hat. Her eyes, a mesmerizing shade of emerald green, sparkled with a hint of mischief, reflecting the depths of her wisdom and power.

"He is even more adorable than you described," she remarked, a playful smile dancing on her lips as her gaze lingered upon Erwin.