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Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?-Novel

Chapter 140 The 5th Star
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Chapter 140 The 5th Star

It was unknown how long she had slept for but when Shiro reopened her eyes, she felt like her entire body was stiff.

"Urg..." She groaned as she tried to stretch her body.

Cracking her neck, Shiro couldn’t help but notice a slight increase in her height.

"Ohya? Have I finally become an a.d.u.l.t?!" She muttered in excitement.

Quickly conjuring up an ice mirror, Shiro was shocked at her own appearance.

She was now just a little under 5ft 5 which can be considered as a short a.d.u.l.t. Her complexion looked rosier than before and her iris changed from azure to pure black. In addition to this, her features became a little sharper which detracted from the childish feeling that was previously there.

Unfortunately, her b.r.e.a.s.ts didn’t increase at all.

However, her attention was drawn away from her chest since she was slightly entranced by her own appearance. She didn’t know what exactly happened, but it was as if her ’Charm’ just received a +5000 in stat points.


Raising her hand, she touched her own face.

"Eh? A crest?" She muttered in surprise. A snow crest of sorts on the back of her right hand.

She had a few questions but decided that it was best to see what the star up had brought her first.

[Snow Girl ★★★★★]

Title Gained: Ice Princess

Point gain per level increased to 500 per level.

Skill Gained: Glacial Domain (Tier 2)

Converted Ice Magic and Snow Magic into Glacial Magic (Tier 2)

[Title: Ice Princess]

A beautiful being that holds control over all the ice around her vicinity.

Gained Ice Princess Insignia, Glacial Domain.

"Ohya? This miss is now a princess huh?" Shiro chuckled slightly at the title.

[Ice Insignia]

+50% affinity with Intelligent Ice Based Monsters

+50% Hostility with Intelligent Fire Based Monsters

+65% Cold Element Resistance

+80% affinity with cold elements

[Glacial Domain (Tier 2 – Grows with user)]

All ice magic used within a 200-meter radius around you is yours to control. Any ice you create can be controlled almost freely. Increase affinity with cold type spells.

Can’t be overwritten unless the enemy is 20 levels above you.

The fact that the skill can’t be overwritten unless the enemy is 20 levels above her was extremely useful. Even though 20 levels difference will become rather common in the future, she understands that this skill was currently Tier 2.

Now to mention, the difference of 20 levels was an insane amount at this current period of time. To make matters worse for her enemies, even if they were Tier 3 level 60, as long as they were an ice-based mage, they would be helpless against her.

As for Glacial Magic, Shiro had seen this a few times in her past. This was essentially an evolved version of Ice Magic much like lava and Magma to Fire Magic.

However, for her to be able to unlock this near the peak of Tier 2 was unthinkable. The elements would only evolve when one reaches the peak of Tier 3. She knew this because one of the requirements to reach tier 4 is to evolve one’s element.


[Name: Shiro

Race: Snow Girl (Evolution Criteria yet to be met)

Title: Shadow Empress, Proficient Monster (108/500 Humans Killed), Fratricide, One Woman Battalion, Creator of the Frozen Hell Series (Incomplete). Ice Princess

Level: 45

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Class: Snow Girl★★★★★, Nanomancer

HP: 103,000/206,250

MP: 132,000/488,070

STR: 1100 (+100) <+300>

VIT: 1300 (+200) <+375>

INT: 3000 (+550) <+887>

AGI: 2000 (+450) <+612>

DEX: 1500 (+100) <+400>

DEF: 500 (+100) <+150>

< > = Title Bonus

Unassigned Points: 0


Ice -> Glacial – Tier 2

Lightning – Tier 2

Metal – Tier 2

Shadow – Tier 2 (Augmented with Calamity’s Will)

Balance: 310,230,000 USD

Equipment (Tap to Display)

Skills –

Snow Girl ★★★★★:

Tier 2 Glacial magic, Passive Regeneration, Blessed by Ice, Faded Snow Movement, Glacial Aura, Glacial Touch, Glacial Breath. Ice Field Affinity, Cold Illusion


Dagger Creation, Nano Tech Engineering Tier 2, Sword Creation, Bow Creation, Heavy Weapon Creation, Shield Creation, Armour Creation, Hand Cannon Creation

Frozen Hell Series:

Frozen Slumber, Azure Hell Fire

Ancient Healing Arts:

Fire of Life


Mini-map, Inspection, Disguise, Mana Barrier, Lightning Magic (Tier 2), Metal Magic (Tier 2), Shadow Magic (Tier 2), Combust.

