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No More Pain For This Villain.

Chapter 229 Return.
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I walked down the hallway, students passing by, some staring, others whispering. There was a ridiculous rumor circulating that I frequented a brothel, which was strictly illegal in Solstice. Another story was about me leering at girls from behind benches. Ridiculous, I know.

Blaze perched on my shoulder, enjoying the spectacle and finding it immensely entertaining. Sighing, I realized that these rumors started from something trivial and snowballed into a bigger issue.

lightsnοvεl.cοm As long as it wasn't directly affecting me...

"Ren!" I heard someone call from behind.

I turned and saw Raven approaching, drawing attention with her hurried pace. The last time I went to the canteen, she wasn't there. I waited, but she didn't show up that day.

"Sorry!" Those were the first words she said as she reached me.

"For what?" I asked, puzzled.

"Not seeing you yesterday! I was unexpectedly called to the student council, then I went to your room, but you weren't there, and I couldn't find you on campus!" she explained, concern etched on her face.

"Student council?" I noticed the pouch in her hand.

"Yeah, the president wanted me to help prepare for a party we're throwing for my friends when they return," she elaborated.

"Oh, that's... good," I responded, not entirely sure how to react.

"Yeah, I was told to get gifts for them. Then I saw you walking here and came—I just..." she trailed off, sounding anxious.

"Hey, it's fine. I'm not angry or anything," I reassured her, placing a hand on her shoulder.

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Her relief was palpable as I let go. It was a bit odd, this level of anxiety from her.

We walked down the hallway, garnering more attention than necessary.

"Were you going to get them gifts?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"Yeah...I'm not sure what to get them, though. The president asked for individual gifts for each of them as she'll prepare for the party," she shared.

"Sounds tough," I remarked, sure that she'd find the right gifts herself.

"Will you come with me? I mean, if you want," she asked, looking away.

"Is that an invitation for a date?" I teased, raising an eyebrow.

Raven stopped abruptly, turning red as a tomato. I couldn't help but chuckle at her reaction.

"Pfff, don't worry, I was just kidding," I reassured her.

Today seemed quite fine, considering it's been about two months since I joined the Academy, and things are going smoother than I had expected.

After a brief conversation with Raven, we agreed to meet in an hour after freshening up. I agreed to accompany her to help pick out gifts for Adam and his gang.

"Don't you dislike them?" Blaze inquired.

"Nah, not really. I mean, if they give me a reason to, sure. But being unnecessarily grumpy about them seems childish," I replied.

I remembered the last time I faced Adam. He's actually empathetic and probably won't pick fights with me, especially considering he has a lot on his plate when he returns.

After freshening up and changing into something more presentable, I waited for Raven at the entry gate. It was nearly noon, and we could be back before the gates closed.

After a bit, Raven arrived, and...

"Looking beautiful," I complimented her.

She was in a lovely pure white dress, slightly frilly with floral patterns, which complemented her silver hair.I think you should take a look at

"Thank you... you too," she replied, her gaze shifting to her feet.

'Dude... just a heads-up, try not to break her heart,' Blaze whispered in my mind.

The sun was beginning to set as we left the familiar grounds of the academy and ventured into the heart of the city. The streets bustled with life as we strolled along, passing by various shops that sold an assortment of items from jewelry and accessories to weapons and books.

Raven diligently picked out gifts for her friends while I casually perused items that piqued my interest, occasionally glancing at things I thought might interest her as well.

'Princess, You should buy me something sometime too,' Blaze teased playfully in my mind.

"Hey! Ya got a litter box?" I joked loudly, earning a quizzical look from the shopkeeper, who then informed me, "Sir...we sell weapons."

"Looks like they don't have your perfect gift," I remarked, picking up a sword displayed nearby.

'Fucker, ya gonna regret this!' Blaze grumbled but eventually relented and left the matter, finding it humorous.

"You like this?" Raven peeked over my shoulder.

"Hmm, nope," I replied, examining the sword. Its blade seemed too fragile, and the handle was made of plain wood.

"We just need one last gift, and then maybe we can..." Raven hesitated for a moment, "...get dinner, perhaps?"

"Sounds great," I agreed, placing the sword back and waiting for her to pick out the final gift.

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Afterward, we left the store and ventured further, eventually arriving at the entertainment sector. We found a charming restaurant that looked inviting and decided to indulge in a hearty dinner.

As we dined, we engaged in lighthearted conversation, discussing random topics that led to shared laughter.

And then we left.

Yep, after that, we both came back and returned to our dorms.

"Haaa, how I wish that this peaceful environment keeps up till the day I die," I sighed, laying my back on the bed.

I don't care if the curse is in work trying to do something. I can cut off anyone who hates me, but still, not having to worry about a lot of things is great.

And looks like the wish was granted. In the next few days, I did nothing but attend classes and then spend time with Blaze and Raven.


The midnight air hung heavy as a lone carriage clattered to a stop before the towering gates of the academy. The horses, their breath visible in the cold night, stood steaming in the dim light. The carriage was an ancient, ornate structure, its wood adorned with intricate carvings that whispered tales of centuries past.

Silhouetted against the faint glow of the moon, the driver, wrapped in a thick cloak, skillfully maneuvered the horses to a halt. The wheels groaned softly as they rolled to a stop on the cobbled path, the sound echoing in the stillness of the night.

As the carriage door swung open, a figure emerged. "Looks like we're here," Adam remarked, gazing at the towering building with a wave of relief washing over him.

"We made it back safely," he continued, jumping out and extending his hand to help the ladies alight.

One by one, they stepped out of the carriage, their eyes filled with a mix of emotions as they surveyed the Imperial Academy.

Helga stood beside Adam, having recovered with the help of a good healer. Elsa, tucking her blond hair behind her ear, glanced at the figure of the man who had saved her entire kingdom, her cheeks faintly blushing in the moonlight.

However, Mary seemed a bit desolate. As she looked at the academy, a face flashed in her mind, stirring a blend of relief and disappointment at his absence.

"Let's get inside," Adam suggested, pausing before looking back into the carriage. "Please, someone, wake up Mrs. Knight."

Inside, Amelia was sound asleep, oblivious to the arrival at the academy.

[A/N: Count 1]