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Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 364 Operation Synchro XI (Back To Position A’s Side)
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Sometimes, Evan just randomly tossed a chain lightning atop the head of an unfortunate undead monster, before moving on to his next victim faster than the skill's initial lighting blast could hit.

The boy was using almost every single active skill in his arsenal, even the wide-area destructive skill he stole from the unfortunate man who was Greed's previous contractor, Collapse.

The young hero ran up his conveniently place void steps like it was a flight of stairs, jumping into the air and clotheslining an unfortunate undead mage and knocking it to the ground.

The undead mage regained its bearings mid-air and recast its flight magic; however, it could not do anything else as Evan's foot stomped on its chest and forced it to the ground right after.


The undead mage heard that word, instantly creating a barrier to protect itself, however, such an act was ultimately futile against the power contained in the foot of the young hero that came bearing down on it.


There was an initial explosion that shook the ground beneath his feet, with the undead's bones shattering from that initial kick.

Then came the discharge of low-frequency acoustic energy into the Earth's crust that caused seismic waves to propagate through the ground at high velocities.

As the surface layer of the earth collapsed and the ground sunk, everything within a kilometre radius of his position, buildings and undead, all collapsed into the massive sinkhole that formed in the ground.

When the dust and smoke cleared out, a single boy could be seen at the bottom of the dozen-metre-deep depression in the earth, sitting on a makeshift stool made with earth magic and sipping on a juice pack.

'Still not levelling up, huh?'

He closed his status board and tossed the empty juice pack on the floor, burping lightly before making a few light, warm-up jumps.

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Immediately after, he ran forward, taking two steps on the ground and kicking off it on the third, jumping right out of the huge sinkhole in the ground while taking a moment to glance at the widespread destruction he just caused.

'Good thing I restrained the power of the skill. Any more and allies would have fallen victim to it.'

With that thought, he landed on the back of a Dullahan's mount, forcing the horse to buckle under the force of his landing and tumble to the ground, tossing both Evan and the Dullahan into the air.

While the undead creature was momentarily surprised, the young hero took this chance and activated his blessing of destruction, pulling the unforged out of his inventory and stabbing the Dullahan's torso.


His command caused the magic power infused into the blade to detonate inside the Dullahan's body, boring a large hole through its torso moments before Evan's feet touched the ground.

"Energy Blast."

Evan stretched out his left hand towards the fallen undead horse and launched a continuous energy blast towards its head while doing the same towards the Dullahan that was struggling to its feet after getting a new hole in its torso, courtesy of Evan's previous attack.

The energy blast knocked the undead back to the ground, allowing Evan to reach its fallen helmet-clad head and grab it, before removing the helmet and squashing the head itself with brute strength.

Immediately after, he blinked over to the horse that was literally on its last legs and ended its misery.


His trusted blade flew into his hands and he grasped it tightly before abruptly turning around and cutting down the trio of arrows that came for his head.

Without even giving the undead archer and its shield-bearing protector a moment of break, he thrust his sword forward and activated his signature unique skill.


The massive swirling mass of spiral-shaped magic power swallowed the two undead creatures and ripped them to shreds within seconds.

He then turned around once more and threw the sword towards another undead knight in the distance, activating vortex once more, ON the already thrown weapon.

The magic power he loaded into the blade was sucked out, before beginning to spiral around the weapon and form the familiar mass of golden-coloured energy that he just used to turn the undead archer to shreds.

"It actually worked…"

The boy voiced out his surprise upon seeing his attack actually work, chuckling lightly as he called back the blade into his arms and activated aura slash.

His golden-coloured aura coalesced around his sword and shaped it into a longer blade, extending his reach before he swung down the weapon and released the slash of aura forward.


Undead monsters of various types, shapes and sizes, along with the broken buildings around them were all messily split into two by this massive slash of aura, carving up more than a hundred metres of the ground in front of him.

"Blade cannon."

He jumped to the side and swung his sword once more, releasing five golden-coloured fist-sized bullets of aura that perforated an undead Cretan bull before the accompanying slash split it in two.

Evan wiped the sweat off his forehead with a tissue, setting it ablaze as he turned towards the west and noticed that the undead concentration over there had fallen considerably.

"I think we've killed far more than fifteen thousand undead monsters today."

Just when he was thinking if his words could have been a flag for the undead to have reinforcements, Evan sensed something incoming from his right and instantly blinked out of the area, just in time to avoid the half-dead lich that crashed down from the sky.

He cleared the cloud of dust around him with wind magic before gazing at the lich and recognizing it to be the same one that released that initial screech of sound magic that resulted in a few unfortunate soldiers and adventurers bleeding from their ears.

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Looking up, he saw a familiar green-haired, black and red-robed mage, with a golden A rank adventurer card hanging from her neck floating in the air.

Meeting Evan's gaze, she winked at him lightly, with a small smile appearing on her face as she saw the boy pull off the necklaces on the lich's neck and freeze its body in a block of ice.

"I knew he could use fire and lightning, but to think he could also use powerful ice magic this skillfully."

[Huh? Who?]

"Little Eli's boyfriend."

Tisha replied to one of her party members whom she was corresponding with via the transmitter in her ear.

[You mean Eliza, right?

Wasn't her boyfriend a high noble?]

"Yeah. He's the Prime Minister's son."

[Ohh… the one who's been blowing shit up since morning.]


After replying to the party member, she looked back at Evan and saw him out the words; 'Thank You', nodding in affirmation before she flew off to go assist her party members to kill another lich somewhere else.

As for the young hero on the ground, he stared at the frozen lich on the floor in front of him, before moving his gaze to the notification that was floating in front of his eyes.

|Conditions Met |

|Adaptive Evolution has been triggered. |

|Adaptive Evolution has detected a sufficient source of energy required. |

'Required for what?'