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My Servant Is An Elf Knight From Another World

Chapter 554
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Chapter 554: No Wishes

Leave it to Amanda to get me wearing the strangest shit out there.

It’s got to be a world record – the longest time spent getting ready clocking in at a solid forty minutes, and even then I don’t think I even put it on right just yet.

So many buttons to clasp, so many straps to tighten, three different shirts tucked beneath a thick coat – the Victorian folks seriously had it hard.

Gazing in the mirror reflected a man that looked as if he got sucked into a time vortex and violently spat out into the 21st century – a drunk man at that.

“Your top hat’s crooked, you know?” Behind me, propped up atop a drawer, my expert consultant continued to give her profound judgment, all the while holding back laughter on the verge of erupting. “Oh, lief big broth’r of mineth, did dress so smartly indeed... yet alas looking so stupidly. Truly, tis an utter tragedy.”

“Don’t screenshot this,” I warned. “Oh, fair maiden from beyond thy looking glass.”

“Alas, you are much too late,” She disregarded. “Been screenshotting for a while now.”


I lamented.

This is what I get – text your sister you’re putting on a costume, of course she’s gonna want to see it, of course she’s gonna screenshot it. I did this to myself.

“Oh, chin up, big bro!” Sammy consoled, using a high and cheery voice that sounded more patronizing than anything. “It’s not every day you get to star in a movie, right? I’m especially eager to see the full release... I just know you’ll act your heart out, give the performance of a lifetime. I’ll be cheering you on, alright?”

I breathed a silent sigh, as the man in the mirror before he wondered aloud to himself, “Why am I doing this again?”

“Keeping your girlfriend happy,” spoke again the wise words of my dear sister Sammy. “Or in other words, not being a terrible boyfriend.”

“Right...” I said, tilting my hat back to acceptable standards.

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Seriously, moving even the slightest inch was practically an uphill battle. So many layers of fabric holding me back, felt like I was just wearing a very fancy straitjacket. Not to mention, it itches.

Why must they always make clothes that itch?

“It says here on Amanda’s blog, today’s the first filming of your theatrical debut,” Sammy said, the scroll wheel of her ancient mouse singing a grating, squeaky melody with every swipe. “Chester The Suave, a famous thief renowned especially for his charm and wit which he uses to swindle the rich and powerful of the faraway land of Altera. A last-minute addition to the cast, but a crucial one apparently...”

So Amanda’s blog has my character background in it, but the script I was sent is 50% blank pages. Make this make sense.

“According to Amanda’s description, Chester is tall, slender, with black, raven hair the same as his deep, dark, mesmerizing gaze. Hmm, sounds kinda familiar, huh? Gee, I wonder where she drew her inspirations from?”

Sammy scrolled a little more.

“Chester’s funny, witty, handsome, spontaneous, manly, and confident in his own ways, with a dashing smile that could send a million maidens’ hearts a-flutter, and... this isn’t as familiar anymore, nevermind. You sure she got you the right part?”

“Alright, you’ve done your part,” I said, picking up my phone with gloves so sleek and glossy. “Thanks for all your help. Truly... you’re indispensable.”

“Of course,” She smiled, bidding farewell with an infuriating smile. “Why, anything for my darling big brother.”

“Don’t share those pictures,” I warned.

“Too late,” She disregarded, abruptly ending the call.

And once again, I lamented.

It took a while to find a decent pocket to sink my phone into, and speaking of sinking, that’s exactly what my heart did upon realizing I’m supposed to hop on my bike wearing this.

Like – do you ever just go out one day, minding your business, and then you just see fuckin’ Beethoven roaring down the streets on a motorbike?

Okay, that would actually be pretty neat. But not when I do it. And damn you if you think for one second I’m taking this off – I already went through the trouble of putting this on once, I’m not doing that again.

I waddled out into the hallway, down the stairs, and towards the front door, clicking and clacking in shoes that really oughta be outlawed as torture devices.

