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Reincarnated as Napoleon

Chapter 141 Epilogue: First Consul Achieved
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After a lengthy dinner with his associates, Napoleon wearily returned to his estate. The night draped the surroundings in darkness as he approached the facade of his home, noticing the absence of any lights. It was clear that everyone had retired for the night, leaving the estate quiet and serene.

As he stepped off the carriage, Napoleon turned to Bessieres, who led the escorts of vigilant cavalrymen assigned to protect the newly appointed First Consul.

"Thank you, Bessieres. You and your men may stand down for the night," he said, acknowledging their dedication to his safety.

Bessieres nodded respectfully, "Of course, General Bonaparte. We will be on alert should you need us again."

With that, they turned their horses and rode off into the darkness, leaving Napoleon alone on the grand estate grounds. He took a deep breath, relishing the silence that enveloped him.

As he made his way toward the entrance, he could hear the soft rustling of leaves in the gentle night breeze.

Nearing the door, it opened, startling Napoleon.

"Good evening, General Bonaparte."

It was Beaumont.

"Oh, Beaumont, were you waiting for me?" Napoleon asked, chuckling.

"Yes sir, I was told by Madam Bonaparte to wait for your return," Beaumont replied with a warm smile.

Napoleon nodded appreciatively. "Thank you, Beaumont. Is she perhaps already sleeping?"

"I didn't check, General Bonaparte as I don't want to disturb her if she's resting," Beaumont replied respectfully.

Napoleon smiled at the thoughtfulness of his servant. "That's quite considerate of you, Beaumont. I'll go to her chambers quietly. You may retire for the night as well. Rest is well-deserved after a long day."

"Thank you, sir," Beaumont said with a nod. "Goodnight, General Bonaparte."

"Oh before you go to your bedroom, I must inform you of something," Napoleon said.

"What is it, General Bonaparte?" Beaumont asked.

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"Stop addressing me as General as I'm not a General anymore," Napoleon revealed.

"Wait," Beaumont tilted his head to the side, confused. "Did you perhaps got fired, General Bonaparte?"

"What?! No," Napoleon chortled. "The thing is, I became the First Consul, the head of the new government. You may address me as Your Excellency, or Premier or Premier Consul from now on," Napoleon clarified with a smile.

Beaumont's eyes widened in shock, and his jaw dropped slightly.

"New…government?" He stammered. "How?"

"Well, the two legislative bodies, the Council of Ancients and Five Hundred have voted for a new form of government, and they appointed me as the First Consul," Napoleon explained.

Beaumont stood there, still processing the unexpected turn of events. "This is too much for me to process Gene—I meant Your Excellency. Congratulations then…"

Napoleon chuckled in amusement as Beaumont still couldn't believe the incredible turn of events.

"Thank you, Beaumont," Napoleon replied warmly, appreciating his servant's genuine surprise and support. "It has been a remarkable journey, hasn't it?"

"Indeed, Your Excellency. From a young officer to the First Consul of France, it's nothing short of extraordinary," Beaumont replied, still trying to wrap his head around the swift change in Napoleon's status.

"Well, I have been weary from the long journey so I must join my wife and rest for the night."

"Of course, Your Excellency, good night," Beaumont said as he bowed, adapting to Napoleon's new title with the utmost respect.

Napoleon nodded, returning the bow with a gracious smile. "Good night, Beaumont. I'll see you in the morning."

With that, Napoleon made his way to the bedroom. Opening the door slowly so as to not disturb Ciela's sleep, Napoleon stepped inside the dimly lit room. The soft glow of candles illuminated her peaceful form, and he couldn't help but marvel at the serenity she brought to his life. Her chest gently rose and fell with each breath, and Napoleon found comfort in the rhythm of her slumber.

Moving silently, he approached the bed and sat down beside her, tenderly stroking her cheek with the back of his fingers.

After that, he slipped off his shoes and lay down beside her, pulling the covers over them both. Gently, he wrapped his arms around Ciela, drawing her closer to him, relishing the warmth of her body against his.

It seemed that she was in deep sleep, undisturbed by his presence. Seconds later, he felt himself getting sleepy as well. The day's events and the comfort of embracing her began to lull him into a peaceful state of relaxation.

Moments later, Napoleon heard an odd sound. He opened his eyes and found himself in another place. It wasn't his bedroom and Ciela was nowhere to be found.

Alarmed, he sat up, his eyes scanning the unfamiliar surroundings. He was no longer in his bedroom; instead, he found himself in what appeared to be a celestial realm, the place where he met the Goddess of Fate, the one who accidentally ended his life in his original world.

"Congratulations…Adrian, you became the First Consul of France, just like the real Napoleon," An angelic voice echoed in the celestial realm. Napoleon's heart skipped a beat as he recognized the voice. It was the same voice that had spoken to him moments before he found himself in this realm.

