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No More Pain For This Villain.

Chapter 236  Lunch huh
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Chapter 236  Lunch huh

After a few hours or so, Cecelia and I walked side by side back to the dorms. The evening sun cast a warm hue over the academy grounds, creating a peaceful atmosphere. We strolled in comfortable silence, exchanging occasional glances that conveyed volumes about the day's events.

The buzz of students chatting dissipated as we approached the dormitories, the vibrant energy of the day giving way to a tranquil evening. The sky displayed shades of orange and pink as the sun descended beyond the horizon, signaling the imminent nightfall.

"Thanks for sticking around for the announcement," I said, breaking the silence.

"No problem. It was quite surprising, wasn't it?" Cecelia replied, her voice still carrying a hint of excitement.

"Absolutely. The Mage's Gambit announcement really shook things up," I agreed, contemplating the intense competition that lay ahead for the participants.

Upon reaching the dorms' entrance, Cecelia turned to me. "Good luck for tomorrow," she said with a smile.

"Likewise," I responded, returning the smile. With a nod, we went our separate ways—she headed for her dorm.

As I turned, I froze—

'Why does this feel like you were caught cheating?' Blaze asked.

And indeed, it did feel a bit like that.



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"Evening," With a lack of warmth in the greeting, the beast girl looked at me with a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes.

"Good evening," I replied, sensing an awkward atmosphere.

"Looks like you had quite a fun day," She glanced behind me, where Cecelia had just left.

... Oh, she saw us together, huh?

"Yeah, I suppose..." I moved closer to her.

"Well, it looks like you aren't that happy about the announcement," I observed, looking at her.

"...Do you often meet Cecelia?" She seemed fixated on that topic.

'Ooo, interesting,' Blaze mused in my mind.

"Nah, I just met her a few hours ago—had lunch with her, and then, surprisingly, the announcement was made," I explained.

"You had lunch with her," her eyes narrowed slightly, and her brow furrowed.

"Yeah," There was a pause in my sentence.

I don't think Raven has any issues with Cecelia. They aren't close friends, but at least they're not on bad terms.

"Well, that concludes today. I'm going to head back, and you should too," I attempted to leave, but I stopped as I noticed her staring directly into my eyes, her expression a mix of anger and sadness.

"I haven't eaten anything," she stated.

"Wanna grab something at the canteen?" I offered. I knew that refusing would only escalate the situation for no reason.

'How'd you know?' Smokeball asked.

Well, let's just say I have a bit of an understanding of how women think. From her expression, I can tell she wants to eat something and wants me to join her immediately. Plus, I'm not that tired, so I'll tag along.

"Sure," she agreed with a smile. It feels like I was the one who made the request and she simply agreed.

'Women,' Blaze commented with just one word.

I gestured for Raven to walk alongside me as we headed towards the canteen. The evening air felt cooler, the sun having dipped further beyond the horizon, casting a soft glow over the campus.

As we strolled, the atmosphere between us was a mix of awkwardness and unspoken tension. Raven remained quiet, her expression unreadable. I glanced at her occasionally, trying to gauge her mood without directly probing.

The canteen came into view, bustling with students unwinding after a long day. We entered, and I led Raven to an unoccupied table in a quieter corner.

"What do you want to eat?" I asked, trying to break the silence.

She shrugged, her gaze wandering around the menu. "Anything is fine."

I headed to the counter, ordering a couple of sandwiches and drinks. When I returned, Raven was lost in thought, absentmindedly tapping her fingers on the table.

"Here," I slid her sandwich and drink across the table. "I hope it's okay."

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"Thanks," she muttered, taking a bite without much enthusiasm.

I nibbled on my sandwich, the silence weighing heavily between us. I searched for something to say, to break this uncomfortable atmosphere, but words seemed to escape me.

"So... anything interesting happen today?" I tried to initiate conversation.

"Not really," she replied flatly, taking a sip of her drink.

The conversation felt forced, and it was evident that both of us were preoccupied with our thoughts. The tension lingered, and I couldn't shake off the feeling that something was bothering Raven.

We finished our meal in strained silence, and as we stood up to leave, I glanced at her. "I hope you're okay. If there's anything on your mind, feel free to talk about it."

She paused for a moment, meeting my gaze with a hint of vulnerability in her eyes. "Thanks," she said softly before turning to head back to her dorm.

I stood there for a moment, watching her figure disappear into the distance, feeling a sense of unease settle within me.

"What the fuck just happened?" I sighed.


[Raven's POV]

Sitting opposite him felt like balancing on a tightrope. Every attempt at conversation felt like tiptoeing around an elephant in the room. Despite the lively chatter echoing in the cafeteria, a thick veil of tension enveloped our table.

He extended a sandwich toward me, a kind gesture amidst the palpable unease. I mechanically took a bite, the flavors a mere distraction from the whirlwind in my mind. The awkwardness persisted, making it impossible to focus on anything he uttered.

His concern was evident, the unsaid question hung heavy between us, begging to be addressed. Yet, I felt trapped by an invisible weight, unable to articulate the turmoil brewing within me.

As we finished our meal, I mumbled a hurried "thanks," eager to escape the stifling atmosphere. Each step toward the dormitories was laden with a cocktail of emotions—a simmering concoction of frustration and bewilderment.

"Why did he choose to have lunch without me?" The thought lingered, echoing like a petulant child's pout, amplifying my inner turmoil.

[A/N:...why do I relate to this situation?]