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Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 317 Backtrack To The Fight’s Start
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"With all that running, rolling and jumping around I did, it'd be weirder if some didn't break. Luckily, there are still stamina and magic potions.

I don't need health potions as I can just heal my own wounds myself after recovering my magic power."

The girl didn't look like it, but she was completely exhausted after fighting more than a hundred level 100+ beings, with at least 20 of them being in the level 180-210 range.

'Thank goddess I have my child of life skill, otherwise, there's no way a level 213 like me could have survived that so easily.

Kuro and Kayla also helped out with restraining the enemies and large area attacks too.'

She began downing the potions in her hands, only to nearly choke once more when another earth-shaking explosion rang out in the distance.

"What the-?!

Wait up! Isn't that where Evan is? Just what on Aidos is going on there?"

◇ ◇ ◇

Eliza asked a question concerning her boyfriend, and the answer was naturally going to be given.

However, it starts with a backtrack to when Evan and Lensa clashed mid-air the second time, with the young hero exchanging blows with the noble demon in mid-air, eventually losing out as the winged demon was far more adept at airborne combat than he was.

Although she succeeded in sending the young hero to the ground, the boy didn't accept going down alone, generating a long shadowy appendage from his arm that wrapped around the leg of the high demon and pulled her along with him.


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Taking advantage of her momentary shock, he flipped his body and flung the makeshift shadow rope over his shoulder, consequently flinging the body of the demon it was attached to.


Lensa's body fell onto the roof of a depilated building, crashing through it and onto the ground with enough force to crumble the building's fragile foundations.

Naturally, the building collapsed and all the debris came crumbling down on her.

As for Evan, he had created another foothold of compressed aura and was standing on it as he watched the collapsing building.

His eyes were on his status board where a new skill was making itself known to him, as he narrowed his eyes while staring at its description.


Allows the user to create small barrier-like plates of compressed energy under their feet, to use as a foothold to move around in the air. |

'It's the same as in the game, however, the skill that had that description in the game was called 'Sky Steps'.

So why is this one called 'Void Steps'? What's the difference?'

'Artemisia, you there?'

He called out to the goddess but received no reply, deciding to ask her later when she returned from wherever she was as he focused his gaze on the noble demon glaring at him coldly.

He utilized the skill to create multiple footholds which he used to descend to the ground like he was walking down a flight of stairs, running his hand through his hair as he spoke.

"The first time that I fought a demon, it was a noble demon who happened to be from the Ilmoth family.

I was holding my own at first, but he entered his true demon form and really did a good number on me.

Although I eventually killed him after a combination of demonic possession and limit break, along with the help of a few spirits and some other combatants, it still pisses me off that I lost so miserably to him.

Even till now."

Evan rose his arm and summoned the Unforged back into his hands as he continued speaking.

"I've always wanted to vent out the frustration that came with my defeat at the hands of a noble demon in their true demon form.

Sadly, Thoruul wasn't a noble demon, and neither was the demon with Ulmoch's brother, as such, I have been unable to battle any other noble demons since then."

His words made Lensa's green eyes to widen in surprise as she recognized the names he called, they were her fellow demonic Hand members after all, with Thoruul being one of the few demons that the organization had under their belt.

"However, you, Lensa, decided to grace me with this opportunity. One I wish to exploit to the fullest."

Lensa narrowed her eyes in displeasure as she understood what Evan was hinting at with his words, with the corner lips curving in annoyance as she spoke.

"You brat.

Who the fuck do you think you are?

You think I'd be scared of you just because you defeated a few other random demons?"

Since it was just Evan who was here, Lensa naturally regained some of her confidence as the target of her fear which was Greed was not present.

Hearing this, Evan chuckled lightly for a moment, with the smile on his face vanishing in the next as he spoke in a cold voice.

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"You should be scared.

After all, the current me is more powerful than the Deadly Sin Demon you were afraid of just now."


That was the only word Lensa could get out of her lips as Evan literally vanished from where he was standing before she could say anything else.

The demon instantly took distance away from Evan's position while her mind began to consider multiple possibilities.

'Is it some sort of concea-?!;

However, she could not even complete her thoughts as Evan suddenly appeared right in front of her with his right fist pulled backwards.



His clenched fist collided with her torso, causing her to cough out blood as pain as she had never felt before wrecked her senses.

Her body was knocked back a bit as she dropped to her knees, holding her stomach in pain as Evan walked closer to her.

"You're probably wondering why you feel so much pain from a light punch, huh?"

As Evan casually hit the nail on the mark, he snapped his fingers and generated an array of energy swords and launched them at the demonic hand members who were rushing towards his location.

The blades penetrated their skulls and killed them instantly, with the young boy shaking his head in disappointment.

'A single strike to the head is all it took? How weak is this unit?

Or is it me who's just that much stronger?'