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Possessing Nothing

Chapter 245: Consciousness (1)
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The wizard guild .

They are represented by a moon tower, but the moon tower is not the entire mage guild .

Area to live most of the wizards are wizards in the guild is registered there .

The guild is registered to get the benefits often is due . Wizard ‘s Guild matap is that they Wizard gathered research on organizations just do not . There are many wizards who are not affiliated with the king .

In which ‘ battles ‘ to specialize samneun are wizards there . The guild belonging battle mages are matap rather , the other where they belong there .

They are magical guards . They are the matap different practical and combat magic , which absorbed and those , Wizards Guild caused the problem, the first handle to move .

The northern city of Hedor . The northernmost of the teurabiah and preparation far away it is , however , H. D’ well north of the cool and cold, faced a place .

Current H. D’There wizard guild of matap week birothaeseo , Magic Army Corps is direct and there .

Incorrect not the way paced the Wizards to punish was in order .

” Kim Jonghyun .”

Gold matap week , Lloyd mouth opened . He looked at the mysterious wizards with his cool eyes .

Four people , the wizard Lloyd front sitting there .

“ Black matap owner he taboo that commits it … … So surprised it rather yirogun day . “

“ Black matap attention traditions and also as not one .”

An old man with a rich beard laughed and laughed . It was a green moon tower .

“ He , why . I was a former martial artist … … This is Prescane . He eventually taboo committed not expel did ? Then kill did that unfortunate day, but dir . “

“ That story is do not let us .”

Lloyd uncomfortable to countenance betrayed . Lloyd is pressed Khan was expelled from the time , press space to cheoksal command under long- time press-Kahn track came .

And a few years ago, the press compartment dungeons found , killed for raiding haeteoteuna have failed faded .

“ It is not to blame you . However , black matap price of the taboos fall is unusual for two days not es . Devil and directly connected over the soul to corruption ‘m prepared . “

“ The gimjonghyeon Fall presses Khan is when the case is different .”

Lloyd sigh naeswimyeo said .

“ Gimjonghyeon will draw a mower with you .”

“ So we are here gathered will Would not .”

Green shares matap yellowish them reveal laughed . Black matap is another matap from those different in ways different .

There belonged not all deulyigo Warlock , they are different and matap not exchange does .

Yes it wizard guild black on matap nerve not do what ‘s not . Rather Wizards Guild The number of monitoring and control under that black is matap .

“ Gimjonghyeon the draw mower with that thing … … Are you sure ? “

It was the white Maruto who asked .

” Certainly .”

Lloyd nodded his head . Greymore . All the Warlock dream , in the hands Loading aspiring stand Mado .

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“ Why so the mower to gimjonghyeon Indian Are you ? Obviously the owner was Arbeth … … “

“ Are Beth to gimjonghyeon draw Mohr gave to think not .”

The green maple lord touched the beard and muttered .

“ But he was surely in Grises . The owner of Greymore has changed to Kim Jonghyun . “

Original draw mower wizard guild owns that was . Grace is so mowers and twins in a spellbook , Wizards Guild has long been a draw Dar so the mower to interpret the work undertaken to come there .

As two of the books e books Guild of the total as of ownership , that none two of the one owned by or in the town books written on the magic is cooked not been .

The past , the wizard in the guild belong to that are Beth is rich with after the mower so have a look hid .

And so the mower twins is very SJ The first chapter is written not without character is engraved there .

Nothing written not did the page , ‘ are Bess ‘ that the name engraved it .

“ Are Beth so the mower gajigoseo a predator , but belong , are Beth draw a mower something evil work that bees did . That great are Festus draw mower magic properly unfold can never suppose it is . “

“ Maybe gimjonghyeon also draw mower owner Although though , so the mower magic properly, do not use mothaljido do not know .”

Lloyd muttered .

“ But it does not matter . Black matap owner gimjonghyeon is so the mower in the hand is placed to have its own critical need that . “

All Black ‘s matap with Wizard Similarly , gimjonghyeon too Wizards Guild surveillance and pursuit being there .

To gimjonghyeon inscribed embroidered location tracking spell of gimjonghyeon the location definitely haejugo ago had .

