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SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar-Novel

Chapter 385 Private Audience [Pt 2]
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A large curtain covered a large portion of the room, allowing only silhouettes of what was behind it to be visible.

But, even seeing the shadow structures was enough for me to recognize what was going on.

I was currently in the Queen’s bathing area—at least one of them.

A Hot Spring.

And, behind the thin curtain that separated me from the pool of water beyond was the Elf Queen herself.

“Welcome, Jared Leonard. Please… give me a moment.”


Why were Elves like this? This was something very inappropriate. Didn’t they realize this?

‘I’m a delegate, you know? Shouldn’t you have some common sense, Freya?’

I knew that there was no way to see through the curtain, no matter how thin the layer was.

It must have been fortified by the highest kind of Magic—or at least very close.

Even if I tried to see through it, I would have to use incredibly strong Magic.

There was no way the Queen wouldn’t be able to sense my intentions. Who knew what would happen then

‘Should I risk it…?’

It wouldn’t be my first time seeing Aurora naked, but… she had advanced in age. She was much larger now than in the past—in more ways than one.

As I contemplated what to do, a certain Elf’s words came ringing in my ears.

“Don’t do anything stupid!”

‘Ah, so this is what she meant.’ I sighed, wondering why Freya would think I was that sort of person.

A respectable delegate like me wouldn’t actually stoop so low. At the very least, I never gave off that impression.

‘If anything, it’s their fault. Why would they set up a meeting here?’

I rolled my eyes and began scanning the room.

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It was furnished with polished stones, and the atmosphere gave off a warm feeling that relaxed my muscles.

Seats were present, despite it being a Hot Spring, but I decided to remain standing.

Mana Gems served as light sources, and they filled the room in their glow.


I heard the water stir, and watched from the curtain that a certain silhouette was emerging from the large pool beyond.

“Haaa…” The sound of the Queen came forth.

‘Let’s not do anything implicating.’

Even though I was seeing nothing, my deductive analysis allowed me to make much meaning from the mere sight of a shadow.

As a result, if I kept looking, I would be doing something shameful.

Turning my back from the curtain, I waited for the Queen to ready herself entirely.

My heart beat fast and the heat seemed to be rising. I heard splashing footsteps, and then the curtain parted.

A stronger floral scent overpowered my nose, and the heat that accompanied it nearly made me feel dizzy.

‘Urgh!’ As I still recovered from the recoil, someone approached me.

It was none other than…

“I apologize for keeping you waiting, Jared Leonard.”

… The Queen herself.




I heard splatters of water on the ground. Her Majesty was still wet, at least that was what I surmised.

It pained me to have shameful thoughts, but there was something about Elves that seemed provocative.

‘Haa, Jared calm down.’

Since it would be rude to show my back for too long, I turned to face her.

Aurora was covered in a lire white robe, completely covering any seductive part of her body.

Still, as I surmised, her face and body had water oozing from them. Her hair was wrapped in a towel, so it was absorbing the water quite well.

“I-it was no problem, my Queen.” I forcefully opened my mouth to utter words.

“Is that so?”

Aurora was smiling at me with a faint smile. I recognized that look.

‘What is she up to?’

“Well, I need to change first. Please follow me to my room.”

‘Ngh!’ I nearly clutched my chest.

This Elf was pushing it.

‘Deep breaths, Jared.’

“If that is what you wish, your Majesty.”

“Haha, alright then.” She laughed heartily, and then, after wearing her slippers, we both took another door by the side and began moving to her room.

It was a silent walk.

I made sure to maintain my distance and keep my gaze low.

“So, what did you think about my earlier match with Serah Crimson?”

‘Ah, I knew you’d ask this Aurora!’ Which was why… I had already prepared well.

In my mind, I readied one of my powerful moves. It was a technique many knew, but not a lot could execute well.

The Sacred art of ass-kissing.

“I believe your Majesty would have won if the match dragged out even further. Utilizing more Transcendental Level Magic would have been to your advantage since there’s no way Serah would be able to launch two of those attacks at the same time.”

While she was still recoiling, Aurora could simply utilize the Staff Of Ages to launch more attacks.

“Hoho, is that so?” The Elf Queen laughed slightly.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

‘You’re still so childish. To think hearing someone praise you would make you happy like that.’ I almost rolled my eyes at the woman, but controlled myself.

“But, wouldn’t you say it’s unfair to use a Magic Item against someone without one? That doesn’t make the match even.”

‘Ah, she’s trying to find a hole in my praise.’ It was too bad for her that I was already well prepared for this outcome.

“According to what I heard, Serah Crimson doesn’t utilize any Magic Tool. Perhaps her body is already enough for her. I don’t know too much about the Elven heritage, but Spirit weapons could also be considered a part of an Elf. In that sense, the Queen wasn’t unfair in using your staff.”

“Huhu, is that so? You also learned that from Lewis Griffith’s Memoirs?” Aurora smiled.

“Indeed, your Majesty.”

“Very well. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.”

Afterward, we walked to her room.

I insisted on waiting outside until she fully changed, and fortunately, Aurora agreed.

Then, after a while, she appeared with a splendid gown befitting her status.

Once again, we walked down the hallway and found ourselves in a lounge.

It was still within the private residence of the Queen, and according to her, it was only for the most special of guests.

Judging by how luxurious it was, I knew it had to be true.

In my past life, I never got to see something like this, after all.

“Do you know why I called to see you?” Aurora asked with a smile.

With the snap of her fingers, teacups, cookies, and a teapot appeared.

We sat opposite each other and helped ourselves to a cup each.

“Not at all, your Majesty. However, I too have something I want to ask you.”

It had been bugging me ever since entered the Elf Kingdom, but I was always removing my mind from the thought.

However, after seeing Aurora, there was no way I could resist the question any longer!

‘What happened to your sister, Emilia?’


This begins the flashback into Lewis Griffith’s past

I certainly hope you enjoy the story. Many will see a different side of the MC, and I certainly hope you learn to appreciate him more.

Don’t worry… it doesn’t take too long.

Let us begin!