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Chapter 445 - More Of Him
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Chapter 445 - More Of Him

When Gideon could not respond and just regarded her with an unblinking stare, the corner of Vera's lips lifted up ever so slightly.

"You are… aren't you?" she said, looking at him in wonder, "I know you are." Her eyes twinkled, glimmering so breathtakingly like millions of tiny pale blue crystals. Her hand slowly reached out and she reverently ran her fingers down his face, the slight smile widening into a full blown one when he did not grab at her hand to stop her from establishing more physical contact with him.

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Vera felt as though she were floating in a wonderful dream. She still could not believe he had slept next to her, embracing her tightly throughout the whole night, making sure that she was being warmed by his body heat. He had even kissed her, and worried about her, and now he was letting her touch him and looking at her like he was in a daze.

If this was a dream, she wished with her whole heart to never wake up again. If this was a dream, she would pray to all the gods in existence not to let anyone wake her up. Because all she wanted was to stay in this dream now and forever, nowhere else would do anymore for her. Forever and ever would still not be long enough, even until her very last breath.

Her chest felt like it was swelling due to so much happiness. Vera knew all these feelings might be a little too exaggerated because this was the first time that she is experiencing all these blissful things after being in a hellish place for so long. But she just did not care anymore. She would not care. Even if this was just a fleeting dream, she would no longer deny herself the opportunity to feel as happy as she could. While she can, while he lets her experience these feelings, she would not hold back. She would give her all to this man as well. She would give as good as she gets, maybe even better.

She leaned closer to him, lifting her other hand to touch the other side of his perfect face. She could not imagine that a man's face could be so smooth and flawless. Still, he did not move. His eyes remained glued to hers, looking like he was heavily under her spell. The way he looked at her, the heart stopping blue fire in his eyes… Vera just wanted to kiss him again. The temptation was so real, and she could literally feel the pull of it. Even if her lips start bleeding again, she knew no cuts or bleed were enough to stop her.

Gods… she had never desired anyone or anything like this in her life ever before. Was this already love? Could it have happened so quickly? She was uncertain but what could it be? Or was it just pure unadulterated desire? After thinking about it for a while, Vera decided that it might be both. She had never experienced such emotions as intense as this before. So, she could only deduce that this must be love. Intense, inexplicable… almost unbelievable, just like him, in fact.

If it was true that love is the greatest thing that ever existed in this world, then Vera would fully be willing to believe it now. Because no matter how ridiculous it sounded, that she was already claiming it is love when she literally just met him yesterday, Vera knew what she was feeling. The fact that her heart was able to beat like this, despite the fact it was supposed to not work normally anymore due to all the heartbreaking things that had happened to her was enough of a proof to her. So she was not going to mull over it anymore and waste more time. She knew her own heart, she knew herself better than anyone else. Because for so long, she only had herself and no one else to rely on. Thus, Vera was going to believe that this was truly love at first sight. That she had fallen for him, head over heels since the very moment she had laid eyes on him when he had come to her rescue – as her very own knight in shining armour.

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Gently and also a little cautiously, Vera pressed her lips against his. There was a slight apprehension that he might push her away. But when seconds passed and nothing of the sort happened, she threw caution to the winds. She felt as though sparks were flying at the touch of her lips on his. It was sending a delicious heat raging its way through her heart. She wanted more of him… more.

Finally pulling away, Vera gazed into the blue hellfire of his eyes. "Gideon…" she uttered his name and she realized how she just loved the sound of his name rolling off her lips. "Gideon…" she repeated, loving at how his name just evokes sparks that ignite into large intense flames within her. "Gideon," she said his name again and a giggle was about to burst from her ruby red lips when he abruptly moved.

His mouth suddenly came crashing down on hers and kissed her hard. His attack was so passionate and hard that Vera could not help but widen her eyes in shock. But soon, she too got caught up and closed her eyes and kissed him back as fervently as he gave. She tried to use her tongue as well to keep up with his delicious intensity. Gods… she was starting to feel very hot. His kiss was just… it was literally melting her, her very bones, even down to her very soul. And it was so… so good that she did not want it to stop despite the iron taste of blood that she knew was coming from her own bleeding lip.

When their lips parted from the mind-blowing kiss, Gideon suddenly grabbed her and wrapped his arms around her in a tight grip as if he was scared to let go of her even for a second. Vera was surprised once again at his outburst of emotions and his shocking actions did not stop there. He even started shaking a little as he hugged her even tighter, almost crushing her smaller frame in his arms.

Then the darkest song which was his voice echoed out beside her ear. "Leah… Leah…"