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Chapter 314 CH 283:TAKE CARE OF HER
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Anubis, his father-in-law.

To say that Sol was flustered would be the understatement of the century.

He was completely lost.

While it was sad, the fact was that until now, all his women were basically without any parents. All of them were orphans in one way or another.

The only exception was Lilin and Medea. But for one, Lilith actively encouraged his relationship; on the other, Ambrosia had a rather laid-back attitude. Furthermore, the two of them were mothers.

In conclusion, he had never meet the parents of most of his lovers, and for those who did have parents, he had had only met his mothers in law and without having to brag, Sol knew how to deal with women and he was charming enough to smoothen some edges.

This would be the first time he would face a father-in-law.

Sol wondered what he would feel if some young man appeared out of nowhere and had his way with his daughter without him knowing anything about it.

What if it was a ruffian?

What if the man was a lying scum?

What if the bastard hurt his precious daughter?

This would in no way be a pleasant feeling.

“Don’t be so tense. If people saw us they would think I am trying to bully you.”

Contrary to what he thought, Anubis was pretty chill.

"So, tell me. Was it Truck-Kun?"





"I am asking how you got offed. Truck-Kun? Or one of his numerous cousins?"

Sol tilted his head in confusion for a short while before his eyes opened wide in astonishment.


"Hello~I am your senior."

"How did you…"

Sol was about to ask how Anubis guessed but immediately stopped.

Anubis was one of the first mortal demigods. Meaning that he had been on the Mortal realm even before the creation of Lustburg.

If he had observed it even a little, it wouldn't be hard to guess that most, if not all the kings and queens were reincarnators.

Furthermore, from what he remembered, like Isis and Camelia, Anubis could see souls.

Camelia already once told him how his soul was different from normal people's.

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Anubis, who had been observing Sol and his reactions nodded inwardly.

'At least he has good reactions.'

He liked how Sol stayed calm despite receiving such news.

Keeping a cool head was the only way to survive if you weren't one of the apex predators.

"I…I don't really remember. I…I think I was a university student. I…Was I studying history? Archeologist? Mythology? Something along those lines."

"As for how I died…I honestly do not remember."


Anubis took a deep look at Sol before shrugging. Honestly, he didn't care in the slightest about what kind of life Sol had before coming here.

It wasn’t as if it was the first time he had met a Reincarnator in his long life. From what he understood, the goddesses always took turns bringing the soul of someone from earth into this world in order to have fun and observe the changes the Reincarnator would bring.

Out of those Reincarnators, many had partially broken souls who could not remember much from their past life or simply forgot the cause of their deaths. So it was nothing surprising.

The only one that never did so was Luxuria. At least this was the case until one thousand years ago.

Then it was like she was coping with all the time she didn’t bring a Reincarnator and began to bring one every generation.

One would be a fool to not know that Luxuria had a plan afloat. But once again, Anubis did not care.

He had enough confidence in his power to never fear the goddesses and from what he had seen, Sol had the potential to do the same even on a much larger scale.

What only interested him, was the man named Sol.

He had already judged that some twisted feeling didn’t taint Sol's soul. This was more or less enough in his opinion. Though, he had one last question.

"What did you do for a living and how old were you?"

It was a pretty ridiculous reason when you knew people here lived by the thousand but he simply wanted to know.

"I …"

Sol again was left speechless.

“I said I was a university student.”

“Hey! Don’t you know there is no age for studying? Even a 90 Years old granny can be up and shiny and get her diploma if she wants.”

There was nothing Sol could retort to that.

“Haha…Well, I was just out of high school and still pretty young. That at least I remember.”

“Hum…Well, I guess this is good enough. I would be pretty bummed out if you were some old creepy dude preying on my daughter."

"Huh…You do know that Isis is far older than me, right?"

Anubis shrugged, "So? I am unashamedly and unreasonably biased."


Sol really found Anubis quite interesting. This wasn't really the image he had when he heard titles like Necromancer King.

"You just thought that I am not really like the rumors, right?"


"Did you expect some cold dude that acts like he doesn't shit, a domineering aura and me screaming things like <<you do not deserve my daughter!>>?"


"I will take your silence for a yes."

Anubis smiled, the aura around him changed slightly, becoming a little more serious.

"Even though Isis will always be my baby daughter. She is not a stupid kid."

He shrugged, "The girl I raised is a mature woman who knows what she wants and can make her decision in life for herself. Generally she will succeed and when she fails, I will be there to take care of her."

"I won't say cliche things like, <<if you hurt my daughter I will kill you.>> As long as you don't die, you two will live for ten of thousands of years.

"Anything can happen during that time so no, I won't threaten you. You two will have your ups and downs. Perhaps this is only an episode in your long life. Perhaps she will find someone better or worse and leave you, or maybe you will leave her.

"This is normal. This is how relationships are. Nothing is eternal in this world. Love even less.

"So, I will not threaten you. I will just ask you.

"Please, don't hurt my baby daughter.

"Please, protect her as much as you can.

"Please, never betray her trust in you."

Silence befell the room as the two men looked deeply into each other's eyes.

Sol knew that the goofy Anubis that was joking around was not present here.

Nor was the Necromancer King.

Here, was a father who asked him to take care of his daughter— To the point of nearly begging him.

Nothing more, nothing less.

'Isis. You are truly blessed with good parents.'

Be it Nephthys back then and now Anubis. Sol could feel the fierce love they had for Isis.

This was perhaps the most functional family he had managed to observe in this world. And also the family with the least drama.

How could Sol answer such a plea from a worried father?

Words flashed in his mind from crude to flowery.

But in the end, they could not fulfill his objectives.

"I…am still just a kid."

Sol identified himself more in this current life and despite all he went through, he was still a kid with much to learn.

"I am not perfect either."

Perfection was a goal many strived for but none could ever reach. The most they could do was come as close as possible.

"I have made many mistakes because of my inexperienced self."

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Little mistakes, big mistakes. They could not be counted.

Sol was growing, learning, evolving.

His self from before his awakening and his current self was like heaven and earth and the same would happen in the future.


Despite all this, there was one thing he was sure of.

Nay… One thing he swore to himself.

"I will always be there for her."

Be it Isis or any of his loved ones. Sol would never cast them aside. Even at the price of his life.

"How can you be so sure? What about in a thousand years? Ten thousand? Or even more?"

"I will not falter."

Sol had no doubts about this. After all, he knew that in order to bring everyone back to life, "He" did not hesitate to become the enemy of the world.

Even though it took an unknown amount of time.

Even though it was a path filled with pain, blood, and tears.

Even then…"He" never stopped walking resolutely.

Since "He" could do it. Then Sol knew that he could do the same.

After all, from a different timeline, they may be, but they were one and the same.

'How beautiful.'

Anubis gazed deeply into Sol's soul.

Few things shone more brightly than a soul filled with conviction. Be it good or evil.

This was why Anubis knew.

The boy was not lying to him.

His conviction was firm like an immovable wall.

Anubis did not need to worry.

The boy would never betray Isis.

Even if their relationship as a lover was to end one day, the one as a partner would stay.

"Then I leave my daughter to you. Take care of her."

Still, nothing was eternal in this world.

As such he would simply watch.

Would this conviction become tainted in the future?

Or would it continue to shine as brightly or even more?

"I will."

This was something only the future could tell.

(AN: Well. First discussion between Sol and Anubis. There will be more but I hope you liked it.)