Shared Skills (Yin):

Shadow Buff (Tier 1), Ice Chain (Tier 1), Shadow Cloak (Tier 1), Shadow Talon (Tier 1), Rift Walker (Tier 1), Absorption/Redirection (Tier 1), Shadow Affinity (Tier 2)]

With her ice magic changing to glacial magic, Shiro was slightly curious about its power.


Snapping her fingers, Shiro created a glacial spear in her hands.

"Oh my..."

She could feel the structure differences between the glacial spear and the ice spear. If ice spear can be described as a twig, then the glacial spear is a tree. Not only is it stronger and sharper, but its resistance is also higher.

Not only that, but she could also insert more mana into the spear to increase its power.

’I don’t even think my current capabilities with my Nanomancer class will penetrate my Glacial magic.’ She mused to herself since her hand cannon simply doesn’t have the penetrating power required to break past something that’s supposed to be unlocked in Tier 4.

"Now that I’ve got my 5th star, all I need is to reach level 50 then I’ll rank up. Though I still need Nan Tian to give me the phoenix pill."

Sighing slightly, Shiro exited the trials.

When she reopened her eyes, she saw that the entire camp was currently empty.

"Eh? Where did everyone go?"

She opened the tent and saw that most things were left behind except for valuables.


Shiro narrowed her eyes in suspicion as she had an idea of what could have happened.

’It’s either the families have decided to attack straight away or that a party is going on.’ She thought with a frown.

Leaving the tent, Shiro jumped up and sent out a pulse of her mana for Yin to feel.

Since she was her pet, she would recognise her mana signature almost immediately. And as expected, Yin soon appeared out the rift and landed on Shiro’s shoulder.

"Ya miss me?" Shiro grinned.

Yin who only just took a look at her face paused in shock.

"Hahaha, charmed are we?" Shiro laughed and tapped Yin’s head.

Yin only turned her head away with a huff.

After messing around with Yin for a short moment, Shiro walked through the ally’s and towards the city.

"Ah, I should probably put on my face mask." Shiro said whilst pulling up her face mask along with making a hood.

Yin, who had been reunited with her long-lost home, the hood, dived in with joy.

Patting Yin’s body lightly, Shiro narrowed her eyes and scanned the buildings around her.

She could tell that there were several people who seemed to be nervous but were analysing the perfect opportunity to strike.

’Hou... So it seems like the families are pushing the slums back. I should do my part.’ Shiro thought with a smile.

Creating a tiny drone in her hands that was barely visible to the eye, she flicked it upwards and examined the people who were watching her.

’Ivory Cobra huh? No mercy then.’ She grinned when she saw the markings unique to Ivory Cobra.

Walking to one of the building walls, she gently placed her palm and activated Glacial Touch. Since her control of Ice had been significantly improved with her Ice Domain, she no longer needs to release killing intent to activate it. Rather, killing intent will only amplify the effects.


Ice spread quickly as the building was soon encased in a thin layer of ice.

Before the faction members could even react, Shiro twisted her palm and created a neon blue magic circle.


Glacial spears shot out of the ice and pierced all of the faction members within the room.

"Bingo~" Shiro grinned seeing her kill count increase.

Walking calmly through the alleys and killing any faction member’s she could sense, Shiro eventually found herself in front of a barricade.

’Eh? A barricade?’ She thought in confusion.

However, her face instantly became blank when she felt a thin sliver of killing intent aimed towards her.

Shifting her heels a little, ice exploded around her to form a barrier that warded off several attacks from a 180 degree cone in front of her.

Focusing on who send an attack at her, Shiro flexed her fingers a little as 10 glacial spears appeared in the air.

"STOP! DON’T HIT THE WRONG PERSON!" Someone suddenly shouted out as the situation came to a halt.

