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Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan-Novel

Chapter 675
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Chapter 675: The Underestimated Kuroto

After coming back to his home, Kuroto immediately went to his study, thing is, he couldn’t wait to open the scroll Tsunade gave him, and study the Yin-seal.

From just a simple glance over the scroll holder, he could see the mark of the Uzumaki Clan, meaning that the Yin-seal was undoubtedly an Uzumaki Fuinjutsu.

And it obviously need not be said that the creator of Yin-seal is some Kunoichi from the Uzumaki Clan.

After studying the engravings on the scroll holder, he put it aside and focused his attention on the scroll before him.

Studying the esoteric scroll word by word, Kuroto’s expression changed with every next word… For a moment, he would frown, sometimes, he would look doubtful, then fall into contemplation, and another moment he would smile in triumph as if he solved a great problem and all…

Overall, a multitude of expressions was visible on his face in a short time as he was delved into the study of Yin-seal, and before he knew it several hours passed away.

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“Sigh…” After reading the entire scroll, Kuroto released a tired sigh and went into deep thought.

The Yin-seal is exactly as he expected, a very high end, probably an SSS-Rank Fuinjutsu with a very delicate sealing procedure.

Based on his knowledge, Kuroto can definitely see that the Yin-seal was designed several centuries ago, and perfected over the next few generations… This is why, almost all the problems that Yin-seal might have had at the time of its creation have been dealt with, making it a very practical and high-end Fuinjutsu with almost no hidden dangers or defects.

But that’s where the problem comes from…

Precisely because the Yin-seal was perfected over generations, it has no hidden dangers or defects the difficulty of successfully mastering it has increased by several multitudes… And it is very straining for those who don’t have sufficient knowledge, or chakra reserves to master it.

This further explains why there were only three known people, that being Uzumaki Mito, Senju Tsunade, and Haruno Sakura to have mastered the Yin-seal in the cannon.

“Why did this happen? Obviously, I connected them… but…” muttered Kuroto in doubt.

He calmed his mind and traced back the burning of the seal, and after some observation, he noticed that he didn’t do anything wrong in the procedure, yet, there was a problem in the procedure that confused him, “then why?”

Confused, he retried it, but failed again…

But he wasn’t one to give up so easily, and he tried again and again, but no matter how many times he performed it, the result was the same, all the chakra meridians in his body weren’t being connected.

But his attempts didn’t go to waste, and after a while of trial and error, he finally figured out the issue.

“The problem is the difference in the chakra pathway system between the males and females…”

Males and females obviously have some differences in their chakra pathways, and the Yin-seal he was burning is designed for the female chakra pathway system… which is why all the meridians weren’t connecting with the seal.

‘When she said to not get my hopes too high… I guess, she wasn’t kidding…’ Kuroto muttered with a sigh… Tsunade was indeed right, Yin-seal is truly designed to be a Fuinjutsu that is to be used only by women in general.

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When the Yin-seal was created, the creator might have had the idea of creating it for both males and females, however, the males rarely tried using it, and as such, all the perfections that were made in it were made by females, and were made to suit the needs of females… This continued to happen for several generations, and over time, Yin-seal became a Fuinjutsu that can only be used by women.

In this way, it is nearly impossible for males to master the Yin-seal.

Since the chakra pathways of the two are different, so obviously, the seal that is designed according to the chakra pathways of one gender won’t work on the chakra pathway system of the other.

No wonder Tsunade gave me the scroll so easily… It seems she was quite certain that even if I have the scroll, I won’t be able to master the Yin-seal.

Only now did Kuroto understand her line of thought. The deal the two of us made may seem quite fair on the surface, but in truth, it is not.

The chances of being able to master the Yin-seal are quite low for Kuroto, however, he will have to complete his end of the deal, because she did ‘complete’ her part, she gave him the scroll, as for whether he can master it or not is not her problem.

It’s just that Tsunade seems to have underestimated Kuroto’s abilities and his means.

“I guess I’ll have to show her that I am a tough nut to crack…” Kuroto muttered with a determined expression and delved into successfully mastering the Yin-seal at any cost.