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No More Pain For This Villain.

Chapter 43 One More To Go.
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System notification.

You earned 50 blood points for killing...

Total blood points: 305


The notification popped out of nowhere as I hid the dead bodies of both goons in the bush. It's not the most safe place to hide something that's not meant to be found out, but I also can't go around carrying corpses over my shoulders when there are more potential threats out there.

"Phew, System Store." I looked for something useful in the store; it's my first time actually using store items.


 Store lv1

Blood points:(305)

1 mana potion: 25 points.

1 healing potion: 30 points

Full Set of Gargoyles' Armour: 150 Points



1 Basic Spatial Ring: 300 points




"Woo, it has a spatial ring to it." There's a spatial ring for like three hundred points. I clicked on it to take a closer look.


[Basic Spatial Ring.]

-It can hold up to seven types of items that weigh up to two hundred pounds.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

-If an item weighs more than required, it'll be counted as more than one thing.

-can be bought only once from the store.


"Hmm, I think I might know where to use this right now, but not now. For now, I'll just get two mana potions and two healing potions." I bought them from the store, and the notifications of one hundred and ten points being deducted hovered above my eyes.

The basic spatial ring is going to be the straw that's going to save my ass from the guards, but now I don't have enough points to buy it leisurely.


A cool sensation spread down my neck as I downed one of the mana potions that had appeared out of nowhere when I had purchased them, nearly filling my entire body, but it wasn't enough to refill all of my depleted mana stores, so I gulped down the second one instantly. I'll need to be prepared for the next attack.

"Then what are we going to do now?" Blaze asked, and his question is valid: What am I going to do? Am I going to run just like before, or am I going to fight them head-on and die?

"You know what Blaze?" I made my answer clear to myself.

"What?"Blaze didn't catch up to me as quickly as he asked.

"Let's begin the hunt." I was tired of hunting just a moment ago, but now I am filled with new vigour since now the prey is the one I hate.


"Hey, where is that rat? I'll kill that damn kid the moment I see him." The stout guy said this while his fellows giggled at him.

"Hehehe, brother Dane You are just angry because a fifteen-year-old kid humiliated you in front of the whole guild, right?" said the thin guy.

"Fu*k off, Nyle, I am not the only one; Kale was also on the receiving end; he also got beaten up by that boy." Dane's face contorted in anger as he dragged his other friend in to make the event seem less humiliating for himself.

Kale was not saying anything; he just kept looking around like he was just expecting something to ambush him from the shadows, trembling just because some small stone rolled over.

"Oye Kale, don't be so tense, man; there are three of us now here; that smelly brat won't be able to touch you." Nyle tried to calm his anxious friend with words.

"I still think that we should bring big brother Kyle with us," Kyle suggested. Kyle is the name of their leader; he is not here since he left in another direction to look for Ren.

"Don't be a wussy now; there is no need for Kyle here when you have me." Dane was not having it, as he said that there is no need for their most powerful party member to be here when they have him.

 There are just three of them here in the middle of nowhere; it is dark out, even though it is mid-afternoon, and not a single speck of light penetrates the thick forest and hits the ground, making the visibility quite poor.

R u s t l e

There was a slight noise in the bush to their left.

"Nyle, did you hear that?" "Look there," Dane said as he took the fighting stance, and Kale backed off far away because he was scared.

"Yeah." Nyle slowly walked towards the bushes while conjuring a spell. It's a small shard of sharpened ice.

Step step

He peered a little to see if there was anyone there but saw no one, so he turned back and noticed something unusual.

"Where is kale?" Nyle asked,Kale was there just a moment ago, taking cover behind Dane, but now there was no sign of him being there.

Dane flinched when he saw his friend was missing, as he called for him, "Hey Kale!"


There was no response from his friend; they both took their fighting stances immediately with their backs to each other.

"Keep a close eye; that bastard must have got him." Nyle just strengthened his body with mana while Dane conjured a large boulder from the ground.

"Don't worry that the brat won't kill him; he's doing this to just scare us." Dane was pretty confident that there was no threat to their friend's life.

Z o o p

"Hey look!" Dane tackled Nyle out of the range of the incoming attack; it's a fire spell.

"That direction." Both of them directly ran into the direction from which the attack was launched, but were only met with something that they'll never forget.

There lies a headless corpse of someone; they can identify him from the clothes he was wearing, and the identity of that dead person is someone they know.

"Kale!!!" Nyle's face went pale in horror as he saw Kale's body lying around lifelessly. He croaked down near the corpse.

F u s h

"Ahhh!" Nyle groaned in pain when another inferno bolt hit him on the right side of his torso.

"You shouldn't be worrying about him when you are still dealing with me." A voice as calm as ever came from the right side. Dane shifted his focus to the source of the incoming voice and recognised the same youngster he had just deemed harmless.

Dane conjured a large boulder and smashed it into the place where Ren was standing.


Ren evaded the attack with a swift movement; he is using lightning to increase his agility.

"Nyle!Get up! "Dane asked for support from his injured companion.

"Yeah-ugh," Nyle's voice was cut in half when another inferno bolt passed through his vocal cord and he dropped to the ground.

"And there goes the fourth one; now it's just me and you." Ren revealed himself in full view of Dane.

"Y-you, fu*k, I'll kill you." Dane placed his hands on the ground and initiated another earth-type spell, "Earthquake."

This spell targets the enemy and unleashes energy in the form of waves that rumble through the crust of the ground.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

"Whoa!" Ren fell down because of the cracks that were forming beneath him.

R u m b l e

Dane cast an earthen Lance, another potent spell, right away.

"Take it!"Dane yelled as he lowered a lance of earth onto Ren.

S t a b

"ughhh" The sharp Lance stabbed Ren in the left thigh and pinned him to the ground.

"Haa haa." Dane breathed deeply and walked towards Ren. He used a lot of mana for those two spells.

"I'll kill you, bastard." Dane pulled a small, short sword from the inside pocket of his robe.

 In spite of having one severely injured thigh and blood gushing from his wound, Ren was not panicked; instead, he relaxed his body as if accepting his death and giving Dane the impression that he had won the battle.

When Dane was ready to strike, he moved forward while holding the short sword in the air.

"Blaze, do it now." Ren muttered these words, and something like black smoke shot from inside him and materialised directly in front of Dane's face, scaring the snot out of him.

"Peek-a-boo!!" Blaze spoke amusingly as he twirled around in the air.

"G-ghost!!!!" Dane backed off pretty far, giving Ren enough time to break the earthen lance and set himself free.


A ball of lightning hit Dane's chest, and he flew a few feet away from the place he was standing before.


System notification

You earned 50 blood points by killing.


You earned 30 Points by killing.

You earned 25 Points by killing.

[Total blood points: 300 ]


"And that's the fifth one—only one to go now." Ren said while chugging down the healing potion.

"I'll just have to gather the corpses before heading towards the last one." Ren said before buying something from the system store.


[A/N: well, we all know now that he can now earn blood points by killing humans.]