Before him, materializing from the shimmering light stood a radiant figure adorned in celestial robes.I think you should take a look at

"Ciel," Napoleon whispered.

The Goddess of Fate, known as Ciel, smiled warmly at him. "Yes, Adrian, the one and only. So, how are you enjoying your life so far in that new world?"

"Am…I dreaming?" Napoleon ignored her question.

"You could say that," Ciel replied with a gentle smile. "This is my way of reaching out to you, to communicate beyond the barriers of your world and mine."

"I see…"

"So, how was your life? I have been watching you ever since I sent you to that world," Ciel asked again.

"Well, honestly speaking, it was amazing. Probably the most amazing thing that happened in my life. I couldn't describe it properly. This is the greatest gift given to me. Like I get reborn in an era two centuries behind from my previous life with cheat abilities, I have a beautiful wife and amazing children. Like everything is turning out good for me."

"I'm glad that you are liking your new life," Ciel said.

"But why did you summon me here?" Napoleon asked.

"That is to check on you of course," Ciela simply answered.

"I see…uhm…Lady Ciel, can I ask you some questions?"

"What is it?"

"This is about my wife, Ciela. I know that she is not from this world, she was reincarnated also. I want to know if you are the one behind it."

Ciel scoffed softly. "Ah Ciela…it's impressive that we both share a name and to answer your questions, yes I am the one who brought Ciela into that world. But unlike you, she doesn't have any blessings, only her memories from her previous life were retained."

"Why?" Napoleon asked.

"It was at that time, after I sent you to your new world," Ciel began. "I noticed this thread fading away. Normally, I wouldn't care, as it is natural for threads to come to an end. However, when I checked on it, it piqued my interest. She was a huge fan of Napoleon Bonaparte, even going as far as wishing to live at the time when he was alive. So I wondered, what if I were to bring her along in that world? But of course, before making such a decision, I checked your threads, millions of alternate realities, where Ciela didn't exist There, I found things that I find regrettable like it's the worst."

"Worst?" Napoleon repeated.

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"Without her, your life would have been so dark that I regretted sending you there. But when I added her, your life turned around. That's when I made the decision to send her along with you. When I said I would make up for my mistake of ending your life prematurely and changing it for the better, I truly meant it. With Ciela, everything has turned out for the good. As much as I wish I could spoil your destiny, I cannot, for it is for you to shape and experience," she explained. "But don't be too complacent as there are still hard challenges you will encounter in your life."

"So out of millions of alternate realities, without Ciela, I would end up in a dark and regretful life?" Napoleon pondered, trying to comprehend the enormity of Ciel's statement.

"Yes, Adrian," Ciel confirmed gently.

"Is that so…" Napoleon hummed. "It's strange, it's like we are meant to be but it doesn't fix the context of 'meant to be'. Because she is from a different world, which is not meant to intersect."

"It's hard for you to comprehend because the concept of divine beings isn't clear to you. Allow me to shed some light on it. You see, I am the Goddess of Fate, and even we, divine beings, can make mistakes. Unfortunately, one such mistake on my part led to an aberration, causing the threads of fate to intertwine in a way they were never meant to. This resulted in an unforeseen connection between your destinies, Napoleon and Ciela. There is a concept of divine intervention, where we, the Gods and Goddesses, have the ability to influence the worlds we govern. Sometimes, our desires and intentions can inadvertently alter the course of events, much like what happened with you and Ciela."

"This is too much information for me to process," Napoleon said, wrapping his head around.

"Let's just say the true nature of fate is beyond human understanding," Ciel replied with a warm smile. "What truly matters now is the present, and the love that has blossomed between you and Ciela. Despite the unconventional circumstances that brought you together, your bond is genuine and powerful."

Napoleon was speechless.

"Do you have any more questions? Because if there's not, I'll end this connection," Ciel gently reminded him.

Napoleon snapped out of his train of thought and glanced up at Ciel.

"Uhm yes…Would there be another like us? Another reincarnated person living in this world?"

"In the world, you two are living in, it is just the two of you. You and Ciela are the only ones who have been reincarnated from a different time and place. Your presence in this world is unique and special."

"Okay, that makes it clear then," Napoleon said, worried about the prospect of having another reincarnated person somewhere in the world they were living in. "One last thing, would this be our last contact?"

"Nope," Ciel said. "So, Adrian, or Napoleon. Before I end this connection, since you have told her about my existence, at least don't tell her that I am the one who sent her to that world. I want her to make it feel like it was fate," Ciel advised with a knowing smile.

"I understand…and thank you once again, for giving me this chance," Napoleon replied.

"You are welcome and oh! Don't tell her that you communicated with me in your dreams okay?"

"Okay," Napoleon nodded.

"Very well, good luck, Napoleon. Let's see each other in the future, a time when you'll regale the moments of your life to me,"

Napoleon couldn't help but scoff lightly. "Would that be the time when I die?"

"Yeah," Ciel confirmed.