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Chapter 370 Before Battles
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Chapter 370 Before Battles

"Hubby, they keep eating those dishes, but why haven't they turned into demons?"

Chen Li himself didn't understand that, especially since he had never witnessed the transformation of a human into a demon. Even Mayumi Keiko and the others watched them with a confused look.

Suddenly, Xiao Hei appeared and explained it to them. "The process of humans becoming demons depends on the quality of the demon beasts. These humans will turn into demons faster if they use the meat of high-level demon beasts, and their change will be gradual if they only use low-level ones."

Chen Li nodded in understanding. 'So they deliberately used meat from low-level beasts for these people to avoid detection by the angels, but they didn't expect that Michael already knew about their actions and sent his kin to this place.'

"Maybe like that." Xiao Hei answered with a nod. "Besides, demon beasts are much different from cultivator beasts, and they need a long time to reach high levels, so it is impossible for those lowly creatures to sacrifice them if they really want to wage a war with those birdmen."

'Can you stop them from turning into demons, Sister Hei?'

Chen Li raised his eyebrows after he heard that, but he didn't say anything to Mayumi Keiko. Unlike him and Feng Xian'er, she still had more conscience, so he knew that she couldn't bear to see those people turn into demons, especially since they would be miserable because of it.

"It's just a trivial matter." Xiao Hei then summoned Taotie out of her shadow. "This big guy is one of the strongest of the darkness creatures, and he can absorb everything related to demons, so he can remove the effects of the demon beast meat from their bodies easily."

'Please ask him to help these people, Sister Hei.' Mayumi Keiko said it with a pleading look.

Xiao Hei did not immediately agree to Mayumi Keiko's request and turned to Chen Li to ask for his approval first, especially since he was her master, and he just nodded to her, so she ordered Taotie to save those people.

Wasting no time, Taotie opened his mouth wide, and they could see much black smoke coming out of the people's bodies, which he immediately absorbed into his body.

Mayumi Keiko breathed a sigh of relief after seeing that, and she then took Chen Li's hand. 'I'm sorry, husband. I know that you think nothing of them, but I can't let them suffer and be sacrificed by those demons.'

'You don't need to apologize, and I really understand your feelings.'

Since there were too many people there and they were still consuming those dishes, the process continued for quite a long time.

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Even so, Wrath and Lust were completely unaware of Taotie's actions, and they were also unable to see him, especially since he was an existence far above them.

Sometime later, those people had stopped eating and drinking, and Taotie closed his mouth after he absorbed the black smoke that came out of their bodies.

"Good job, Big Guy." Xiao Hei said as she rubbed Taotie's head, and he entered her shadow again. "Since everything is settled, I will enter Tianyi Realm again, master."

'En.' Chen Li just nodded to her.

After the banquet ended and people started to leave the building, Chen Li immediately told his acquaintances. "Let's leave this place now; those angels will move soon, and we don't need to get involved in their fight."

Chen Li hugged his wives by the waist and glanced at Saito with a mocking smile before leading them out, and the other people immediately followed them out of the building, including Jin.

Seeing that, Saito became even more furious, and he immediately followed them.

"Aren't you going to stop him?" Wrath asked Lust. "If you don't stop him, he will definitely die in their hands."

"Hehe." Lust chuckled and shook her head at him. "Saito was just a chess piece, and our plan has succeeded now, so it doesn't matter if he dies in their hands."

"Well, that's true." Wrath then turned to leave, as he said to her again. "Let's go; those birds seem to be impatient to fight with us, so we will face them head-on."

Lust glanced at Victoria for a moment before following her partner out. "Hey, it seems she wants to challenge you, but you shouldn't kill her and give her to me later, okay?"

"All right, I won't kill her and will just pluck her golden feathers, and you can have her later." Wrath answered as he quickened his pace, and Lust followed beside him with an excited smile, but they immediately flew in different directions.




"Let's go." Victoria said as she returned to her angel form, and she led the other angels to leave. "Like our previous plan, I will face Wrath by myself, so you guys have to stop Lust so she won't interfere with our battle."

