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Saga of The Night God

Chapter 131 The Rich Kid
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"Heh heh." Erwin gasped for breath, crouching behind the colossal boulder, seeking refuge from the creature standing just beyond it. The massive being reclined near a petite tree, creating a tense standoff.

"this shitter...." Erwin muttered under his breath, his eyes fixated on the colossal creature guarding near the tree. His frustration grew as he caught a glimpse of the tree beyond, adorned with precious fruits the size of marbles. They glimmered with a pristine white hue, their radiant exteriors reflecting the surrounding light.

The mystical fruit known as Virellanths held within its extraordinary properties, capable of permanently augmenting an individual's vitality. Moreover, when carefully incorporated into the creation of a potent potion, it possessed the remarkable ability to cleanse one's marrow. 

Erwin, guided by the system's rewards, had undergone the marrow cleansing process before, blissfully unaware of its true complexity, until Kael shed light upon the matter. Marrow cleansing was not a onetime event; instead, it became a necessity for mana users, be they mages or knights, as their connection to mana introduced impurities into their bodies over time. Through the intricate ritual of marrow cleansing, these impurities were expelled, resulting in a purified essence and an expanded capacity to hold mana.

Erwin, ever the inquisitive mind, had taken the time to calculate and estimate the typical mana capacity of a first-circle mage. His calculations pointed to an average of approximately 800 MP worth of mana that a mage could harness. However, Kael, sharing his profound insights, revealed that extraordinary individuals, those gifted with rare talents or those who had undergone specific enhancements, could transcend these limitations.

They had the potential to elevate their mana capacity to exceptional heights, reaching the realms of 900 MP, or even breaking the boundaries and achieving an awe-inspiring 1000 MP. Some increase this by marrow cleansing, and some are born with it.

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Now presented with the opportunity to undergo the marrow cleansing process once again, Erwin was determined not to let this chance slip away. The fear of confronting the monstrous guardian known as Embermaw, coupled with its unparalleled strength, had prevented him from attempting to acquire the necessary ingredients by means of theft. Embermaw was an extraordinary creature, a fearsome amalgamation of shadow and flame, its towering figure casting an ominous shadow upon Erwin. Its eyes burned with a malevolent gleam, seemingly daring anyone to challenge its dominance.

Erwin's heart pounded in his chest as he contemplated his options. He knew he couldn't afford to face Embermaw head-on. The creature's power surpassed anything he had ever encountered before, and a direct confrontation would likely end in his demise. But the allure of the Virellanths and the potential to expand his mana capacity beckoned him forward.

Taking a deep breath, Erwin steadied himself and assessed the situation. He needed a plan, a way to outsmart Embermaw and claim the precious fruits without provoking the guardian's wrath. His mind raced through various strategies, searching for a viable solution.

Seeing the colossal creature resting beneath the shadow of the boulder, Erwin's eyes widened with both awe and trepidation. He knew that to defeat Embermaw, he had to target its core—a mesmerizing red crystal engulfed in flames. It was the source of the creature's power, and breaking it was the key to its demise. However, Erwin's heart sank as he realized he had no weapon or means to even scratch the surface of the formidable core.

Erwin gazed at the fiery essence emanating from Embermaw, realizing that employing a fireball spell against a creature so closely tied to the element would be futile. He needed to rethink his approach, searching for an alternative strategy to overcome the fearsome guardian.


Two teenage boys ventured deep into the jungle, their expressions revealing contrasting emotions. The blond-haired boy, Aston, appeared visibly agitated, his brows furrowed in frustration. On the other hand, the brown-haired boy, Dreves, seemed apprehensive, glancing nervously at the dense foliage surrounding them.

As they continued their clandestine journey, Dreves finally gathered the courage to voice his concerns, his voice tinged with unease. "Aston, I don't think he showed up today. Perhaps we should turn back. We can always find another opportunity to have fun with him."

Aston's frustration simmered beneath the surface, his anger palpable. He glared at Dreves, his voice laden with anger. "Dreves, do you want me to take my anger out on you?"

Dreves recoiled slightly, taken aback by Aston's sudden outburst. He raised his hands in a placating gesture, desperately seeking to defuse the tension. "No, Aston, I didn't mean it like that. I just think it's better to be cautious and not let our anger get the best of us."

"Don't mess with me and just follow me if you want to, or get lost and don't come back to me," Aston asserted, his voice filled with aggression, as he scanned the surroundings for his intended target to assert his dominance.

