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Chapter 199 Revolt
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Chapter 199 Revolt

Agusto's face looks grave.

"Give me all the information about that man, Ronald! Arrange an emergency conference with the generals and police chief! How can they easily assault the city?! Where is Viel? Did he already made an action?"

"Sir, most hyperbeings in that city are deployed to help clear the broken worlds, and Viel is not in the headquarters. Vice President Owen is preparing and will lead the suppression of rebellion himself," said Riv.

Agusto is frowning when he heard Riv.

"They knew that the city is lacking hyperbeings. They have an insider," said Agusto.

"Is this another attack of the families? If my suspicion is right, then the situation is grave. Is my country going to be tattered with wars as well?" thought Agusto as he grits his teeth and grips his fists.

The phone holds by Sectary Riv rings.

"Sir, Swordsman is calling," said Riv.

"Yeah, how could I forget that man?!" thought Agusto as he quickly answered the phone.

Edgar only gave a simple sentence.

"Leave it to me."

Agusto seems relieved to hear a calm message.

In the city that Ronald and his group attacked, there is still some sporadic fighting going on.

In a street, there are dead bodies that belong to rebels.

Two teens are fighting arm men and hyperbeings. They are heavily panting as blood is dripping from their mouths. Their bodies have various degrees of injuries.

Fifty meters away from them, there is a female teen running away holding a one-year-old kid. Tears are flowing from her eyes as her mouth trembles. She keeps wiping the tears that flow from her eyes as she moves closer to the crowd that is running away. She looks behind her.

"Batlan, you idiot. No one told you to be a hero. I told myself not to get involved with idiots, but I knew that at times like this, you will never leave people behind. I knew, so I accepted you," thought Ana as more tears flow from her eyes, then she looks at the kid in her arms.

"Remember the name of the man that saved you," said Ana.

More armed men arrived in the street. They tried to bypass Batlan and the other teen named Robin.

The arms of Batlan are clad with yellow armor made up of earth element. He opens his right palm, then earth starts to gather and form an earthen ball. He crumbled the ball and threw the debris to the arm men.

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"Ahhh!" screamed the arm men.

Batlan chuckles.

"You have to kill us first before you can chase them."

"Hahahaha, he is right! Hell! We suffered a lot just to let them escape. How can we allow you scums to bypass us easily?" said Robin as he pointed his two index fingers at the arm men trying to bypass near him.


A barrage of small fireballs came out of the magic circles and attacked the men.

"Pay for your insolence BASTARD!" shouted a hyperbeing named Imani. He slashed his claw behind Robin.

Robin jumped forward with a backflip. His head is facing the ground as he points his right index finger at Imani while the other finger keeps firing at the arm men.

The small fireballs hit Imani's beastman's body, a half-gray wolf. The attack can't penetrate his aura.

Imani chuckles as threads of wind move to his right hand.

He dashed and said,"Boy, that tickl-"

"Ahhh!" screamed Imani as a larger fireball suddenly attacked his body and blew him away.

Robin is falling from the air. Magic circles appear on his feet that are already facing the ground. He raises his feet closer to his body as he raises his right hand. Fire covers his right fist.


Jets came out of the magic circles and rapidly pushed Robin, then he struck his right fist at Imani's face.

Meanwhile, a hyperbeing named Mazi rushed to Batlan with his hammer.

"Die boy!" Shouted Mazi as he swings his hammer.

Batlan swings his left armored arm at the hammer.

Mazi smirked, he stopped the hammer midway.

Batlan is shocked. He can't stop his attack and he loses balance.

Mazi rotates his waist, then swings his hammer with his right hand.

Batlan raised his right arm.

Boom! The right arm blocked the attack, but it is pushed to his body and blew him to his back.

Meanwhile, Imani is pushed to the ground. His body rolled, then he stabbed his claws to the ground.

Robin is panting heavily as he lands on the ground, then he follows Imani.

Imani looks fiercely at Robin.

Boom! The ground cracked as he dashed forward.

The fire that covers the right fist of Robin keeps getting bigger as he runs. He stepped his left foot, but it suddenly feels weak.

"Shit," thought Robin

Imani grins as he slashes his claw at Robin's head.

Robin moved down his upper body and dodged the attack, but Imani's right foot suddenly kicked him.

Boom! Robin crossed his arms, but he is kicked to the side. He is caught by Batlan.

"Thanks," said Robin, then he chuckled.

"I am almost out of gas. How about you?" asked Robin.

Batlan also chuckles.

"I might last a little longer than you."

"Before I go down, I will bring that wolfman with me. I am Robin, by the way."

"I am Batlan. You can just call me Bat."

"Hahahaha I am Robin, and you are Bat. It's a strange twist of events," said Robin, then he looks at the approaching hyperbeings and arm men.

"It's nice fighting with you, Bat."

In a building, thirty meters away from the edge of the city, Ronald is watching the news on TV as he drinks beer.

"Hahahaha, Agusto was probably not expecting that we could use his cooperation with the families for his downfall. Even I cannot think of it. Those men are really good. They can twist facts for their own plans," said Ronald.

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"Boss,are we going to rule the city?" asked Ola, the subordinate of Roland.

"No, that is idiotic and suicidal. High-level hyperbeings are definitely on their way here. Our purpose is to declare about us and plant a seed of doubt among the citizens, then we just need to make my statement true by deliberately committing crimes once Agusto won the election," said Ronald with a big grin.

"Hahahaha Boss, with the support of those men, you can definitely rule this country, or at least like Poison Lord, who is like a king of a particular land!" said Ola.

Ronald laughs and says,"Of course! Why else am I working hard for them? Tell the others to get ready. Move to the tunnels we prepared. The area around the city is definitely already guarded."

"Boss, they want to have a little fun. They weren't able to do it since their gangs are destroyed by vigilantes," said Ola.

"Damn idiots! Tell them to make it fast and make sure not to leave evidence to avoid destroying the plan of planting a crime for the government. We must look like good guys while the government is evil," said Ronald.

"Is there such a plan, Boss?" asked Ola.

"Of course. How else can we secretly make tunnels and know the situation of the city? An official will commit the crime. It will be recorded with a video. The government will pin that crime on us. Once there is enough heat about that news, that video will be detonated. It will look like the government committed henious crime to make us look evil," said Ronald.

"What?! Is there a man willing to do that?" asked Ola with shock.

"Hahahaha that man will do it! Once the news detonates, he will upload a video of his confession that the government ordered him to commit the crime, then he will orchestrate his suicide. Someone will help him prove his DNA, then he will live in another country with a new identity and enjoys wealth he can never think of before," said Ronald with a chuckle.

On top of a building, a man wearing a sleeve is smoking as he looks at the city. The terrorists spread and look for the remaining citizens. Some are already trying to force themselves into the houses as they laugh.

The man named Daniel chuckles.

"Damn Savages."

His phone rings.

"M-Mr. Daniel, w-where are you?" asked a woman on the other line.

"Don't worry, I'm on my way. No one can hurt you and your children," said Daniel.

"T-Thank you," said the woman, then Daniel ended the call.

"Except me," said Daniel with a big grin. His face looks hideous as he turns to his back and moves to the room of the woman and her children.

At the edge of the city, Edgar is floating in the air as he holds a two-meter fire bow. He raises the bow and pulls the string,then threads of fire rotate and form a giant fire arrow.

An eight-meter-tall magic circle appears in front of the bow,then threads of white aura rotate and gather at the tip of the arrow.


Edgar shot the giant fire arrow with intense murder in his eyes.