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Chapter 354 - Second Heartbeat
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Chapter 354 - Second Heartbeat

Outside the barrier, everyone was frozen in the midst of their fight as their eyes were fixed onto the overwhelming happenings inside the barrier. They had been alerted to the changes between the fights of their leaders in the inside as they felt the fluctuations of magic that was pouring out of the barrier.

They had no idea what was going on but the bone-chilling wave of magic coming from the inside of the barrier was enough for them to realize the extent of the battle happening. It was absolutely something they could not even start to imagine. If the barrier preventing them from entering was not there, perhaps, all of them would have been forcefully pushed away from the scene. The amount of magic that was being generated inside and was pulsing out in waves was something none of them might be able to stand. They were suspecting that some who did not have a stronger constitution would even be killed by the outflow of magic.

Zanya was the first to make a move. She began to head towards the barrier, as if attempting to cross it when Leon grabbed at her wrist.

"Don't." Leon's voice was firm as he shook his head slowly when Zanya faced him.

"I am worried. This… this is the queen's magic… and this… the other one is a tremendous dark magic. I need to know if our queen is alright." There was fear and panic in Zanya's eyes. Sensing this magic had made Zanya's heart uneasy. Somehow, she recognised that this magic was something close to the one that their former queen had unleashed all her magic that thousands of years ago and had died after spending every bit of her magic.

She tried to pull her hand free from Leon's grasp, but he was not intending to let her go. In his mind, it would be nothing short of suicide on her part. "Don't worry, our prince is also in there with your queen. He's not going to let anything bad happen to her."?There was an unwavering faith in his eyes that made Zanya choke back her retort.

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"We are worried too, so I understand your desire to help," Zolan's voice echoed, "but I think it's unwise for you or anyone of us to go in there right now. With the amount of strength we have, I don't think any of us can be of help anyway. Worse is that we might even cause unnecessary trouble being there. We don't want to distract them."

Samuel piped in, nodding in agreement. "Zolan is right. All of us can feel the intensity of the battle inside even from out here. It has already evolved into something far beyond our abilities to be involved in. Therefore, it's better for us to put our faith in them and hold onto our posts right here. Besides, I am certain the prince and the princess will not lose. They will be alright." Samuel's reasoning manged to cut through the anxiety that was coiling around Zanya's heart.

Zanya somehow relaxed. She was scared that they will lose their queen again. If that happens, there will be no hope left for the light faes. But everything the vampires said was right. She might cause even more trouble and distractions if she were just to go and jump inside this barrier. More so when she might not be of any help at all.

At that moment, the orcs that they had brought down earlier, rose again and the fight resumed. In fact, a new group of orcs arrived to join in the fray.

"Shit! Where are these buggers coming from? They seem to be the orcs we had killed on our way here. They have all been raised again!"

The battle outside the barrier became fiercer as well. The number of orcs started to push the vampires back, but before any of them could manage to cross the barrier, the reinforcements Zanya had called for finally arrived. The light faes had immediately aided them, healing the vampires and in no time at all, they were back on their feet.

"Damn! Magic really is an amazing thing!" Luc commented, feeling his body return to its full vigour once again. Then he approached the male light fae next to him. "That's some cool weapon you have there, mind if I borrow it?" Luc eyed the fae's glaive.

The fae was also appraising Luc's sword and then he spoke. "Alright, how about we exchange our weapons?"

Luc excitedly handed his sword over to the light fae and as soon as he got the glaive in his hands, he immediately went on to try it. His excitement was palpable to all who were looking on and was very much like a child who had just received a new toy to play with.

Back inside the barrier.

Gavrael relentlessly attacked Thundrann viciously even as Galleous continued forcing his already dying vessel to keep standing. The dark magic had taken full control of Thundrann's body, and it fought back as an entity by itself without any care for the wellbeing of the vessel. It did not care if the vessel will break over and over again. He would just use it as long as it could still move.

However, Gavrael was not going to let Galleous win. He knew what he would do to render Galleous' vessel useless. He could also feel Evie's magic reduce a little in quantity. It was already incredible how long she had been maintaining such strong powers to keep flowing like an endless river, pouring into him, filling him with so much strength.

In the seconds that followed, as Gavrael attacked like a mad man, Thundrann's hand flew, separating it from his body.

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Gavrael's eyes blazed. Now that he had lost one hand, he would not be able to block and put another barrier to stop him from taking his head. But just as he had expected, even with one hand, Galleous still managed to put out such a strong barrier.

But Gavrael broke it again with the help of Evie's power. And as Gavrael was about to sever Thundrann's head from his body, Galleous voice suddenly echoed around them.

"Kill my vessel and you'll regret it." He threatened, smiling triumphantly at Gavrael.

"Shut up! You think you can still threaten me –"

"So, you don't mind me killing you and your lover's child?"

Gavrael's eyes widened as every fibre of his being seemed to have frozen into ice. Even Evie wavered for a moment. But neither of them dared to put their guard down. Gavrael's sword remain pointing at Thundrann's throat, with only a single move needed to topple his head.

"It seems that the both of you are clueless?" he smiled wickedly. "I can detect a second heartbeat from that lover of yours. My darkness can sense it. And I guess that the child inside her belongs to you, since it has a dark magic like ours. Why don't you confirm it yourself? Use your dark magic and see for yourself, Gavrael. Your lover is pregnant with your child." Galleous taunted.


Dear readers, the first ever book i've written finally ended and there is a badge you guys can claim. It's very pretty. ^^ You can claim it by unlocking all chapters of my book I Love You, Monster. You can also read the side story now. ^^