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My Secret, My Bully, My Mates by Miss L

Chapter 286
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We got to work getting familiar with the surrounding area from the overhead views of the pictures. Any idea we

had about places that might be used for hideouts or holding areas, the team has already searched, but with the

knowledge that scents cannot be tracked, they could very well be hiding in plain sight and we would never know.

We also started talking about what they could be using to block their scents. Since the girls that have been taken

have also had their trails go cold. It is more than likely the work of a powerful witch or, according to Jorge, most

likely a coven of witches working together. But no one has heard of a spell like that.

That is where the other two in the group cin. Alyssa and William have been contacting and working with

covens near us to try and figure out wha is working against our sense of smell. They have both been gone for the

last month studying and learning. William took the more treacherous route, going north east, nearest to the

Canadian border and most likely where the rogues are. Alyssa took the western part of the state where a large

coven is. These witches have almost completely immersed themselves into the human cities and towns in the

area. They have a really good handle on intermixing and keeping their existence a secret. They also have some

of the most powerful leaders and elders that our group has found. Everything | have ever heard about the

different species is that none of us get along, so we never work together or socialize in any way. But, it seems

like at least sof us can intermix without a problem. I’m sure everything | have heard is from idiots, like my

dad, who have been taught their species is the best and only species that should be around. Your standard, run

of the mill racism doing its job to spread hate. My dad also can’t stand that | am a female and want to be a

warrior not a breeding machine, so I shouldn't be surprised with other types of discrimination.

| have never had any interactions with species other than werewolves, so | can’t say whose opinions are right or

better or whatever, but | do know tha there are several werewolves that | love and many | hate. So I'm sure it

would be the swith anyone else. Search The Findwebsite on Geggle to access chapters of

early and in the highest quality.

Alyssa and William are currently working to find what type of spell or more likely potion is being used to mask

not only the rogue’s personal scent, but also the scent of their victim. They are both getting help from different

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Coven leaders, but witches keep their information close and don’t like to share with outsiders. Getting into their

inner circles to even ask about things like that is hard and takes time, which is why everyone here is so agitated.

They can’t do anything until we have more information and something to work with. Warriors don’t do well with

downtof any kind. “Now that you have an idea of what we have been working on for the last eight months,

this is where you both cin.” Jorge starts.

“We are going to take you into the cities where the most activity has been. The most kidnappings.” Warrior

Osiston takes over. “Clearly they are looking for a female, but there isn’t a pattern of what they are looking for

specifically, so we are working under the assumption that they just need women.”

“We have looked into each female that has been reported missing. There is always a possibility that the female

is being used to control or blackmail her mate or family if they are high ranking. But they are of all different

ranks and backgrounds, no connections that we can see, yet.” Jorge jumps in again.

“The problem is that we don’t think all of the women that have gone missing have been reported. Many times

high ranking wolves will work in house because enemies will use that distraction to attack.” Nickolas scoffs.

“Is it just Alpha King Reggie's kingdom that is being attacked? Are other King’s having the sproblem? Have

all the attacks happened in Royal Pack territory?” Mina fires off questions.

It's almost like we can read each other's thoughts. Although when | remember that | can actually mindlink,

maybe | have been feeding my own exact squestions to her through it.

“That's the thing, we all have attacks and people trying to overthrow their king for whatever reason, but this

seems to be directed specifically at us. So we have to assit is directed towards Alpha King Reggie.” Jorge

says looking worried for the first tsince we entered the room.

“For the next couple of weeks we will get you brought up to speed with all of our intel. As much as it seems like

we don’t know anything, we have made sprogress. It's really the location of the Rogues and their captives

that we can’t seem to get. Any rogues we capture die before we can question them. Another thing we need to

figure out how they are doing because it’s not any form of su*cide that we can tell.” Osiston says, leaning

forward in his chair. “You will still do your school days as normal. Your training will happen here with us unless

you are out on recon missions. We travel at night and you will travel by vehicle to keep your scents hidden as

much as possible.”

“Why do we need to keep it hidden that we are here?” | ask. As far as | can tell we aren’t off Royal Pack territory,

so it shouldn't matter.

uw . 5 q q

This location is a black sight. None

of the trainees know that it is here

and we want it to stay that oki

trainees yourgelteate Si things

thatlwe'need to teach you about

: )

masking and we don't need anyone

catching your scents by accident on

: »

patrols and trying to follow you here.

He looks atand | feel the weight

of the implication. The content is on

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novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!

Audrina would followhere to try

and find a reason to getin trouble

or kicked out and she @puld finitely

make aig Hea about my being on

this mission, while her high and

mightiness is still stuck at the

training compound. The content is on

novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!

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Let's run, we can show you our

boundaries and NAY tipaeinl’T)

Netglepents? 4 iS pants are on

fire. The content is on B

novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!