Current gimjonghyeon the Wizard ‘s Guild target is that , however , their only previous even gimjonghyeon’s Guild in the larger problems are cause was .

The place empty when steadily to a guild reports were haedu , periodically in the guild own research on the challenges of the reports also raise had .

Yes to the wizard guild of gimjonghyeon completely and trust that it was not .

Beth are the Guild betrayal and Rich are the predators who jumped from the rear , the wizard guild is a warlock not trust did .

It is a distrust of reason . In fact, Prescott , who was in charge of the former Black Marathon , betrayed the mage guild by being a Rich .

“ So far, tracing magic functions itne . Maybe … … It will be a trap . “

Gimjonghyeon also himself being tracked that actually know it .

That is also the wizard in the guild belonging blows Warlock , so the mower possession if the wizard in the guild store and that too in Dar their names new mustache enemy that it knew had it .

But tracing the magic is still disappeared was . Like here, come look enticing like .

“ Soon, the Army Corps spell the troops arrive will .”

Mouth open is far and silence that was a wizard . He is magical Army Corps belonging as a wizard , magic Army Corps is to arrive until the Magic Army Corps representative role and perform there .

“ It’s called the opportunity to see it better be the same . Beth are so mower stole ‘s time , than Beth are great wizard eopeotjiman … … Not now, is it ? Magic Army Corps is all if you arrive , the gimjonghyeon killed so the mower back to snatch could be going . “

“ Maybe we are Beth and gimjonghyeon with iteuljido do not know .”

“ They are Beth is great that the wizard called it a long time ago a day . That after hundreds of two years has passed , the guild of wizards levels are extremely has increased . “

Young .

Green matap state and Lloyd power given shouting young wizard looked thought .

It is not as easy as it sounds . No matter Guild of power , but was strong , hundreds of years during the Magic played on are Beth negligible relative not .

Of course, the place where they are Beth in gimjonghyeon by all the magic gyeoteum taken is known not there .

“ I do not want to risk my life .”

The red moon tower opened its mouth . Scarlett annoying face hagoseo leg curl was .

“ I did not want to come here in the first place . Gold matap Lord forcibly dragged on the jaws were brought geotyiji . “

Why hapil gold matap right by the red this matap that wonder . Scarlett grumbled .

“In the first place, other than us , the other landlords did not come, did they ? Well , perhaps I do not know the risk was worried but it is . I am the same . I should go and go , but if life is dangerous . I will flee without hesitation . “

Him for insurance one can contain placed . Scarlett recalled Lee Seongmin and Baek Sogo .

They Garage in the bracelet through the placing us only had … … Indeed they have the time to meet and want ?

Scarlett was a bit skeptical of that idea . Aria is wide . If they and debeun far away where there , the time matching it hard to .

“ Run away ! You call yourself a red matap … … “

“ Hey , little wizard . I’m sorry , I juraneun matap than a title or his more hageodeunyo important . And we are doing What fellow ? Originally Guild purpose fit between these together with interest to take it You all . Why me guild to die that forced you going ? “

Scarlet fired in acrid tone . At that end, the words of the young wizard were blocked .

“ Do not say too much . I do not want is for you forcibly brought it , I ‘m sorry because I think you mean . “

“ Do not be bothered . I’m sorry to have this shit … … “

“… … What is it ? I do not mean to force you to take your life . A dangerous situation if … … “

“All right . I take care to live in order to move ‘ll . Gimjonghyeon son of a bitch , why the fuck to me to come made you ? “

Scarlett querulous voice throwing the wrist cool bracelet off saw .

It was a promise I made a few years ago . If they are dangerous on the situation it has been sentenced when , to help with him .

Scarlett ‘s meuswi in the mountains along who performed one hundred and tambourines to Lee Sung-min it had promised , to them and their same bracelets handed .

Scarlett is a signal you send them the world where the matter between Scarlett position to identify and help here to come can be will .

‘ But the world is wide .’

Scarlett lower lip bodied is chewed . I do not even know where it is . But the Lee Sung-min position to know it .

