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Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan-Novel

Chapter 617 - Kuroto vs Eight Uchiha Jonin
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Under the gazes of all the Hyuga Clansmen who were standing on both sides of the street, Kuroto slowly walked away from his initial position and made his way towards the clamoring Uchiha Clansmen who were further trying to force their way inside the Hyuga Clan… While walking towards them, Kuroto didn’t seem to have any worries on his face and his expression was calm as if he was out on just an after-meal walk.

Of course, not everyone was as calm as Kuroto… Behind him, Yui had clasped her hands over her chest and was looking at him with a worried expression… She bit her lip and glanced at Hizashi standing next to her, “Hizashi-sama…”

Hizashi nodded slightly, “I know…”????????????????e????????. ????૦????

In fact, Yui didn’t need to say anything as Hizashi had already activated his Byakugan, and he was paying utmost attention to Kuroto and the eight Uchiha Jonin with the intention of intervening immediately should the situation worsen for Kuroto.

And different from Kuroto, Yui, and Hizashi, Neji tiptoed from behind Hizashi and carefully peeked at everything that was happening.

Of course, Neji was also worried, but more than worry, his face was filled with expectations and curiosity…

Back at home, Neji has often heard Hizashi praise Kuroto, he has also heard Kuroto indirectly acknowledge that he is the current strongest in the Hyuga Clan… So, Neji wanted to see what the strongest of the Hyuga Clan can do in the face of such a disparity…

At the same time, outside the mansion of the Hyuga Patriarch, Hiashi also instructed his attendants to interfere if the situation worsen for Kuroto, at the same time, he also ordered some of them to immediately report this matter to Elder Sarutobi Hiruzen.

Eight Jonin Rank officers of the Konoha Military Police Force broke into the Hyuga Clan district, force their way in, and started to create chaos… Regardless of whether this matter is big or small, if it is not handled properly, it will definitely cause enmity, hatred, and major conflicts between the two Shinobi Clans, which wouldn’t be good for either party, particularly for the Hyuga Clan, especially at this time when the Uchiha Clan is in full swing.

Moreover, if any major conflicts happen between the Hyuga Clan and the Uchiha Clan, it will affect the entire Konoha Village, which wouldn’t be a very good thing, concerning the current complicated situation of the Shinobi World.

So, informing the matter to Sandaime Hokage-sama is the best choice, because he, as the third party would be able to intervene and solve the matter a little peacefully.

It’s not that Hiashi doesn’t trust Kuroto’s strength, he does and is generally quite confident in Kuroto’s abilities and choices, but the reason he isn’t very optimistic about the situation this time is that facing eight Jonin rank shinobi at the same time, in particular, eight Jonins of the Uchiha who owns the three tomoe Sharingan of the Uchiha Clan, is no joke, and as such, even if doesn’t want to, he has to prepare for the worst possibility.

On the long street, seeing that Hyuga Kuroto was walking towards them alone, one of the Uchiha shinobi, who recognized Kuroto by face immediately laughed out loud, “Oh? You actually came! And here I was thinking that you will continue to remain inside the Hyuga Clan district and not dare to show up in front of us… it turns out that I was wrong… You do have some guts; I will give you that…”

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Another Uchiha shinobi who didn’t recognize Kuroto at first glance looked at him with a disdainful gaze and asked the other Uchiha around him, “Hey, are you guys sure he is Hyuga Kuroto? He looks as weak as a chicken to me… did this guy really defeat Shinichi, and Hiiragi?”

Listening to the disdainful words of the Uchiha Clansmen, Kuroto’s eyebrows twitched in annoyance… at the same time, he couldn’t help but think to himself, ‘I pity them, they don’t even know how to humiliate someone…’

After an inner chuckle, Kuroto glanced at the eight Uchiha shinobi and asked faintly, “Why are the officers of the Konoha Military Police Force here? And why are you people looking for me? I don’t believe I have even had contact with any of you before… So, what do you people want from me?”

At this time, one of the Uchiha, who seemed to be the leader of these eight Uchiha shinobi stepped forward, and said to Kuroto in a tone filled with contempt, “Hyuga Kuroto… we don’t want to escalate this matter more than necessary… As long as you refuse to become the Principal of the Ninja Academy, and resign from that post… we will forget this matter, and leave without creating any problem… but if you refuse… then…”

From the manner he spoke, he seemed to be ordering Kuroto, rather than saying to him, and it was obvious that he was also issuing a warning to Kuroto that his order cannot be refused, or else the consequences wouldn’t be very good.

One of the Uchiha behind him added with a chuckle, “Hey, that’s not enough… he has to kneel down and apologize too for being rude to us!”

The so-called leader said in a sarcastic tone, “Don’t make trouble Iwaki… he is a member of the Hyuga Clan, and Hyuga Clan is also a clan that is as strong as the Uchiha Clan on the surface, moreover, he also has Byakugan, although Byakugan is far inferior compared to our Sharingan, it is still one of the three Great Dojutsu, so we Uchiha needs to give them some face, otherwise what would the others think…?”

“Humph… what equal to our Uchiha Clan and what three great Dojutsu? They are a bunch of useless people… and their clan is as much trash as all of them!” After speaking such offending and provoking words, Iwaki disdainfully looked at the Hyuga Clansmen and deliberately spat on the street to further humiliate them.

Kuroto didn’t seem to be affected, and after talking a yawn to relieve his tiredness, he said calmly, “Sigh, I am too busy to deal with a bunch of undisciplined and uncivilized people… I don’t have time to entangle with all of you one by one… so… it’s better if you people…”

Before Kuroto could complete his words, the leader interrupted Kuroto and said with a sly smile, “Want to escape? Do you think we would just let you go away so simply?! But of course, I am in a generous mood right now… as long as you resign from the post of the Principal of the Ninja Academy… we will forgive you… But if you don’t, then you will have to be prepared to spend the next month in the Konoha Hospital… And you needn’t worry about the expenses… we will pay for your medical expenses… our salaries are quite high…”

The group of Uchiha around him laughed… booing Kuroto and the entire Hyuga Clan without any worry, timidity, or regard to the fact that they were already surrounded by almost the entire Hyuga Clan.

