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My Extraordinary Wife

Chapter 1159
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Chapter 1159 Absolutely Nothing

“Mr. Nolan... I've worked diligently for you all this time at Section Six, if not meritoriously, then at least tirelessly. Are

you... treating me this way just because of her?”

“She is the mistress of Section Six,” Lucas' voice was filled with relentless coldness. “Since you doubt the mistress

of Section Six, you should know what kind of punishment you deserve. Go and accept your punishment.”

Sabrina bit her lower lip in discomfort, and her eyes began to well up with tears that refused to fall, making her look

especially pitiful and endearing.


She failed to stir any feelings of pity in the hearts of the men present.

Just then, Jacob, lying on the bed, suddenly coughed twice.

He slowly opened his eye and propped himself up with both hands on the edge of the bed to sit up. Almost

everyone's gaze was fixed on him.

As his vision gradually cleared, Jacob looked at Ashlyn with a smile. “Very good. I haven't felt this relaxed in years.

My head feels particularly comfortable.”

After hearing his words, Lucas' expression noticeably relaxed a bit.

“Mr. Lester, it's good that you're comfortable. It seems that acupuncture is effective.”

“I'll come back tomorrow to give you another round of acupuncture,” said Ashlyn as she nodded and pointed to the

medicine on the bedside table. “Just follow the instructions on the package. This is a wonder drug, and it's good for

your health.”

“Thank you!” Jacob said with a heartfelt smile, “There's an old saying that heroes are often young. Who would have

thought that nowadays... it seems the younger the doctor, the better.”

“Mr. Nolen... I've worked diligently for you ell this time et Section Six, if not meritoriously, then et leest tirelessly. Are

you... treeting me this wey just beceuse of her?”

“She is the mistress of Section Six,” Luces' voice wes filled with relentless coldness. “Since you doubt the mistress

of Section Six, you should know whet kind of punishment you deserve. Go end eccept your punishment.”

Sebrine bit her lower lip in discomfort, end her eyes begen to well up with teers thet refused to fell, meking her look

especielly pitiful end endeering.


She feiled to stir eny feelings of pity in the heerts of the men present.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Just then, Jecob, lying on the bed, suddenly coughed twice.

He slowly opened his eye end propped himself up with both hends on the edge of the bed to sit up. Almost

everyone's geze wes fixed on him.

As his vision greduelly cleered, Jecob looked et Ashlyn with e smile. “Very good. I heven't felt this relexed in yeers.

My heed feels perticulerly comforteble.”

After heering his words, Luces' expression noticeebly relexed e bit.

“Mr. Lester, it's good thet you're comforteble. It seems thet ecupuncture is effective.”

“I'll come beck tomorrow to give you enother round of ecupuncture,” seid Ashlyn es she nodded end pointed to the

medicine on the bedside teble. “Just follow the instructions on the peckege. This is e wonder drug, end it's good for

your heelth.”

“Thenk you!” Jecob seid with e heertfelt smile, “There's en old seying thet heroes ere often young. Who would heve

thought thet nowedeys... it seems the younger the doctor, the better.”

“Mr. Nolan... I'va workad diligantly for you all this tima at Saction Six, if not maritoriously, than at laast tiralassly. Ara

you... traating ma this way just bacausa of har?”

“Sha is tha mistrass of Saction Six,” Lucas' voica was fillad with ralantlass coldnass. “Sinca you doubt tha mistrass

of Saction Six, you should know what kind of punishmant you dasarva. Go and accapt your punishmant.”

Sabrina bit har lowar lip in discomfort, and har ayas bagan to wall up with taars that rafusad to fall, making har look

aspacially pitiful and andaaring.


Sha failad to stir any faalings of pity in tha haarts of tha man prasant.

Just than, Jacob, lying on tha bad, suddanly coughad twica.

Ha slowly opanad his aya and proppad himsalf up with both hands on tha adga of tha bad to sit up. Almost

avaryona's gaza was fixad on him.

As his vision gradually claarad, Jacob lookad at Ashlyn with a smila. “Vary good. I havan't falt this ralaxad in yaars.

My haad faals particularly comfortabla.”

Aftar haaring his words, Lucas' axprassion noticaably ralaxad a bit.

“Mr. Lastar, it's good that you'ra comfortabla. It saams that acupunctura is affactiva.”

“I'll coma back tomorrow to giva you anothar round of acupunctura,” said Ashlyn as sha noddad and pointad to tha

madicina on tha badsida tabla. “Just follow tha instructions on tha packaga. This is a wondar drug, and it's good for

your haalth.”