As they followed behind Victoria, Mikaela and the other angels also did the same as her, and they also prepared their weapons to face their eternal enemies.

When they arrived outside the building, Victoria immediately flew after Wrath, while Mikaela and the others immediately went to fight Lust.




"You guys can go first, and I will face that guy." Without waiting for their answer, Chen Li immediately went to a quieter place, and he left Sun Xing'er with them to protect them.

Saito, who was already filled with anger, immediately followed Chen Li without the slightest hesitation.

"Can Chen Li handle him alone, Xian'er?" Luo Yi worriedly asked her, especially after she found out about Saito's relationship with the two demons.

"You don't need to worry about him, Big Sis Yi." Feng Xian'er replied with a relaxed smile. "Even though he has a contract with Lust, Saito's strength is still below his, and hubby still has many other abilities, so he can definitely defeat him."

Hearing that, Jin actually smiled with satisfaction and said to Mayumi Keiko. "If your husband can really get rid of Saito, you can live more peacefully without worrying about his surveillance anymore, and the situation in our country can also become stable again, especially since he repeatedly pressured us all."

"Yes." Mayumi Keiko nodded to him. "For the past years, Saito has always been overbearing, but everything will end tonight, and we can all regain our peace after today."

"Haha." Jin laughed loudly and patted Mayumi Keiko on the shoulder. "Remember, you have to invite me to your wedding with him later."

Mayumi Keiko smiled when she heard that. "Don't worry, I will definitely invite you to our wedding, and you must bring my aunt and niece."

"Sure." Jin then said goodbye to Shiori Aya and Haruka Reina before leaving them, especially since the situation in that place would soon become chaotic.

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Not only him, Mao Tianxie directly enveloped his group with his ability, but Feng Xian'er stopped them and said to the two women. "Big Sis Yi! Big Sis Susu! I hope you two can come to our mansion tomorrow."

"Eh?" Song Susu was surprised by Feng Xian'er's invitation, especially since she was not close to her, but Luo Yi accepted her invitation without hesitation. "All right, I will go to your mansion tomorrow, and we will talk again later."

After they disappeared, Feng Xian'er then said to Sun Xing'er. "I want you to go to Victoria and Wrath's place now."

"Oh?" Sun Xing'er was taken back for a moment. "What are you planning? Do you intend to bring the golden-haired angel into my brother's harem?"

"I haven't thought about that, especially since she's too arrogant and looks down on us humans." Feng Xian'er replied as she shook her head. "I'm sure that she will lose against Wrath, so I want you to save her if he wants to kill her, but you don't need to kill him, or it will add new problems for us."

"I know." Sun Xing'er immediately disappeared from their sight after that.

Feng Xian'er then turned to Mayumi Keiko and the others. "You guys can go home now, and I'll watch the angels' fight with Lust."

However, Mayumi Keiko shook her head at her, and she spoke to Shiori Aya. "Mother, you and the others go back first; I will wait for Chen Li to finish his battle with Saito."

"All right." Shiori Aya then pulled Akira to go with her, for she was only an ordinary human, and he couldn't enter the Tianyi Realm like her and her daughter.

Haruka Reina sighed in her heart, seeing Nan Xinyue keep looking in the direction Chen Li was leaving before, and she grabbed her hand before pulling her away. "If you love him that much, then you should go see him later, but I'm not sure if he'll be willing to give you another chance."

"I know." Nan Xinyue answered in a sad tone.

After that, Mayumi Keiko walked towards Chen Li's location, and Feng Xian'er flew towards Mikaela and the others.




Meanwhile, Chen Li had arrived at a place where no one else passed by, and he looked at Saito with a relaxed smile. "I definitely won't be able to do anything to you if you come here with Lust, but you're too confident to follow me alone, and I will make sure that you won't bother Keiko again in the future."

"Humph!" Saito snorted at him and unsheathed his katana, and he pointed it at Chen Li. "Keiko is mine! I will get her after I kill you."

- To Be Continued -