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Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?-Novel

Chapter 141 Additional Benefit
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Chapter 141 Additional Benefit

Flicking her wrist, she created several tall pillars of ice on the buildings which are more dangerous.

Alura instantly recognised the marked buildings as the ones that housed the drugs. She did spend the night memorising the entire map she had gotten from the mysterious person after all.

"Focus on those buildings first!" She shouted out.

She didn’t want to use her Hell Fire Bombardment just yet since she doesn’t know what might happen if it comes into contact with the drugs.

If it reacts and disperses into the air, it would be a complete disaster for Cairosa.

’I’ll take this chance to get some kills for my title.’ She thought whilst tapping her necklace.

Four swords appeared around her as a few of the adventurers recognised it to be the purple set equipment sold at the auction.

"She’s managed to pass the weapon’s trial!?!" Someone shouted out in surprise.

After the auction, a staff had released information about the trial online and they had laughed about what a waste the weapon was.

Trying to control the swords whilst being bombarded by attacks wasn’t an easy task. Especially since they weren’t allowed to use their magic either.

However, seeing Shiro summon the swords which radiated with a dangerous light caused them to grit their teeth in jealousy.

’If a little girl could do it, why couldn’t I?’ They thought to themselves.

But when Shiro glared back at the few who had looked at her with jealous, they quickly shifted their eyes away.

"Che... Cowards." Shiro scorned slightly.

"What did you say!" One of them shouted back as he just heard her ridicule him.

"Oh? You can hear me?" Shiro widened her eyes.

"Do you think I’m deaf?! Of course I can hear you!" He gritted his teeth.

His response only caused Shiro to smile since this means she could communicate without her phone.


The crowd was stunned hearing Shiro’s laugh as some even slipped from a moment of distraction.

Her voice was like a gentle breeze that relaxed their entire body and trapped them in its wonder.

"This miss can finally talk!" She grinned.

"Don’t ignore m-"

He was cut off when he saw Shiro suddenly appear in front of him. Her sword rested on his neck as her emotionless eyes bore into his.

"This miss is in a good mood right now. Do you want to ruin it?" She spoke, blandly.

The man paled as sweat dripped off his back. He couldn’t even react to her approaching him. Now that she had her blade to his neck, he had less of a chance to survive if he should fight her.


"Good boy." Shiro smiled before jumping away.

"I thought you were mute?" Alura asked suspiciously.

"Turns out my voice is back." Shiro shrugged.

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"Then I suppose congratulations are in order."

"Thank you."

Seeing the two beauties talk casually whilst killing any faction member that had approached them, the adventurers couldn’t help but feel like the two were on a stroll rather than cleaning out a dangerous faction.

Even though they couldn’t see the entirety of Shiro’s face, just from her figure, voice and eyes, they knew she was beautiful.

Even Alura felt a little defeated since her opponent was only 13 as well. That meant there were plenty of time for her to grow up and gain more of an a.d.u.l.t charm.

"So how about we have a small chat about cooperation after this?"

"We shall see. I still need to meet up with my friends and level up after all." Shiro replied with a soft chuckle.

"Indeed. I have to say though, you’ve changed quite a bit since the last time I saw you at the auction." Alura said as she couldn’t help but admire Shiro’s skin condition. It was as if it was a blank sheet of snow. Soft and cold to the touch. If only she knew.

Since she was a fire mage, she could feel the coldness that radiated from Shiro, suggesting her prowess as an ice mage.

"Don’t remind me of change." Shiro rolled her eyes slightly as she could still remember how much Madison had changed after her class just.

’Mn? That being said... Alura seems to have quite the bust as well...’ Shiro thought whilst glaring at Alura’s b.r.e.a.s.ts.

"Eh? What’s wrong?" Alura asked as she covered her chest. From the way Shiro looked at them, it was as if she was a hunter that was about to kill a prey.

"Ever feel like they’re a hindrance? Maybe work them into pecs will help with combat." She replied whilst still glaring at the b.r.e.a.s.ts.

A faction member tried to sneak up on her but she killed him with a single swing of her sword.

"I’m a mage, I don’t need muscle power."

"Hou, but you know, having physical power is good for survival. It’s not like the lumps of fat does anything after all. You can still b.r.e.a.s.tfeed with smaller b.r.e.a.s.ts."

"I can’t exactly change them though..."

"Hmm... maybe surgery will do."

"And that’s my cue to leave. Goodbye." Alura replied as she hastily left the area. Any longer and she felt like there would be no turning back.

"Mn." Shiro only nodded slightly before jumping up to the tallest building in the area.

Looking around at the surroundings, she could see signs of combat slowly converging towards the centre of the slums.

’Seems like they’re making good progress.’ Shiro thought to herself.


"...too soon."

Feeling the mana that exploded outwards near the centre of the slums, she could tell that the high level’s are making a move.

And as she had expected, three people appeared on the roof. Two women and a man.

The first woman had long black hair with green highlights while the other had pale blue hair. Their figures were rather similar including the face.

’Could they be twins?’ Shiro thought to herself since the only difference between them would be the hair.

"If your faction didn’t try to make the f*cking drug, do you think the city would make a move!?" The blue woman shouted with a glare.

"Don’t blame me when it was your faction who leaked the intel." The black haired woman scoffed.


"Shut the f*ck up Erick!" They both shouted out.


"Che, let’s just kill all of them now and move to a new city. It’s not like mother said we had to settle our difference in just this city."

"But this would have been over if you didn’t pull something as stupid as developing that drug."

Watching the three nonchalantly talk whilst blatantly releasing their mana pressure, Shiro narrowed her eyes and used Shadow Cloak to get closer.