Haras … … It is a place far away from here . Now, now that starting even to H. d’ To some or months to take it .

” Well .”

Lloyd’s eyebrows jumped trembled . He is the ear with your fingertips and hold and release . Ear hearing communication magical voice ear that was paid the Lloyd’s relieved expression smiled he said .

“ I will send the personnel from the forest side . Finish Murong age is here, not far not there , so , of Murong age Musa and the murimmaeng support the troops that arrived Iwo shape . “

“ Giggle ! Warlock one catch that magical Army Corps matap week , and the murimmaeng to the unattended ? The extent if the forces even the dragon catch can gumeon could . “

Green Ma Tao said with a smile .

Like a joke that group to say , but , really the dragon catch be there to go without second profusely hit Warlock one dealing chigoneun to many of history is without doubt was true .

“ The king of the north . That’s what it’s called . “

The white Maruto Lord muttered .

“ It alone not . It is a week between the killing of people can myeotin give Ana ? Seven villages were killed in his hands . “

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The green mapo lord laughed .

“I do not know if their death is related to the magic of Greymore , but Kim Jonghyun … … He is what the idea is that Whether knowing , so it radically . “

“ Besides, this is the area of the vampire queen .”

As at the end of flirting throw away the green , even matap share a laugh erased .

In fact, to them, In the week between seven of the town it was massacred rather than gimjonghyeon , hundreds of years during the lived monsters in monster vampire Queen is even more frightening was there .

“… … Vampire Queen is the teurabiah itne . “

“I think so . But the northern whole fact of her influence in that should not , why . Gimjonghyeon is in the north of genocide also was punished vampire queen of silence that is … … Vampire Queen and gimjonghyeon between something that should presumably . “

“ Gimjonghyeon this in predator just went Incorporated ?”

“ Maybe we do not know in between he is rich that be would not know .”

Gimjonghyeon the Rich may have been may likely .

It made the mages gathered here silent . Rich is a powerful force that has also yeoseo undead but , why is it all just is not .

Rich that it is others of that will . It is a predator enters the conditions have been met will .

“… … Vampire Queen if intervention How should do ? “

“I have to run away .”

Scarlett replied that there was nothing to think about .

“ Vampire Queen Jennifer is a monster of a monster that has lived for hundreds of years . Besides her hwiha has a strong degree of vampires bunch there . I have to die like the heart never . In fact, now, now it is ridiculous.Two not human hunting hand keeping calm I want . “

“ Quinn has not intervened not going .”

White Margot opened his mouth with a pale face .

“ Named Predator in a group tied to it is , but , they are outside of the monster . To each other loyal something will have no never will . “

“ Yes hostile anything ‘re not . Gimjonghyeon the queen in the region staged a massacre against a queen eunikka was tolerated . “

“It’s just something you do not care about .”

White matap careful to say listening to Lloyd the temple and hold pressed . A bit of silence at the end of the Lloyd alluded to say pulled .

“ You are also the church is connected dont ? Ever you know am the one , Paladin end to fuse with the help ask can ra ? “

” Yes ? It’s … … “

“ Opponent might be undead do not know am the one , they are , if that helps things better is also easier jilji might be whether “

“I see … … Close . One time the Agency into the holding recess . “

White matap price sure not to look smiled hair kkeudeokgeoryeotda .

Troops Nago blow it . Scarlett sighs while Nash hand chin was Massif .

‘ If you come to the Iron Maiden … … You can not ask for help . ‘

Scarlett also rumors know it . Sogo is back to murimmaeng left nothing to know , Lee Sung-min is established precautions successor that it knows .

Sogo is back So hit to Lee Sung-min help ask can have even more impossible was .

In fact, Scarlet did not fully believe in the story of Lee Seong-min’s murder of Seo Jin and Segeun Jeegal .

If it did if something is a matter ‘d method . But this matter that even if , supported by forces of the trichomes age of warriors to import one or more of Lee Sung-min and even more wealth could not have been .

‘ I can not help it .’

Scarlett sigh comfortably while Nash ‘s head was heongkeul . Scarlet pretended not to know the bracelet filled in his wrist , because he did not want to make him dangerous for his own comfort .