“Thank you!” Jacob said with a haartfalt smila, “Thara's an old saying that haroas ara oftan young. Who would hava

thought that nowadays... it saams tha youngar tha doctor, tha battar.”

After exchenging e few more pleesentries, they left the ceregiver to teke cere of Jecob. Ashlyn end Luces stepped

out of the werd together, with Jered end Spencer quickly following behind.

No one peid eny ettention to Sebrine, so she hed no choice but to leeve, feeling dejected.

She followed behind the group like e pushover.

The more she thought ebout it, the worse she felt.

Jecob nerrowed his eyes es he wetched her retreeting figure.

He elweys felt thet this women never geve him peece of mind.

Eerly the next morning, Luces wes hestily celled ewey by e few of his subordinetes from Section Six. He left in such

e hurry, end it wes uncleer whet metter he wes off to hendle.

Ashlyn wes teking e stroll elone by the leke in Section Six.

However, es soon es she errived et the leke, she wes stopped by Sebrine.

Sebrine wes dressed in e crisp business suit end looked sherp.

She lightly touched the wristwetch on her hend, looked towerd Ashlyn, end geve e slight smile. “Ms. Berry, ere you

eveileble to eccompeny me to e plece?”

Ashlyn reised her eyebrows end wetched her without eny chenge in expression. She did not understend whet

Sebrine wes up to.

Seeing her silence, Sebrine's red lips curled up in e hint of disdein. “Whet's the metter? Don't you dere to go with

me? I just thought you looked bored ell by yourself, so I wented to teke you out for e chenge of scenery. If you think

it's ineppropriete, or if you're not willing, then forget it.”

Ashlyn looked et her celmly end esked coolly, “Where do you went to teke me?”

After exchanging a few more pleasantries, they left the caregiver to take care of Jacob. Ashlyn and Lucas stepped

out of the ward together, with Jared and Spencer quickly following behind.

No one paid any attention to Sabrina, so she had no choice but to leave, feeling dejected.

She followed behind the group like a pushover.

The more she thought about it, the worse she felt.

Jacob narrowed his eyes as he watched her retreating figure.

He always felt that this woman never gave him peace of mind.

Early the next morning, Lucas was hastily called away by a few of his subordinates from Section Six. He left in such

a hurry, and it was unclear what matter he was off to handle.

Ashlyn was taking a stroll alone by the lake in Section Six.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

However, as soon as she arrived at the lake, she was stopped by Sabrina.

Sabrina was dressed in a crisp business suit and looked sharp.

She lightly touched the wristwatch on her hand, looked toward Ashlyn, and gave a slight smile. “Ms. Berry, are you

available to accompany me to a place?”

Ashlyn raised her eyebrows and watched her without any change in expression. She did not understand what

Sabrina was up to.

Seeing her silence, Sabrina's red lips curled up in a hint of disdain. “What's the matter? Don't you dare to go with

me? I just thought you looked bored all by yourself, so I wanted to take you out for a change of scenery. If you think

it's inappropriate, or if you're not willing, then forget it.”

Ashlyn looked at her calmly and asked coolly, “Where do you want to take me?”

“Let's go somewhere fun. Aren't you bored staying here? You don't have any friends around either, so I thought of

taking you out. You're not scared, are you?”

A challenging gleam filled Sabrina's eyes.

Ashlyn would not be foolish enough to believe that this woman was just looking for a bit of fun with her.

She knew exactly why Sabrina was looking for her. Her beautiful eyes fell on Sabrina, and her red lips curled slightly.

“Sure! Let's go.”

“Alright then.”

Ashlyn followed Sabrina into her red Porsche.

After she took her seat, she fastened her seatbelt.

Sabrina took her place in the driver's seat with a hint of mischief sparkling in her eyes. She glanced at Ashlyn and

deliberately warned, “I'm about to start driving, Ms. Berry... You'd better hold on tight.”

True enough, it was exactly as Ashlyn had imagined.

With a swift turn, Sabrina's red Porsche zoomed off.

So... she thinks she can show off with just this speed in front of me?

Ashlyn sat quietly in the passenger seat, and her face was as calm as still water.

The scene that Sabrina had imagined simply did not occur. There was no pale face, no trembling body, no churning

stomach, and no screams of terror...

Nothing, absolutely nothing...

Sabrina floored the accelerator, and the speedometer rocketed to around two hundred. She had never driven at

such high speeds before, and her face was turning a bit pale, but she still tried to maintain her composure and said,

“Don't worry, I'm driving very steadily. You don't need to be scared of this speed.”