[Lianna LVL 78 – Tainted Poison Master]

[Lianni LVL 76 – Corrupted Frost Monarch]

[Erick LVL 77 – Dread Reaper]

Lianna was the one with black hair and green highlights whilst Lianni was the one with blue hair.

As for Erick, he seemed rather plain. But to Shiro, he felt the most danger.

’Since his class has the title Reaper, that means he is closely related to the death element. Annoying...’ She thought.

While Lianni might be within her limits due to her control over ice, Lianna and Erick would kill her with a single slap.

Of course, that was considering the fact that she didn’t use the Calamity Dragon Scales that would boost her power up to Tier 3.

Once that happens, she’ll be able to eliminate the three of them quickly.

But as it stands, she had no chance against them.

"Just use your poison already Lianna. It’s not like the city has a cure for it." Lianni said whilst crossing her hands.

She made a sitting motion and an ice chair appeared under her.

Erick only took a step back and waited for Lianna to do her thing.

"Tsk." Clicking her tongue in annoyance, Lianna gathered mana into her palms and raised it up.

Her eyes glowed with a dim green whilst a three fold magic circle appeared in the air.

Shiro frowned when she saw the circle since poison type mages were the worst kind of opponent to fight against.

Depending on their proficiency one could even get poisoned just by being in their presence.

However, due to the fact that she had received the calamity’s will augment in one of the trials, she had certain resistances to poison. While only limited to tier 2, it was just enough for her to stay in Lianna’s presence without being poisoned. Of course, this could also be attributed to the fact that her proficiency with poison hadn’t reached an extreme point yet.

’Well this is out of my limits so the elders can take care of this.’ Shiro thought to herself whilst evacuating the area.

And as she had guessed, not long after the magic circle appeared, 4 elders charged towards the trio with weapons in hand.

’Seems like the four of them are rather enthusiastic." Shiro muttered whilst glancing back occasionally. She could see Lianna being able to hold her own against 2 elders whilst Lianni and Erick both too one each.

As for her suspicion about Erick, it was proven right since he held a scythe made from shadows. The scythe would shift around with thin hands that would reach out to restrict his opponent. Not only that, the scythe could also take the form of other weaponry.

Even with her Faded Snow Movement and Rift walker, it would be annoying to be caught by those hands. The moment that happens, it would be game over for her due to the disparity of their stats. Not only that, he may possess more skills that could kill her with a single swipe.

Reaching the edge of the cage, Shiro was allowed to leave after presenting her ID card. The surrounding adventurers glared at her with scorn but she glared back.

This caused the adventurers to pale and quickly look away.

’Hmm, now that I have my voice back, I should surprise Lyrica and Madison.’ Shiro chuckled slightly at the thought of trolling her friends.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

[Shiro: I’ve come back from my trials and helped out a little with clearing out the slums. Where are you now?]

[Lyrica: We’re in the city centre. The adventurer’s guild has opened up a few floors to house the refugee’s for now. You’ll find us on the 12th floor.]

[Shiro: Alright, I’m coming now.]

Making her way to the adventurer’s guild, Shiro used the elevators to arrive at the 12th floor.

Before she entered the room, she used 1st phantom and waited for someone else to open the door so that she could enter the room without anyone noticing.

Giving the room a quick glance she was able to find Lyrica and Madison almost immediately. Everyone else that was in the tent was also with them. Naturally, that included Kanae.

Grinning slightly, Shiro sneaked up behind the duo.

"Hmm.. Shiro said she’ll be here soon so where is she?" Lyrica muttered whilst checking the time.

"Shouldn’t be too long."

"Shiro-nee said she’ll come so naturally she’ll be here soon."

"I know that but it shouldn’t take this long just to arrive."

"Kanae’s right you know. I’m already here." Shiro grinned and popped her head between the three of them.

"&^£&^£"$&%&^%£$!!!!!" Lyrica, Madison and Kanae cried out in shock seeing Shiro suddenly appear.

Whilst they were screaming, both Lyrica and Madison sent a fist towards her on instinct.

However, it was blocked easily by Shiro.

"Shiro-nee!" Kanae cried out after recognising Shiro. While there was some changes such as her height, her eyes and her features becoming sharper, she knew it was Shiro.

Hugging Shiro by the neck, Kanae accidentally strangled Yin who was resting in Shiro’s hood.

She was dreaming of eating mana stones when a huge mana stone suddenly appeared and crushed her.


"Ah sorry Yin!" Kanae quickly apologised and let go.

Yin groggily poked her head out of the hood before resting her body on Kanae’s head. At least if she rested here, there would be less of a chance to get strangled in her sleep.

"Ah! Shiro you can talk now?!" Madison asked in surprise.

"Yep. After completing my trial, I can talk now." Shiro smiled and pulled down her hood and mask.

Lyrica, who was already entranced by her voice, widened her eyes when she saw Shiro’s face.

The charm that it radiated was unlike before. It was more dominating in an aspect. While the black irises were a little off putting since it made her a little unreadable, it was overshadowed by her charm.


"Ah she collapsed." Madison muttered as she looked pass Shiro and saw Lyrica laying on her back.

"Why does she always do that. Is my face really that shocking?" Shiro frowned slightly and touched her jaw.

"... You really have no idea do you?" Madison raised an eyebrow.

"Idea of what?" Shiro furrowed her brows since she wasn’t too familiar with what girls do in their teenage years. While she did experience a little of it before being captured by the scientists, she had forgotten about it due to her memories focussing more on the slightly traumatic events.

’Well... Traumatic is pushing it a bit I guess.’ Shiro mused to herself.

As for Madison, all she could do was facepalm and hope for the best.