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Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 617 Cut Off Your Tongue
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By the time Li Fengjin got to country P, the sky had gone black. It was in the evening and Parker's men were already waiting for him.

The helicopter landed on an opened space in Parker's mansion. Li Fengjin stepped out of the helicopter and a gush of wind greeted him first.

Luckily he had on a dark shade and so that prevented dust or sandy particles from entering his eyes.

He swept his jet-black hair back and away from his face. He looked around for a quick bit. The mansion was in a not-so-secluded area.

A good one for a man that has to deal with the daily rambling of the city. Indeed, he was impressed.

Li Fengjin turned his attention back to the number of men standing before him. And he only had the time to recognise two of them.

In the middle, stood two men of good physique- body-wise and in height too. The one on the left, dressed in a black outfit was Roger.

He has a set of deep brown eyes, a hard face and black hair that did not reach down his forehead or neck. One looks at him and one would think that he is a soldier.

As for the one on the right, is Parker. He was muscular alright. But he was kind of lean too. No one would be able to tell he had three pairs of delicious-looking abs underneath his khaki shirt.

Unlike the rest of the men with hair, he rolled with a stylish buzz cut. On the left side of it, a lightning bolt was carved. That gave him a cool yet rugged look.

"Welcome to my humble abode, Mr Li," Parker greeted with a wide, happy grin on his face.

"Thanks, man," Li Fengjin shook and pulled him into a manly hug. Both patting each other's back a few times.

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It has been years since they had seen each other face to face. Even calls or messages can be considered as rare for them.

Both were busy men in their own fields and Parker understood that. There was hardly even a topic for discussion.

"Welcome, boss," Roger bowed as Li Fengjin and Parker pulled apart from the hug.

"Hmm. How is the team?" Li Fengjin asked after throwing him an acknowledging nod.

"They are all good, boss. All well-prepared and ready to take direct orders from you," Roger answered.

"As it should be. It's nice to know you guys are not slacking and preparing to make up for your mistakes."

Saying that, his cold gaze swept across the familiar faces of his men. They felt that coldness in their skin and gulped.

"How about we go inside? You can freshen up, we will have a nice meal for dinner and a good rest. First thing, tomorrow morning, we will discuss about the purpose of your visit," Parker suggested.

"I would really love to skip all those and discuss instead," Li Fengjin spoke from his mind.

The only he wanted was to finish things as soon as possible and get back home to his wife and son. But he also knows that dealing with Zhixin might take a while.

However, he did not want things to be too dragged out. He knows how worried they will be. Especially Bai Renxiang and his mother.

And their worry was on a whole different level. Bai Renxiang at most. But he can't blame her though. He was the one who left without a word.

"I know you want things to be wrapped up quickly because of personal reasons, but we have to tread carefully. You of all people know how Zhixin is," Parker reasoned out.

"You don't have to remind me of the last part," Li Fengjin slightly grumbled.

"Sorry," Parker quickly apologised.

He knew how much Li Fengjin hated knowing that guy, Zhixin, so well. But he also knows Li Fengjin bore with it because of the advantage it has over Zhixin.

"Fine. Let's discuss tomorrow," Li Fengjin finally agreed.

Even as the urge to immediately deal with Zhixin was strong and barely uncontrollable, he has to admit that Parker has a point there.

"That's better. Let's head in. Even if I know the cold air out here does not affect you, I want you in good health when going back. I don't want your wife to come for my head for not taking good care of her husband while he was here with me," Parker jokingly said in a relatively low voice.

"I hope she cuts off your tongue as well," Li Fengjin retorted and walked away leaving Parker to roll his tongue in his mouth.

"Can she really do that?" he murmured to himself as fear crawled into his skin.

"Hey, Li Fengjin wait for me. You are not supposed to leave your host behind," Parker rushed after them seeing as only the bodyguard was still standing there.

~Inside the mansion~

Li Fengjin was taken to a room prepared for him. Since he had agreed to start planning the next day, he might as well just relax.

After eating and talking with Parker for a bit, he went back to his said room. He then took a bath and lay on the bed with just a sweatpant on.

A long tiring sigh left his lips. His thoughts as of that moment were of his beloved wife. His Renxiang.

'She will definitely be worried about my sudden disappearance. I already miss them so much,' Li Fengjin thought.

His thoughts kept weighing on her and Li Xiaojin before he finally drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, as early as before the sun could rise, Li Fengjin was up and dressed. He was rather pumped up about this whole issue of him being here in the first place.

When he walked down the stairs and into the living room, Parker was sitting there with a cup of coffee and a newspaper in both of his hands. Li Fengjin joined him.

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"I had no idea you were a coffee and newspaper person, Parker," Li Fengjin made a passing remark.

Parker showed a small smile. He dropped the newspaper by his side and took a quick dip in his coffee and dropped that on the table too.

"Me neither. It is something that I started recently. At least it still reminds me that I have a normal life that is not just about being a mafia boss, you know," Parker said.

"Yeah. Good for you," Li Fengjin nodded.

"Someone get an extra mug for Mr Li to have coffee with me," Parker order one of the two maids on standby.

"Good morning, Li Fengjin. I hope the bed was comfy enough to carry you and your worry and eagerness," Parker greeted as if they did not have a cover before now.

Li Fengjin shook his head. "It was comfy for sleep but not enough to prevent me from thinking of my worried wife and mother. And let's not even get started on how inquisitive my son can be."

Parker let out a short laugh. If someone told him that the Li Fengjin who saved him in the past would be a doting family man, he would have laughed it off as a joke.

Back then, the Li Fengjin he saw and came to know little about was ruthless, and merciless in dealing with his enemies. He always had that cold and dangerous aura around him.

So of course he will doubt that that kind of man will be happily married with a child. And he tends to be down that they would be worried.

"You should have told them then," Parker repeated those words he has been saying

"Not a chance. Why don't you tell your girlfriend that you are a mafia? The boss of a huge one at that, hmm?" Li Fengjin questioned him with raised brows.

Just then the maid came in with a set of coffee cutlery for Li Fengjin. She then stepped back as Li Fengjin said he will serve himself. Parker then dismissed them as ge had nothing for them to do.

He watched them leave and then his eyes trailed back to the man sitting opposite him on the brown couch.

"How did you know that I have a girlfriend? No one, even my people in the house knows anything of that," Parker questioned.

Li Fengjin smirked from behind the cup before taking calm sips. "There are some certain things I do not need to ask you to know, Parker. You should be well aware of this by now. Especially as you sneaked out of my wedding at the church."

​ Parker gasped out. "So you did see me. I thought when our eyes met you were not really looking at me but at someone else in my direction."

"Why did you not bother to even come and wish us a blissful life ahead since you were already there?" Li Fengjin asked with raised brows.

"Well, it was because I was not invited."