"This rich son of a bitch," Dreves muttered under his breath, his eyes locked on Aston's back. Anger and frustration intertwined within him, threatening to boil over. Despite his seething resentment, Dreves begrudgingly made the decision to follow Aston, understanding that challenging him in that moment would only worsen matters. He took a deep breath, willing himself to maintain composure.

As Dreves forced a smile onto his lips, his anger slowly morphed into a facade of friendliness. He altered his tone, adopting a flattering demeanor to keep the peace. "I didn't mean to burden you with my presence, Aston. I know I can be a bit of a downer at times."

Aston glanced back momentarily, a smug satisfaction gleaming in his eyes. He relished Dreves's attempt to appease him, even though it reeked of insincerity. "Just remember your place, Dreves," Aston remarked, his tone dripping with condescension. He looked down on his subordinate, reveling in the power dynamic that granted him authority. Dreves seethed with anger, resenting Aston's superiority, but he knew better than to challenge him openly.

Aston's position of influence within the academy was undeniable. As the nephew of the vice principal and the future spouse of his daughter, he occupied a privileged place within the hierarchy. Both his mother and his father held esteemed professorial positions, further bolstering his status among the students.

The weight of Aston's social standing loomed over Dreves, stifling any rebellious thoughts that dared to surface. The unfair power pyramid within the academy solidified Aston's dominance, making it nearly impossible for Dreves to stand against him openly.

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However, deep down, it was widely recognized within the academy that Aston was merely a leech, leveraging the power of his privileged blood connections to hold sway over others. This reputation had spread throughout the institution, creating an undercurrent of discontent among the students. Today, Aston's frustration peaked when he witnessed his fiancée engaging in conversation with another guy. Anger surged within him, and he sought an outlet to vent his rage. Unfortunately for Aston, the person he happened upon was not someone he could take out his frustrations on without facing consequences, unlike the subordinate he intended to confront.

Aston's reliance on his family's influence and his sense of entitlement had earned him a reputation as a manipulator and opportunist. Many saw through his façade, recognizing that his power was rooted in nepotism rather than personal merit. This knowledge further fueled the simmering discontent among the student body, fostering a desire for change and accountability.

As Aston's anger intensified, he yearned to redirect his pent-up aggression towards the guy who caught his fiancée's attention. However, he soon realized that confronting this individual would not be without repercussions. Unlike the power dynamics he effortlessly wielded within the academy's hierarchy, he understood that provoking someone outside of his privileged circle could result in unforeseen consequences.

Aston's frustration and sense of powerlessness collided within him, exacerbating his internal turmoil. The veneer of control he had carefully crafted began to crack, revealing his vulnerability and insecurity. He grappled with the knowledge that his power had limits, and his actions carried consequences that he was not always prepared to face.

"Aston, he's right there!" Dreves shouted, his eyes fixated on the boy standing atop the towering boulder.

Aston turned his gaze towards the direction indicated by Dreves, his curiosity piqued. He followed the gesture of Dreves' outstretched arm and spotted the solitary figure perched upon the giant boulder, his posture exuding a mixture of apprehension and fear. Aston's brow furrowed in confusion as he struggled to comprehend the situation unfolding before him.

"What on earth is he doing up there?" Aston questioned, his voice laced with bewilderment. He couldn't fathom why someone would willingly position themselves in such a precarious location, seemingly fixated on something below.

Dreves shrugged, mirroring Aston's confusion. "I have no idea. Maybe he's trying to get a better view or... I don't know, maybe he's afraid of something down there? Or..." His voice trailed off, filled with a somber realization. "Perhaps he wants to end his life."

Aston's face contorted into an angry smile, a mix of frustration and disdain evident in his expression. He took determined strides towards the boy on the boulder, his voice carrying an undercurrent of anger as he spoke. "If he wants to die, then he should come to me. Why end his life without even experiencing anything? If he thinks his life is that worthless, then let's show him how much it would mean to me.....let's do it by unleashing my frustrations on him."

Dreves was taken aback by Aston's callous statement, his shock evident in his widened eyes. He stood frozen, unable to find the right words to challenge his companion's malicious intent. Deep down, he harbored a mixture of anger and disappointment towards Aston, recognizing the darkness that resided within him. While his mind silently cursed Aston's cruelty, Dreves couldn't help but shift his focus towards the troubled boy on the boulder.

"I'm sorry, kid," Dreves whispered softly to himself, his voice filled with regret. "I wish I could save you."