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Playboy Cultivator in the Apocalypse

Chapter 92 The Fruits Of Their Punishment
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After leaving Evalyn and Crux, Kaze met his students at the amphitheater at 9 am sharp, showcasing his incredible time management skills.

He walked onto the stage with a slight smile. Everyone waited with bated breath; it was the first day of training since the party punishment. So members were uncertain whether he'd berate them or bear his charisma.

"That was a pretty bad way to kick off learning, wasn't it?" Kaze asked with a cheeky smile.

After a moment of stunned silence, everyone burst into laughter.

"In case you're wondering why I'm not scolding anyone, it's because you've all received your punishment." He chuckled, "Some far more than others."

Many laughed lightly, snickering at the tormented rule breakers. The nature of the punishment was now widely understood and accepted.

However, that didn't change their feelings toward the people that caused the punishment.

"At Immortal Skye, you are not lectured." Kaze explained, "You learn through punishment and reason alone.

Once you've paid for your transgressions, you're free to return to normal life unfettered."

Everyone listened and nodded in understanding.

"Now that you have, let's get started for real." He suggested, "What do you say?"

The faction members exploded in delirious cheers. There was an instant standing ovation as if he gave a marvelous, century-defining speech to usher in a new era.

Kaze chuckled in amusement. "I like your enthusiasm; use it in your learning.

We're learning offensive techniques today. Follow me to the training ground."

Everyone cheered excitedly, filing out of the area, following the emperor to the south side of the campus, beyond the small forested area.

There was four acres worth of long-distance target ranges on the campus, outside sparing rings and an area for training dummies that he hadn't set up yet.

He wouldn't waste resources on training dummies before he infused them with Soul Qi, allowing them to take serious damage without being destroyed.

"Welcome to the training grounds." Kaze smiled, "There are fifty targets here. You know the drill, yes?"

The faction members smiled wryly or chuckled after his words.

"While modern technology can print out scrolls, this area cost millions of dollars to build." He explained.

"So it's a perfect example of resource scarcity in the real world.

As you're aware, helping each other is a suitable method of building power, so exercise it today if you feel it's necessary."

Everyone nodded in assent.

"Now, let's get started." Kaze smiled, "Members are handing out easy-to-learn mortal technique now called [Air Slash].

It's not even a cultivation technique. You're only using raw Elemental Qi to slash the air. Observe."

Kaze smiled and waved his hand lightly.

An arc of warping space slashed the air, leaving dust flying. It shot across the land, past the targets, and—


—a massive treat got cut in half.

Many faction members immediately broke out into wild, excited cheering.

"As you can see, it's still powerful." Kaze explained, "Your task today is to learn and practice the technique, showcasing your talent in dexterity and cultivation."

The faction members accepted the papers with the technique on them, trying not to look at them while he spoke.

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"You will be graded for your competence in both today, so you must practice it at least once."

The faction members groaned, remembering the problems from the first practice.

"I recommend that you not get impatient." He continued, "An unlearned technique will never work; therefore, rushing your progress guarantees failure."

People gulped, afraid of the future. However, many were excited, nervous, and ready to get started and prove themselves.

"Using techniques also requires training and dexterity." Kaze explained, "The people that have both skills are few.

Therefore, you may consider trading people for help. Making allies with others is an important skill that will serve you far into the future.

Grading will be conducted in secrecy. You may begin!"

Kaze walked away from the area with a slight grin, jumped onto the roof of the preparation building, only 50 yards from the students, and sat down behind a concealment technique.

Then he waited for the paranoia to kick in. He left the last time and then showed up in disguise.

Now, he was walking away to give people the perception he was doing the same but didn't get involved.

Everyone gulped and immediately started learning the technique with various approaches.

"Hey, would you like to join our training group? We have five people."

"No thanks, I'm giving it a shot on my own. Thank you."

"What about you?"

"I'm going to try learning it first. That way, I can find someone with the opposite problem and make a trade."

"Okay, suit yourself, you two. Best of luck!"

There were countless approaches, as there were 2,187 people.

The results of his and Evalyn's punishments provided both dramatic gains for performance and devastating further punishment for the guilty.

"Should we ask those guys?"

"Are you kidding? Those are the people that caused the trouble. Just associating with them can get us socially banned!"

"Oh, shit. Good save."

"Wait, guys. What happens if the emperor is amongst them?"

"Oh… wait."

"What do you mean?"

"Remember how he showed up dressed like a student? What if he asks us to help him, and we turn him down?"


"Don't worry about that. Faction Leader's not making us help anyone. But you are right; we must be careful about being rude or starting problems."

"Great point. I'm glad we talked about this."

Teamwork also skyrocketed due to his leadership level-ups.

"Hey, everyone! Before things get hectic, let's figure out a way to distribute the targets first. We'll all fail if we don't do this upfront."

"Good point. It'll turn into a zoo otherwise."

"Aren't you afraid of not learning the technique?"

