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Reincarnation Of The Strongest Spirit Master

Chapter 599 It’s Like A Monster Tide!
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But soon enough, the entire battle would experience a heaven shaking change, one that would take every single enemy of William by shock.

[I'm ready here] Lara said before adding, [When are you going to be ready?]

"Give me a moment…" William moved his eyes around. And without any hesitation, he took around a hundred of his scary grenades, threw them like candies at the army coming towards him.

Seeing these grenades thrown at them and in such a scary number made everyone halt in their advance. They all tasted how dangerous these grenades were. And when they paused, prepared to deal with the largest attack of grenades William ever used so far, William accelerated in a certain direction without even looking back.

"I'm going to start now. You have around ten minutes or so."

[Got it!]

Not too far from William's current location, the combined forces of the city were struggling to survive the attacks landing at them from the grenades.

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"What just happened?!" Just as those at the pinnacle of power were shielding others, one of them suddenly exclaimed out in surprise and doubt.

"I got him in a place then he simply vanished!" another said, while the rest started to search actively for William.

eαgles`c,om "No need to panic. We all got where he was last. I bet he is using some sort of an array to hide his presence."

"That's indeed possible… That kid… He gives me terribly bad vibes!"The source of this ᴄontent is No(v)elFire.net

"Me too…"

"It's almost over. We need to waste half an hour and then we'll all get away from here…"

When William finished talking with Lara, he suddenly vanished off their senses. They were keeping a close eye over him, tracking every single move and action of his.

Yet after all this time, and in the middle of such a hectic battle, it was easy for them to miss what William did from time to time. He kept throwing around materials, forming lots of concealment arrays, just missing the last touch of adding a few materials to get activated.

William did this frequently, and even he forgot many spots where he scattered his materials. But he still recalled enough to secure his presence against what yet to come.

Just as the group of the strongest figures in the entire army was chatting among themselves about what happened to William, something new happened.

*Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!*

All of sudden, it looked as if the entire world was getting bombarded with nukes or something. Their faces changed when they realised what was going on.


"All the earth-based masters spread around, protect everyone!"

"Let's go, run, run towards the stairs!"

Just as everyone got their senses spread out, they all saw what was going on. William first hid himself. And when they were about to get over his last crazy attack of grenades, all the formations in the city got activated, all at the same time.

It felt like the entire city was getting destroyed again, yet it was just the sound effects of these attacks. Even if it was just sounds, it was enough to drive fear into the hearts of everyone.

From the scale of it, it didn't need a genius to realise what was going to happen. All this time, the explosions William and the army caused attracted lots of monsters. To William, this wasn't even a challenge at all. But to them, it was really troublesome.

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The strongest masters here couldn't repeat what William was able to do. Their attacks were much stronger than him, but they didn't leave behind such deep scars at the ground, not in the same way he did.

Only a few of them could do more than what William did thanks to their earth spirit elements. But their number was already little. And right now, it was expected how grave their situation was going to be.

Without thinking too much about it, they all started to move away, running towards the direction of the stairs. Yet the more they ran, the louder the noises coming from the formations was. After all, the densest collection of formations laid in the heart of the city, not at the periphery.

"Damn! Stick together! Don't leave the group!"

"Attack, don't let these bastards kill too many of us!"

"I will kill you; do you hear me kid? I will kill you regardless of any rules or anything!"

Just in the next thirty minutes, the distance this large group of masters crossed wasn't enough to take them past the centre of the city. At the same time, they felt like they were getting overwhelmed with monsters. The monsters first appeared in reasonable numbers. But after ten minutes, things started to change.

"Sh*t! It feels like we are fighting a monster tide!" After an hour, one of them finally got what was going on. They killed many monsters, and yet it felt like they killed nothing. Monsters kept flooding their direction nonstop, acting as if they got endless supply or something, giving the impression they were fighting against a monster tide, not simple monsters.

William couldn't watch all this from his current location. He was just hidden safely inside a ruined building, while the world all around kept trembling fiercely. It was either the effect of the continuous explosive noises coming from formations, or the effect of the growing numbers of monsters swarming the city.

He knew it'd be a fantasy to kill all of these masters here. Just those at the pinnacle would take long hours, even days, to get a single one of them down. The monsters weren't that strong to begin with compared with those scary masters. As William didn't get a way to invite the scarier monsters here, those at the high grade or at the pinnacle of dark gold grade, he knew the losses in those scary masters' ranks would be minimum, close to zero.

His main goal was everyone else but them. The main bulk of this small army was made out of the mid and early ranks of the dark gold grade. Taking them out of the picture was enough blow to destabilise the current power balance in the city. Not to mention it was his own way to get revenge.