Kuroto rotated his hand from the shoulder joint and said, “I think you are misunderstanding what I said… When I said that I don’t have time to entangle with all of you one by one, I meant that I want all of you to come at me at once, I don’t have enough time to spare on each one of you individually… so, let’s go together…”

Kuroto said and then beckoned all eight of them to come at him at once.

Listening to the Kuroto’s words, all the Hyuga Clansmen in the surroundings were taken aback… No one thought that Kuroto would fight all of them at once… this is simply unbelievable!

Yui was extremely shocked, looked at Kuroto’s back with a surprised expression, and couldn’t help but wonder, ‘Since when did Kuroto-kun become so cool?’

Even Hizashi was taken aback and tried to think of Kuroto’s intentions behind taking such a risk… As per Hizashi’s understanding of Kuroto’s nature, Kuroto is not the kind of guy who likes to show off… and he generally doesn’t mess around with dangerous situations… ‘Yet the fact that he is taking such a step… it can only mean one thing…’ With such a thought he lightly glanced at Neji…

The leader of the team of Uchiha shinobi was also shocked, he was so shocked that he almost did not believe his ears… He leaned forward and after cleaning his ear, he said, “What did you just say? I didn’t hear it clearly, care to repeat it again?”

“Yeah, sure…” Kuroto nodded with a wicked grin… then without waiting for the other party to respond, he leaned slightly backward and then struck a roundhouse kick on his chest, making him fly several meters high like a projectile…

After the leader drew a beautiful parabolic arc in the air, he slammed on the roof of a house with a muffled noise…


“Did you all hear it correctly this time? If not, I can make another try, I’ll be sure to make it clearer this time…” said Kuroto while looking at the rest of the Uchiha shinobi…

“……” Uchiha Shinobi…

“…….” Hyuga Clansmen…

In an instant, the entire long street of the Hyuga Clan district became deadly quiet…

Whether the Hyuga Clansmen standing on both sides of the street or the Uchiha shinobi standing in front of him, they were all stunned by the sudden actions of Kuroto. None of them expected that Kuroto would make such a move, and the move would be so decisive and ruthless that he sent the other party crashing on the rooftop of a house.

It took a while for them to come back to their senses and realize what exactly happened… And as soon as they came back to their senses, the Uchiha Clansmen gritted their teeth in anger, “This guy… he is looking for death!”

And without any wait, all of them rushed towards Kuroto with killing intent on their faces…


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Kuroto chuckled lightly and by the time they had reacted, Kuroto had already moved from his position.

With a body flicker, he appeared behind Iwaki, and before Iwaki could react, he struck the back of Iwaki’s knee with his foot making Iwaki forcibly collapse on the ground… Coincidently enough, Iwaki’s face landed on the exact same spot where he had spat not long ago which raised several eyes at once…

Of course, Kuroto didn’t care about those eyes, he closed in on Iwaki, then took out his Kusanagi Sword from its sheathe and after lifting off Iwaki’s head by hardly pulling his hair, he pinned Iwaki’s neck with the sharp edge of his blade casually and looked at the other Uchiha shinobi with a provocative expression.

As the metallic sharp edge of Kuroto’s sword touched Iwaki’s neck, Iwaki’s angry face stiffened, and the curse that was about to come out unconsciously was also forced back down in the face of the shard edge that can take his life in a single slash.

Seeing that Iwaki was taken hostage, the other six Uchiha shinobi stopped midway, and under Kuroto’s provocative look, all of them hesitated from making any more… they had to admit to themselves that Hyuga Kuroto is by no means weak, and they will have to take this fight seriously, otherwise they will make a fool of themselves!

“Humph… scared already?” with a cold snort, Kuroto removed the sword that pinned down Iwaki, then with the hilt of his Kusanagi Sword, he struck Iwaki’s head, instantly making him lose consciousness and again collapse on the same spot where he had spat earlier.

With Iwaki knocked out, Kuroto got up, and after sheathing back his Kusanagi Sword, he said, “Don’t worry this is just a casual fight, I don’t have plans on killing you, people… it’s not worth it. So, you people don’t have to be scared and can come at me all at once.”

Such words from Kuroto immediately reignited the anger within the Uchiha Shinobi… and they again started to shout curses at him…

“Arrggghhhh… that’s it… I can’t take it anymore; I am going to kill you!”

“Go to hell, you bastard!”

“Just die!”

But unlike last time, they have already learned their lesson… So, although they shouted curses at him, none of them made any careless moves against him… They had put away their previous contempt and were planning to fight seriously against Kuroto… In their hearts, each of them had accepted that Hyuga Kuroto wouldn’t be easy to deal with… and they have to take this fight extremely seriously if they want to defeat Kuroto.

At the same time not far away from the Hyuga Clan.

Itachi and Shisui were coming toward the Hyuga Clan in a hurry… and Sasuke and Kiyomi were closely following the two.

Perhaps because Sasuke has never noticed his nii-san and Shisui so anxious and in a hurry, Sasuke also became worried, and pleaded to Itachi, “Nii-san, Shisui-nii-san, the two of you must save Neji’s sensei… Neji is a good friend of mine, but if something were to happen to Neji’s sensei because of our clan, how will I face him in the future? So, you two must save Neji’s sensei! Please!”

Kiyomi didn’t say anything… she was just silently following the three.