"Hah, are you kidding? I'm more afraid of ending up like a jester for causing problems!"

Kaze chuckled, satisfied that he had adequately traumatized everyone for the positive.

He intentionally didn't give them a timeframe to increase the pressure. No one knew when the exercise would end, so they panicked to get things done.

Stress and time are two important features of the real world. Learning to deal with them was critical to survival and success.

As the hours passed, many people learned the technique and started practicing.

"These ten targets line's for people that want to take turns with one slash!"

"These two are for people that want three slashes!"

"Over here, we have five lines for groups of five or less to help each other!"

"I wish we had signs! This is annoying."

"Right? Let's bring some next time. I'm certain the Emperor will agree that it's a good approach."

Leaders divided the different targets by the approaches people wanted to take for learning.

Their hearts were in the right place, but it quickly became a disaster.

"Hey, everyone in the three slash line joins the one-person lines after they get their session! We need to stop this!"

"What do you want us to do about it? It's not like we can stop people from practicing."

"This is stopping people from practicing! Those who got the most benefits are abusing the system."

"Yo, chill out, you two. You heard what happened the last time people started arguing, right?

It's weird to say this, but either one of you could be Faction Leader. That's why we should work together in general."

"I… yeah. Good point."

"Sorry, I'm just stressed."

The situation became awkward. Kaze was the person that started making helpful suggestions, so people became wary of any man who offered reasonable suggestions.

It helped the situation a lot.

"Look, everyone. Let's just figure let things play out. The problem will solve itself, right?"

"What do you mean?"

"We created different lines to find a solution that makes things work, right?

No one will go to a line with three hundred people or one that moves too slowly, right?

It'll balance itself, and bad lines will die out. So let's just let it happen for now."

"Good point."

Kaze was satisfied they were learning and developing an economic resource management system.

The economic system was known as laissez-faire, which allowed people to solve their problems and distribute resources depending on their value and demand.

It worked so long as violence was prohibited. It broke down if people killed each other for trying to work things out.

There were serious inequality problems in the system.

However, the main benefit is that working systems created themselves, freeing up resources for the managers to focus on problem-solving instead of scheming for systems to solve problems.

The larger the economy got, the more trouble and problems it created, but with a settlement of only a few thousand people, it was easy to prevent problems. It was ideal.

Five hours into the training, few people were satisfied with their results and started panicking.

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"Hey, I get that things are working, but I haven't practiced once!"

"Shouldn't we let people that have recently learned the technique go once?"

"We should try to create lines for those people."

"Good luck. We have no idea who has learned the system and when. People will abuse the system immediately."

"Fuck the system, man! We're getting graded for this, and it can end at any moment. If people like me haven't gone once, then we fail!"

"Hey, you can't cut!"

"You're preventing me from passing! That's against the rules, right?"

"Not this time, no!"

"Yes, it is! Do you need to be told every time!"

"Look, I don't care what you do. But I haven't gone once either, but I've been in line for thirty minutes, so wait your turn."

Kaze smiled, watching the proceedings. He took note of everyone present; he only needed to see the person once to memorize their words and interactions forever.

He knew everyone by their faces, info, and everything they said.

The emperor had a horrifying condition that was awful to live with but had insane benefits simultaneously.

Of all the groups having difficulty, those guilty of breaking the rules had it worst.

"Of course, he hit it. He learned that the eyesight technique."

"How can you tell?"

"His eyes are glowing. Watch, all those scumbags got it. Gah, I hate them!"

"Look, people make mistakes, lady!"

"Don't call me lady! You're annoying. Shut up and continue cheating."


"Hah! That woman also has that eye technique, but she's not even using it. What a joke."

"Right, it's annoying that she got it and isn't using it. It's a slap in the face of everyone who wants it."

"I bet she can't. She's obviously an idiot."

Those with Mortal Red Eye immediately suffered backlash [whether they used the technique or not]. They were in a brutal lose-lose situation.

Those guilty who didn't accept the punishment were extra salty.

They were ostracized and could fail because no one would work with them or be helpful, while those with the technique would pass from their cheat.

Evalyn's punishment was terrifyingly savage.

After two more hours, the real test began.

"Let's see how you do when you approach eight hours." Kaze grinned, "That's a horrifying psychological level."

Malta had eight-hour work days. So after the seventh hour, fear that the test would end in an hour became concrete in people's minds, and the pressure became severe.

People began arguing, situations became tense, and the leaders in the area showcased their true colors. So did the profound values of Evalyn's [punishment].

"Hey, everyone! Listen up! We've decided as a group that if we all get punished for you guys breaking out, we'll isolate everyone yelling!"

Everyone fell silent instantly and trembled.

No one wanted to be in the shoes of those with Mortal Red Eye. So they quieted down and tried to resolve things instantly.

Things were working well in the main area, but an extremely aggressive situation broke out off-site.

When Kaze saw it, his eyes immediately flashed with murderous intent. He instantly concealed himself and jumped off the roof to put an end to it.