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No More Waiting, She Chooses Love

Chapter 62
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Chapter 62 Dustin halted, casting a doubtful glance my way.

I offered a wry smile, saying, "Jacqueline did sredecorating." After that, I handed Dustin his bag. "Dustin, why don't you unpack and rest a bit? I need to sort sthings out myself." He hummed in response, and I returned to my room.

The room still held both my and Conrad's belongings, clearly showing no one had lived there since I left. It seemed Conrad hadn't returned even once. Where had he been staying all this time? With Haley at Crystal Bay Villas, maybe? The thought squeezed my chest. It felt like I had gotten Conrad out of my heart, but the wounds he left are still healing.

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I pushed those thoughts aside and started packing my things. Years of practicing minimalism could make the job easier. My clothes and personal items weren't many, fitting neatly into one suitcase.

When I almost finished packing, a knock on the door pulledback. It was Dustin.

He had changed clothes and peered pastto the still-open suitcase, his brows furrowing. "You're moving out of the Wagner family?" "Yeah, it'd be awkward to stay," I said, continuing with my packing.

Dustin stepped inside, his gaze landing on the open wardrobe with Conrad's clothes still hanging inside. His fists clenched at his sides. "You and Conrad have been together for so long, and to leave like this..." Dustin's voice trailed off, "Are you sure you're okay with this?" Was I okay with it? That word again? I paused, "You know me, Dustin. I'm all about letting go." Dustin stayed silent as I finished packing. Zipping up the suitcase, I went to lift it off the bed, but Dustin's hand pressed down on it.

Our eyes met. Dustin's eyes were clear, so pure, unlike Conrad's chilly gaze or Ernest's brooding darkness. Dustin's eyes were like a springtlake, clear to the bottom. They were innocent, making one feel at peace. "Felicia, you once said this was your home," his voice was low, carrying a weight that made it breathless. I knew he wantedto stay.

"Dustin, do you think I belong here?" I asked, motioning towards the bed where the pillows were still side by side. "Expectto share a bed with Conrad after we've broken up?" Something flickered in Dustin's eyes, too quick forto catch.

He slowly withdrew his hand, his voice deep, "Will you ever return?" "Of course," I said with a smile.

But I knew it would only be

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occasional, even if I would cback. Or perhaps I wouldn't. Whoever Wouldn't.

said a couple could stay friends or family after breaking up was nonsense. I couldn't do it. "So, you'll still seeas a brother?" His voice cwith sadness.

My heart suddenly felt heavy, but I forced a smile. "Of course, you'll always be my brother."

"Then..." he started, then stopped, his gaze profound as if looking into the e depths of a lake, "Can I hug you?" I paused, surprised, and before I

could respond, I was already in his embrace. His warm breath on my hair, his scent permeating through me, Seeped through my skin and heart, causingto tremble slightly. Ashburn X