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SPELLCRAFT: Reincarnation Of A Magic Scholar

Chapter 946: Dungeon Break [Pt 2]
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The air in Busan was thick with tension as the Gateway, a swirling vortex of otherworldly energy, crackled with an eerie luminescence.

Emerging from its depth were a torrent of nightmarish creatures, their grotesque forms silhouetted against the fading sunlight.

"Grand Orcs..." These were the strongest kind of Orcs recorded in the Hunter database, and there were hundreds pouring out of the Gate without pause.

The Busan Hunters, elite in their own right, still considered their inadequacy as they stood their ground against the emerging monsters.

As the guardians of their city, they couldn't let up now.

"CHAAAARRRGGEEEEEE!!!" The roaring echoes of their Commander's voice instantly resonated within them, and they all sprang into action, their faces etched with determination but tinged with trepidation.


Their first barrage, filled with the full force of the defensive line drawn by the Hunters, ultimately ended in failure.

"Damnit..." The Commander groaned at himself.

Commander Lee, a Veteran A Class Hunter, with grizzled features and a commanding presence, surveyed the chaos unfolding before him.

His heart sank as he witnessed his comrades, armed with an array of unique abilities and advanced gears, being ruthlessly overpowered by the overwhelming horde of monsters.

The ground shook beneath the weight of their advance, and the once vibrant cityscape of Busan now resembled a war-torn wasteland.

Without hesitation, Commander Lee barked out orders, his voice cutting through the cacophony of battle.

"Form defensive lines! Hold the line at all costs! We cannot let these abominations overrun us!"

The Hunters, battered and bruised, rallied around their leader, summoning their last reserves of strength.

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The commander's eyes flickered with a mix of apprehension and determination as he unsheathed his gleaming sword. With each swing, he carved a path through the grotesque horde, his movements fluid and calculated.

His combat skills were honed through years of experience, but the sheer magnitude of the onslaught threatened to overwhelm even his formidable prowess.

"Skill Activation: <Full Burst!>

Instantly, his whole body was shrouded in misty white light. His eyes glowed brightly, and every aspect of himself intensified in power.

With this, perhaps he would stand a chance...


A monstrous creature, towering over the rest, charged at Commander Lee with an ear-splitting roar. Its leathery wings unfurled, casting a shadow that blotted out the fading sunlight.

"An Evolved Grand Orc?!" Shock radiated his face to see such a terrifying land creature gaining the ability of flight.

'Damnit! Damn it all!'

The commander gritted his teeth and braced himself, steeling his resolve. He parried the creature's bone-shattering blow, his muscles straining under the force. The clash of steel echoed through the air, a testament to the intensity of the struggle.

"Guh!" Recoiling from the pressure, he leaped far away, using the force he had built up to spin fight into the sky.

"Skill Activation: <Heaven Rendering Strike!>

With a full-powered swing, he managed to behead the massive beast.

"Haaa... haaa..."

Unfortunately, Commander Lee had no chance to rest.




More of the Evolved Grand Orcs emerged from the Gate, almost as if there was an unlimited amount of them.

"Damn it all!"


Once again, he pushed himself to battle, never failing to strike and slash his way through the monster horde.

With the barrier rendered ineffective, they were the last line of defense that stood between the monsters and the evacuating citizens.

So many had been injured, and the Commander knew a lot of the Hunters were already dead.

Still, he couldn't stop his body from moving and attacking.



Blood stained the landscape, both those of the monster and his comrades.

Yet, for every monster that fell beneath the commander's blade, two more took its place. The Hunters fought valiantly, their powers unleashed in a desperate bid to stem the tide, but they were outnumbered and outmatched. The once proud defenders of Busan were reduced to a harried, retreating force.

"They're too much. At this rate..."

As the relentless horde closed in, Commander Lee's heart weighed heavy with the weight of defeat.

He glanced over the beleaguered city, its streets littered with rubble and the screams of the terrified echoing in his ears.

'They already broke past our defensive formation. Shit!'

The people he had desperately tried to protect were inevitably going to fall prey to the monsters, and he could do nothing to stop them.

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All within the span of minutes, all of this catastrophe had been wrought.

This was the danger that an S Class Dungeon Break brought.

"Is this the end?" he wondered, a flicker of despair clouding his steely gaze.

The monsters would lay waste to Busan at this rate.

The innocent citizens would die, and the death of his comrades would have been in vain.

Was that really what he wanted?

'NO!' Even amidst the chaos, a spark of determination ignited within the commander's heart.

He knew that he had to rally his forces, to inspire them to fight with every ounce of strength they had left. With a resolute voice, he called out, "To the last breath, my comrades! We will not let Busan fall! Our city, our home, will not be devoured by these monstrosities!"

His words resounded through the ranks, filling the air with a renewed sense of purpose. The Hunters, battered and bruised, found strength in their commander's unwavering resolve. With a collective battle cry, they launched a final, desperate charge against the horde, pushing back against the encroaching darkness.

"Alright, that's enough." A strange voice suddenly echoed in the air.

And in the split second that the Hunters tried to unravel the mysterious sound...


Lightning filled bursts of golden energy descended from the sky, shattering the earth and instantly vaporizing the group of Evolved Grand Orcs that had gathered there.

In one single strike, all of them were annihilated.

"A-ah...??" Commander Lee's jaws dropped in disbelief.

He couldn't believe it, but, could it be that—?!

"You can rest easy now, Commander." A blond teenager floated down from the sky, donning a white cloak, and looking coolly at the horde of monsters.

"Backup has arrived."