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Chapter 369 Demon Plans
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Chapter 369 Demon Plans

"What do you think they're planning?" One of the male angels asked.

Mikaela shook her head at him. "Michael himself still doesn't know the plans of those damn demons, so we have to find out about their plans first. However, I didn't expect that Wrath and Lust would be here, and we couldn't possibly fight them."

The other angels nodded in agreement with her, but their expressions changed once they saw the golden-haired woman who had just entered the building, and they immediately approached her.

"Why are you here, Victoria?" A female angel asked her with an excited look.

Victoria glanced at the two demons before answering her. "Michael told me that they were coming here, so I immediately rushed here, or else you would definitely die in their hands."

"Are you able to face them both at once?" Mikaela doubtfully asked her. Even though she knew that Victoria was very strong, her strength was still below Michael's, and both demons had strength equal to his.

"I can't face them both at once." Victoria then explained it to them. "Even so, I can still face Wrath alone, so I'll leave Lust to you guys, and don't let her interfere with our fight."

"All right." Mikaela and the others nodded in agreement at her.

Before long, Saito went up on stage and started the meeting directly, and he explained to them the purpose of the meeting. However, there was nothing strange about all his explanations; most of them were just matters related to relations between countries and trade.

After Saito finished all his explanations, each representative from various countries also took their turn to give their views and opinions on all the issues. Even though there was a lot of debate due to differences of opinion between them, which lasted quite a long time, the meeting could be said to be quite conducive, and there were no major or significant problems.

However, the situation became a little tense when they were about to start the banquet, especially when Saito saw Chen Li walking into the room, plus Mayumi Keiko and Feng Xian'er hugging his arms intimately, and Sun Xing'er lying on his head in her fox form.

Noticing Saito's glance at him, Chen Li just smiled faintly and ignored him, and he led them towards their acquaintances.

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Haruka Reina and Nan Xinyue felt confused by Feng Xian'er's presence, especially since they had not seen her before, and she then turned to Shiori Aya with a questioning look, but she only smiled at her.

When they arrived in front of those people, Chen Li immediately enveloped them with his aura and said to them. "I'm going to tell you all something, but you guys don't overreact, okay?"

They nodded to him, and Shiori Aya asked. "What really happened?"

"You guys should not eat all the dishes or drinks at this banquet, for Saito's people and the demons use the meat of demon beasts to entertain you all, and they also mix their blood in them." Although they were very shocked after hearing that, they remained as calm as possible, and Chen Li told them again. "The genes and bloodlines of demon beasts are contained in their flesh, and you guys will turn into demons if you eat them."

They were even more shocked when they heard that, and they looked at all the dishes on the table. Even though they looked like ordinary dishes, none of them doubted Chen Li's words.

"So Saito and the others want to turn these people into demons? But why do they want to do that?" Haruka Reina asked with a confused look.

"See them?" Chen Li pointed at Victoria and the others. "They are angels, and those demons want to use humans to wage a war against them. Even though we humans have superpowers, our physique is not as strong as demons, so they have to turn us into demons like them first; only then can they use us as cannon fodder."

They frowned after hearing that, and this time Jin asked him. "Aren't you going to stop them, young man?"

"No." Chen Li shook his head at Jin. "Old man, I am not a savior, and I cannot care about the fate of these people. As for you, you have a good relationship with my mother-in-law and wife, so I also warn you about their actions."

Suddenly, Nan Xinyue said to him. "Chen Li, I know that you don't know these people, but they are humans like us, and you have the power to save them, so I hope you can stop those two demons."

However, Chen Li didn't say anything to answer Nan Xinyue, and he spoke to Jin again. "Anyway, it's up to you if you want to save them, but no one will believe you, and you won't be able to do anything against those demons, especially since those two demons are powerful; even I myself am not their opponent."


Dugu Bao and the others gasped in shock at Chen Li's words, especially since they knew that he was very strong and had various abilities, but he now said that he was not the opponent of those demons.

Upon hearing that, Jin felt a dilemma about saving those people, and he himself was not Saito's opponent, let alone the fact that he still had to face those demons.

Meanwhile, Nan Xinyue bit her lower lip, and her expression looked sad because Chen Li ignored her.

Haruka Reina couldn't help but sigh inwardly at her expression. She took Nan Xinyue's hand and rubbed it, but she also felt helpless to help her daughter, as she could clearly see that Chen Li didn't care about her.

"How long will it take for them to turn into demons?" Luo Yu asked him.

"I don't know for sure." Chen Li then looked at those people. "I myself have never directly witnessed a human turning into a demon after eating the meat of demon beasts, but someone told me that it could really happen."

Feng Xian'er suddenly said to them. "You guys don't need to think about these people, and we just need to wait for what will happen next. Those angels won't just sit back and let those demons' plans succeed, and they can do something to help them, but a fight will break out between them for sure."

They could only nod to Feng Xian'er and talk about other things, but they continued to sigh as the people started eating the dishes available there.




Saito continued to glare viciously at Chen Li, and his fists were tightly clenched, causing his hands to become very red. 'That bastard! How dare he snatch Keiko from me! I will definitely kill him with my own hands!'

Unlike him, Lust kept looking at Chen Li as she licked her lips, and the look in her eyes showed that she couldn't wait to get to him, but she chose to hold herself back for now. Besides, Victoria and the others also kept their eyes on them, so she didn't want to spoil their plans.

Suddenly, Wrath said to her. "Don't you feel strange about those people?"

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"Hmm?" Lust turned to him with a raised eyebrow.

Wrath pointed at Chen Li and the others. "Look at them; they are not eating or drinking at all, especially after the arrival of that silver-haired human, and I can't hear their conversation either."

Hearing that, Lust finally realized the strangeness and looked at Chen Li again. "Do you think that silver-haired man has already realized our plan and deliberately came here to stop us?"

"I guess so." Wrath then turned to the angels' location. "Besides, those damn angels seem to know them very well, especially that Victoria, and she has been paying attention to that silver-haired man."

"En." Lust nodded as she looked at Victoria, and a strange smile appeared on her face. "Did you order your people to mix everything I gave you before into those dishes, Saito?"

"Yes." Saito then said to her. "Hey, Lust! You have to help me do something about that silver-haired guy, but you don't have to kill him, and I want to torture him to death."

"All right." Lust unhesitatingly agreed to his wishes. "However, I'll hand the guy over to you after I've had some fun with him, okay?"

"Up to you." Saito didn't really care about that, and he just wanted to kill Chen Li as quickly as possible.




"Aren't we going to stop these humans, Victoria?" A male angel asked her. "If they continue to eat the meat of those demon beasts, they will definitely turn into demons later."

"I know." Victoria nodded at him, but her gaze was filled with disgust towards those people. "They seem to want to use these lowly humans as sacrifices against us, but I don't care about their fate. If they turn into demons and lose their minds, I just need to kill them, right?"

"I agree with you." Mikaela said as she smiled. "They are just greedy and lowly creatures, and they are also destroying this realm, so we don't need to waste our time saving them."

The other angels couldn't help but sigh after hearing their words, for they knew that both of them didn't like humans, especially Mikaela.

Victoria nodded her head and continued to glance at Chen Li. 'Who exactly is that silver-haired man? Why did the crimson-haired woman seem so obedient to him? Moreover, she's strong enough to defeat a pureblood vampire, so he should be stronger than her.'

- To Be Continued -