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No More Pain For This Villain.

Chapter 106 Blaze’s New Form.
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"You still can't communicate with me in a conventional manner," I finally voiced, my curiosity bubbling to the surface and refusing to be contained.

"Grr...!?"Blaze emitted a growl, attempting to articulate his thoughts, but the sound was a mere echo of his previous ability to speak. Even in his new form as an S rank Mana beast, he had yet to regain his ability to vocalize words.

'Looks like we'll have to rely on this method of communication from now on,' Blaze sighed, his defeated tone reaching me through our telepathic connection.

Well, it's not like I relish the idea of him hovering around me, cracking his peculiar jokes.

'Aye! I heard that!' Blaze interjected, his voice carrying a mix of annoyance and surprise. 'Never expected this outcome, did you?'

As someone with a reasonable understanding of the circumstances, I had, in fact, anticipated that Blaze's transformation would result in a hybrid form, possessing attributes of both an elemental dragon and a Winged Pardus. However, the reality before me revealed an entirely different creature.

Upon closer inspection, it became evident that Blaze's appearance deviated significantly from that of a typical Winged Pardus. 

His wings are little.....bat like I guess and face is too feline but still has a mixture of dragonic features like his eye retina,he has scales on the underside of his neck but since they are covered in fur they do not appear a lot.

His countenance exuded a raw and formidable aura, commanding attention and evoking awe.

"Do you have any theories?" I probed, realizing that my absence from the depths of the Bloodwell had left me bereft of firsthand knowledge.

'Hmm... I believe the dominance of the Winged Pardus tooth prevailed in the battle of bloodline supremacy,' Blaze speculated, his tone tinged with a hint of certainty.

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"So you're suggesting that an S rank Mana beast possesses a more potent bloodline than a dragon?" I retorted, lacing my words with sarcasm.

'An elemental dragon,' Blaze corrected with a trace of exasperation. 'And indeed, it appears that the composition of DNA within an S rank Mana beast surpasses that of a being merely formed by elemental energies.'

"And what about your cat form, then?" I inquired, genuinely curious as to the existence of his dual nature, it's better for him to be a cat.

'Ey! Wouldn't it be preferable for me to possess this form rather than that of a feeble cat!' Blaze exclaimed in my mind, answering his own question. It dawned on me that if he were indeed weaker in this form, it would be all too convenient to push him off a cliff when his jokes were out of control.

"Regardless, enlighten me further," I urged, eager to delve into the intricacies of his transformation.

'I believe that, firstly, the immense power and presence of the Winged Pardus necessitate a significant expenditure of mana and energy to sustain. Given the recent acquisition of my new mana core, I speculate that the cat form serves as an energy-efficient state,' Blaze explained.

The explanation resonated within me, as it made sense that Blaze's recent transformation would leave his stamina and control over the new form in a nascent state, thus curtailing his ability to maintain the Winged Pardus form for extended periods.

"And lastly, what became of the lightning elemental dragon's core?" I queried, my curiosity piqued. Surely it hadn't simply dissipated into oblivion, had it?

"..." In response, Blaze closed his eyes, his entire being radiating an otherworldly energy. The familiar diamond-shaped symbol reappeared on his forehead, casting a luminous glow in the surrounding darkness.

With a graceful motion, he extended his majestic wings, causing a powerful gust of wind to whip through the air. The atmosphere crackled with anticipation as sparks of electricity danced around him, casting an ethereal shimmer.

'Lightning element!'

 I exclaimed internally, recognizing the elemental affinity. However, it was distinct from my own...

The sparks that enveloped Blaze were a mesmerizing fusion of white and black, intertwining in a dazzling display of dual forces. It was as if the very essence of light and darkness converged within him, creating a mesmerizing spectacle that defied explanation.

The air around him seemed to vibrate with anticipation, and a gentle breeze swept through, causing his sleek fur to sway gracefully.

As I stared at the mind-blowing spectacle unfolding right in front of me, a nagging question kept bugging my brain.

'What's the deal with the lightning element turning dark?'I think you should take a look at

It's like this epic clash of contradictory vibes that needs some serious explanation. So, I dove into my thoughts, trying to piece together an answer that would actually make sense.

Mana beasts can't control two elements...

"!!" Suddenly, it hit me like a bolt of lightning. Winged Pardus, those S rank creatures, have their roots in the shadow element.

So, when you mix that with the lightning essence from the dragon's core, you get this fusion of contrasting energies.

'The lightning, straight from the dragon's core, is all about raw power, like those intense bolts, crackling sounds, and flashy bursts of light. But when it mixes with the Winged Pardus bloodline, it takes on this wicked dark twist, like it's infused with shadows and secrets. It's like this epic blend where the awesomeness of lightning collides with the depths of darkness.' Blaze sent,he sounds like a ...eight syndrome guy now,maybe he's excited.

"But?" This insane mashup of opposite forces is basically Blaze's new form in a nutshell. 

It's like a mixtape of light and dark, strength and mystery, all tangled up inside him. It's proof that magic is way more complex than we can imagine, breaking all the rules and making these crazy elemental combinations happen.

Oh yes! I never actually mentioned one thing right?... It's something that sets humans apart from other races and gives them a head start from others, and that is -

"Multiple elemental controlling capabilities." Yes, most of the other races cannot have multiple elemental manifestations like humans, not even elves. They can only manifest a single basic element, and the advancements of that specific element, but humans, we can control a lot of elements at once.

And the same goes for mana beasts. Only mana beasts above SSS rank can use multiple elements at once, and... Winged Pardus is an S rank! So, it doesn't make sense, but it does when we think that Elemental Dragons are considered SSS class beasts, but in terms of intelligence only, not strength. But then again, Elemental Dragons also have a single element, in this case, it was lightning. But... it doesn't make sense!

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"..." As the black and white sparks continued to go wild around Blaze, I couldn't help but be totally captivated by the whole show. It's like this visual representation of how all the magical stuff in the universe is connected, even when it seems totally contradictory.

Now that I finally got what's going on, I started approaching the whole dark lightning thing that Blaze's got going on. 

'So he's the first mana beast to be able to use multiple elements at once,'This realization made me look at Blaze with this whole new level of awe, no respect.

His presence now carries this deeper meaning, like he's tapped into the epic magic tapestry that surrounds us. 

I also found something new a few days ago and now with this newfound understanding, I realized that magic doesn't play by any rules. It's this wild, ever-changing force that can surprise even the most seasoned wizards. 

And for Blaze, it's given him this insane form that's all about the clash of elements—the perfect mix of light and darkness, electrifying power with that enigmatic shadowy edge.

Once Blaze retracted his lightning, I said, "Well, I guess now we both have dual elemental abilities."

Blaze looked at me and started to say, "Cool rig-" 


"?"His voice abruptly cut off as his form began to contradict itself. The majestic wings that once spanned wide now dwindled, folding closer to his sleek body. His body, once imposing and formidable, began to shrink in size, as if condensing its essence. 


The regal head, adorned with sharp features and piercing eyes, underwent a transformation, becoming smaller and more feline in nature. And just like that, in a mesmerizing display of metamorphosis, Blaze transformed into a graceful, black cat, reminiscent of his form when he was drowning. 

The contrast between his previous grandeur and his current compact feline form was striking, yet it carried its own elegance.

"Don't tell me that was the limit of how long you can hold that form," I sighed in defeat, my disappointment evident in my voice. Blaze, now in his black cat form, sat before me, his expressive eyes reflecting a mixture of exhaustion and frustration.