Shiro merely glanced through her barrier without emotion which caused those who were watching to pale slightly. Her black eyes were like a void that they couldn’t see the end of.

The blank face and killing intent she made caused them to feel like they were confronting an absolute monster that couldn’t be defeated.

Alura quickly jogged over and saw that Shiro was unharmed. However, she paused in her footsteps seeing her gaze.


If they had truly wanted to fight her, there will be no turning back.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Quickly composing herself as much as she could, Alura approached Shiro who dropped her barrier.

"Sorry about that. We’re currently rounding up every member that belongs to the three factions in the slums so they’re a little trigger happy. Why haven’t you evacuated yet?" She asked.

[Busy. Didn’t hear.] Shiro replied with a shrug.

After her experience with her Shadow, she had understood that she should always take the initiative.

Hence the moment they attacked, she instantly entered combat mode and prepared her counterattack.

’She feels different... More dangerous...’ Alura thought with slight amounts of fear. The feeling she gave her before was just a talented mage but now, it was akin to an unsheathed blade. Harmless when the flat side hits but always ready with the sharp edges.

No matter what comes, she is always ready to kill.

"Oh by the way, we would appreciate some help with cleaning out the slums. Would you like to join?" Alura offered as she wanted to see if her capabilities had changed.

If it has, and she became as dangerous as she felt, then she was someone they absolutely had to try bringing to their side.

[Why not.] Shiro nodded since she was the person who stated this whole operation against the slums. It would be rude to miss out on the fun wouldn’t it?

"Ok, I’ll quickly brief you on the plan. We’re currently surrounding the entire slum area and not letting any of them escape. The elders of the adventurer’s guild and the families are acting as support for when the bosses of the factions appear. Our job is simple and that is to kill all members of the factions."

[Easy enough. So why are we waiting here and not entering?]

"Just wait." Alura smiled.

Not long after, 5 beams of light shot up into the air. Each representing a different element.

"5 Element Cage. You people from New York might not know this but this is one of our city’s trump cards. Do you think living by the ocean is easy? The beasts that may come up ashore will wreck the city easily. Hence the elders banded together to create an original spell that cages in the enemy with all 5 elements.

"This has the power to restrain the level 80 Juvenile Hydra." Alura looked up at the spell with slight amounts of pride.

Looking at the 4 layered spell that was creating a cage around the slums area, Shiro focused intently at the blue section since she realised something she could never do before.

’I can see it... I can see the flow. I can control that part of the spell.’ She thought whilst staring at the 5 element cage.

She felt like she could override the entire spell just with a simple flick of her fingers.

’Could this be what the insignia meant? A +80% affinity with cold elements allows me to understand any spell that uses the cold element better...’

Glancing down at the light blue crest on the back of her hand, Shiro smiled slightly.


The ground shook with the completion of the spell.

"Everyone! Kill them all and leave none behind!" Alura shouted out as they charged into the barrier.

Shiro didn’t dawdle either since she was eager to test out the capabilities of her 5 star Snow Girl class.


Stomping down with all her strength, Shiro cracked the pavements and charged pass the group.

’Fast!’ Alura widened her eyes when she saw Shiro easily overtake speed type adventurer’s with ease.

Kicking her body off the side of the buildings, Shiro launched her body into the air and brought her hands together.

Frozen Hell: Frozen Slumber!

With her evolution of Ice type spells into Glacial types, it naturally meant her strongest attack has also gained a buff.

She could feel her control over the spell improve substantially and converted the mana that would be used to create the chains into the main magic circle.

While the magic circle that appeared was only two fold and not three, showing that it was still within the range of Tier 2 spells, the sheer area covered wasn’t something a tier 2 could match up too.



The circles lit up with a blue light, causing a blizzard to instantly appear in the slums area freezing anything it touched.

But with the increased range, the power would naturally suffer. And to make matters worse, if she tried to increase the power, it would only strain her mana links further. However, power was never the goal.

Ice Domain.

The skill allowed her to almost freely control any ice she creates.


"This entire place is now under my control." Shiro grinned as she could sense everyone’s location through her ice.