Adalia went back to slumbering in her usual spot, and Ash’s door was closed shut – and Ash especially I didn’t wish to disturb, so instead I gave my goodbyes in the form of a text that’ll she receives the moment she awakes from her sleep.

With a faint click, I swung the handle of the entrance closed behind me, and took my first deep breath of the outdoors.

Outside, the sun was subtle and elusive... a calming blue-yellow hue coating the early morning, blending well with the soothing cold breeze that constantly blew.

Really, if you’re looking for leisure, then there really was no other perfect weather... and evidently, I wasn’t the only one here that thought so.

Over at the garden meadow nearby, swaying with the greens of the grass, and unbloomed petals, a flutter of deep, dark violet flowed freely along to the whims of the wind.

Sera stood in place, her gaze stretching to the far horizons. At first, I thought she was just merely lost in deep thought... until I noticed, over the wall towards the neighbor’s, a faint flicker and flash of colorful lights.

“Christmas lights,” I said, clambering down the porch steps towards her. “Do you like them or something?”

Without even glancing at me, she nodded... hopelessly captivated.

“Do you know what they’re for?” I continued to ask her.

This time, she shook her head.

“Well, they’re used for, um... Christmas, yeah,” I quite pathetically answered. “Do you know what Christmas is?”

Another shake, but this time, I saw her gaze begin to drift, meeting mine, her amber eyes softly aglow with pique interest, and thought caught mildly off-guard by my choice of attire, that didn’t wane her feeling of curiosity in the slightest.

“It’s a celebration we humans here have. A kind-of custom where people get together on a special day, spend time together, enjoy things together – like what you saw at the park basically. All in the name of love and companionship, to put it simply.”

Sera made a soft noise, of acknowledgment, contemplation – I didn’t know what, and like a moth to a flame, the lights had snared away her attention once more.

Hmm, there’s an idea.

“We also set up Christmas trees on the occasion, put them in our houses, decorate them, wrap them with lights,” and just like that, hearing my last sentence, I instantly won back her attention. I continued on, smiling, “Was thinking about getting a tree for the house soon. Haven’t gotten around to it ’cause of Ash’s condition. But since you’re here now anyway, well... what do you say? You get to put up the lights yourself if you want.”

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“Mmm! Mmm!” came the soft excited grunts from behind her veil, nodding her head so fervently that more of her violet hair began to slip and jiggle out of her hood, and I realize then, that her golden eyes can also look just as mesmerizing as Ash’s when she wasn’t constantly glaring and scowling all day long.

And from what little I heard, absent of any snarls and growls, her voice can be quite a delight to hear.

Her silent enthusiasm was highly contagious, and I was out exposed, infected, continuing on with a wider smile.

“There are also gifts, some may argue the most important part of Christmas. On the day itself, we give each other presents. To show our love, our appreciation. You could give Ash something, maybe. Or maybe she could get you something, anything... well? Is there anything in mind that you really wish to have?”

The words left me before I realized what I just asked, but there they were, spoken to her, and I couldn’t take them back.

So carelessly, casually, that question... as if I didn’t already know the answer.

My answer.

Sera’s expression was an enigmatic one. Her emotions locked beneath her a blank stare, a deafening silence.

I think she was contemplating. Or maybe just pretending to.

Then somewhere in the quiet, I lost her interest again, and she turned away, looking away... the slight sway of her head, the limp quiver of her locks, gradually forming to a resounding ‘No’.

Nothing, apparently. There was nothing that she wanted. Nothing anyone that could give that she would desire.

Not anymore, anyway.

Or maybe just not right at this moment, perhaps.

I wouldn’t know.

She wouldn’t say.

“Alright, then,” I nodded, maintaining a smile still out of politeness. “I gotta go, I’ll be back later... take care of Ash in the meantime, ‘kay?”

She gave a gruff huff, the equivalent of rolled eyes – and just like that, she was back to her usual self.

Immediately right after, I got on my bike, replacing my hat for a helmet, and with a rumbling roar, I sped off out into the streets, thoughts full of wonder and speculation of the shooting ahead, but perhaps most importantly...

Another person to add to my already perplexing gift list.