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Reincarnated with the Mind Control Powers in Another World.

Chapter 370 -370
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Chapter 370 Chapter-370

"Ladies and gentlemen, as you can see, Mr. Jule is the first one to cough up blood... could this be a sign that Mr. Jeffery has won?" the commentator announced.

"Woohoo, Jeffery boy! Finish him off with the next attack!" Xander shouted as he stood up from his chair in excitement.

Anon wore a psychopathic smile as he stared at Jeffery, sending shivers down his spine, rendering him motionless.

'I can't move... my body parts feels like frozen ice. What should I do ? He is staring at me like a hunter would start at it's prey, what is he going to do next ? I don't know anything about him. Is he preparing his spell-'

Anon's bloodlust surged when he saw his own blood, awakening a primal ferocity within him. The whole kingdom felt his bloodlust even Ion felt it.

'What the hell ? This kind of bloodlust from a kid like him ? What has he been through ?' Ion thought as he looked at Anon wiping off blood from his mouth.

"D-Dad... did you feel it ?" Xander spoke as he noticed that he has goosebumps on his hands.

"I do. This kid is no original kid." Ion answered with a smile.

'My master told me about this, A human child born under the Omega Constellation, who will hold anger and fuel his grudge with it until he removes every single one of his enemies from the face of earth. This is it, he is the one. That bloodlust is definitely not normal for a human kid of this age. He is the perfect heir of my technique.' Ion thought in his mind as he felt sweat on his forehead.

"You're dead," Anon declared with a serious expression as lightning struck him, causing him to vanish from his original spot.

"Huh...? Where is—" Before Jeffery could utter another word, an overwhelming sense of bloodlust loomed behind him.

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Without daring to look back, Jeffery activated his running spell to escape as quickly as possible.

A loud bang reverberated as soon as he moved.


Jeffery hastily glanced back to find a large 'X' etched into the ground, with Anon standing in front of it.

'He's strong. I need to change my attack strategy.' Jeffery thought.

"Wow... Jule is so strong. He's giving Jeffery a tough time."

"Yeah, and his speed is incredible."

Fourth-year girls in the audience began discussing Anon's abilities.

Jeffery took aim at Anon, releasing another Silent Arrow. However, this time, Anon was prepared.

He immediately activated the Crown of Darkness.

This ability allowed Anon to manipulate mana within a 30-meter radius. Anon promptly thickened the mana around him to counteract the Silent Arrow's aura. As aura detached from its user's body, it relied on absorbing mana from its surroundings to maintain its form. Anon's action caused the Aura Arrow to dissolve immediately.

'Why didn't it hit him? Is he using some kind of protective artifact?' Jeffery wondered in confusion.

Anon vanished once again and reappeared in front of Jeffery, aiming to strike him down with his sickles. Jeffery raised his bow to block Anon's attack.

"I won't die so easily, you bastard," Jeffery declared as he struggled to fend off Anon.

Anon pressed his sickle against Jeffery's face, but with a surge of strength, Jeffery managed to push him away.

"You piece of trash... die!" Jeffery shouted, aiming his bow at Anon and drawing the string.

"Huh...?" Jeffery suddenly realized that he couldn't grip his bowstring. He glanced down to find it broken into two pieces. He then looked at Anon, who was smiling, holding a small piece of the bowstring on his sickle.

"HoHoHo... curious when I did that, aren't you?" Anon teased.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the most unexpected turn of events has occurred. Mr. Jule has just broken one of the most cherished weapons from the Lawson house. What will happen next?" the commentator announced.

"B-But... it wasn't supposed to break; it was a highly regarded weapon. Crafted from the strongest vine and wood," Xander murmured as he turned to Ion.

"Well, it's still a weapon. You'll have to handle the Lawson family yourself now. I don't care what you say to them, but if I hear them badmouthing our family, not only will I eliminate them, but I'll erase someone else too," Ion threatened Xander, his expression angry.

"Y-Yes... Father," Xander replied, worried about how to break the news to the Lawson family.

"You utter piece of trash," Jeffery muttered, his anger intensifying. If his father found out that he had broken the family's heirloom, the punishment would be severe.

"Well, while I was pushing my sickle towards your face just a moment ago, you might not have realized that it was merely a diversion. My actual plan was to destroy that bow of yours, and it looks like my plan succeeded," Anon said with a smile.

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"You damn son of a bitch. You're going to... Die," Jeffery seethed, summoning a sword to replace his bow.

"Oh my god, I'm terrified. Please, sir, don't do that," Anon mocked him again.

[Your opponent has used the skill, ]

Suddenly, thirteen mirages of Anon appeared, all identical to him, each holding a sword and glaring at him. At first, Anon was confused, but a notification clarified things.

[You have resisted the skill due to the class [Mind Frobrax] ]

The illusory Anons began to fade away, leaving only one, the real Jeffery.

'Gotcha,' Anon thought, pretending to still be unable to identify the original Jeffery among his clones.

Anon continued pretending to struggle with Jeffery's skill, ignoring the real Jeffery.

The original Jeffery noticed and laughed, dashing toward Anon with his sword, intending to decapitate him.


"Ugghhh-" As Jeffery was about to strike Anon with his blade, Anon impaled him in the stomach with his sickle. Jeffery went limp, blood trickling from his mouth.

"Damn it..." Xander cursed.

"Good acting, kid," Ion muttered, smiling at Anon.

"H-How?" Jeffery asked, confusion in his eyes as he looked at Anon.

"Something I can't tell you," Anon replied with a smile.