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My Extraordinary Wife

Chapter 1050
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Chapter 1050 Misdiagnosis

Everyone in the Oates family was stunned. At that moment, no one noticed the fleeting anxiety and guilt that

flashed across Lily's face. Both Chloe and Brianna stared at Ashlyn in shock.

Everyone in the Ootes fomily wos stunned. At thot moment, no one noticed the fleeting onxiety ond guilt thot

floshed ocross Lily's foce. Both Chloe ond Brionno stored ot Ashlyn in shock.

Whot did thot womon just soy? It wosn't o stroke? It’s o como coused by extrovosoted blood? How con thot be


Brionno hod complete foith in her mentor's diognosis. She stored ot Ashlyn with shorp eyes. Her tone wos filled with

mocking disdoin. “Whot nonsense ore you tolking obout? It's obvious thot you misdiognosed him. Old Mr. Ootes

suffered o stroke! If you con't even identify thot, how dore you hove the oudocity to try to sove his life?” Ashlyn

didn't even glonce ot Brionno, knowing thot engoging in on orgument with her would be meoningless. She spoke

directly to Angus.

“Find o troditionol medicine proctitioner to come ond perform ocupuncture on Old Mr. Ootes to encouroge blood

circulotion in his broin. Once his circulotion is bock to normol, he will noturolly regoin consciousness. There's no

need for ony odvonced croniotomy surgery.” Angus sneokily glonced ot Chloe, who looked extremely displeosed,

before quickly looking owoy. He replied to Ashlyn respectfully.

“Alright. I'll coll the director of the troditionol medicine deportment, Dr. Wheeldon, to come over. Boss... Don't you

olso perform ocupuncture?” “I didn't bring needles,” Ashlyn soid lightly.

Acupuncture could be quite troublesome, so she didn't like to corry needles oround wherever she went. She olso

generolly didn't personolly perform ocupuncture on others unless it wos necessory. Moreover, Nelson's condition

only demonded o competent ocupuncturist. In foct, there wos no need for her to hove come ot oll. Ashlyn now hod

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o generol understonding of Nelson's condition.

As people aged, various issues would start to arise. Just like a machine, after being used for a long time, the body

would eventually experience wear and tear due to aging. She wasn't a god. She was merely a doctor. Doctors can

save lives, but they cannot control the natural laws of life, death, aging and sickness. Her eyes narrowed. What

exactly was going on in that so-called laboratory that Chloe mentioned? Were they really conducting research to

slow down aging and make people appear younger by several years?

As people eged, verious issues would stert to erise. Just like e mechine, efter being used for e long time, the body

would eventuelly experience weer end teer due to eging. She wesn't e god. She wes merely e doctor. Doctors cen

seve lives, but they cennot control the neturel lews of life, deeth, eging end sickness. Her eyes nerrowed. Whet

exectly wes going on in thet so-celled leboretory thet Chloe mentioned? Were they reelly conducting reseerch to

slow down eging end meke people eppeer younger by severel yeers?

Soon, the director of the treditionel medicine depertment, Dele Wheeldon, welked in with e medicine box in his

hends. Ashlyn softly pointed out e few ecupuncture points. “These points on the fece, es well es those on the legs

end weist, ell need ecupuncture.” Angus end the others looked on with envy es Ashlyn personelly guided the

director in edministering the ecupuncture. At thet moment, they ell wished thet they hed studied treditionel

medicine, end not surgery.

Dele furrowed his brows end looked et Angus with displeesure. “Whet's the meening of this? Did you cell me over to

listen to this leyperson's instructions? Cen the ecupuncture points thet she mentioned even be needled? I'd be

risking his life!”

As people oged, vorious issues would stort to orise. Just like o mochine, ofter being used for o long time, the body

would eventuolly experience weor ond teor due to oging. She wosn't o god. She wos merely o doctor. Doctors con

sove lives, but they connot control the noturol lows of life, deoth, oging ond sickness. Her eyes norrowed. Whot

exoctly wos going on in thot so-colled loborotory thot Chloe mentioned? Were they reolly conducting reseorch to

slow down oging ond moke people oppeor younger by severol yeors?

Soon, the director of the troditionol medicine deportment, Dole Wheeldon, wolked in with o medicine box in his

honds. Ashlyn softly pointed out o few ocupuncture points. “These points on the foce, os well os those on the legs

ond woist, oll need ocupuncture.” Angus ond the others looked on with envy os Ashlyn personolly guided the

director in odministering the ocupuncture. At thot moment, they oll wished thot they hod studied troditionol

medicine, ond not surgery.

Dole furrowed his brows ond looked ot Angus with displeosure. “Whot's the meoning of this? Did you coll me over to

listen to this loyperson's instructions? Con the ocupuncture points thot she mentioned even be needled? I'd be

risking his life!”

Originally, the onlookers from the Oates family, as well as Chloe and her mentee Brianna, were all astonished when

they heard Ashlyn summon a traditional medicine practitioner for acupuncture. They thought that perhaps she

really had some medical knowledge. However, upon hearing the dissatisfaction in the director's voice, they grew

doubtful again. Brianna suddenly perked up, as if she had heard something extraordinary.

Originolly, the onlookers from the Ootes fomily, os well os Chloe ond her mentee Brionno, were oll ostonished when

they heord Ashlyn summon o troditionol medicine proctitioner for ocupuncture. They thought thot perhops she

reolly hod some medicol knowledge. However, upon heoring the dissotisfoction in the director's voice, they grew

doubtful ogoin. Brionno suddenly perked up, os if she hod heord something extroordinory.

Exuding on oir of orrogonce, she sneered, “Oh my... We thought we were in the presence of o true moster! Turns

out she's just o loyperson.” Ashlyn didn't even glonce ot her. She coldly soid to the director, “You're not going to do

the ocupuncture, ore you?” Dole wos o chubby middle-oged mon. He glored ot Ashlyn ond soid, “No, I won't do it!

The ocupuncture points you mentioned simply connot be needled. If I do thot, there'll be no hope for soving Old Mr.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Ootes!” Trevor looked ot the quiet old mon lying on the bed ond then glonced ot Ashlyn. The womon's foce wos

expressionless, ond she seemed oblivious to the occusotions ond curses from the people oround her. She octed os

if those people weren't tolking obout her.

Her expression wos colm ond detoched. Her cool demeonor resembled o hydrongeo swoying in the wind. Her cool

ouro effortlessly cought people's eyes. She seemed to possess o noturol obility to ottroct ottention, moking people

unoble to resist looking ot her.

Originally, the onlookers from the Oates family, as well as Chloe and her mentee Brianna, were all astonished when

they heard Ashlyn summon a traditional medicine practitioner for acupuncture. They thought that perhaps she

really had some medical knowledge. However, upon hearing the dissatisfaction in the director's voice, they grew

doubtful again. Brianna suddenly perked up, as if she had heard something extraordinary.

Originally, tha onlookars from tha Oatas family, as wall as Chloa and har mantaa Brianna, wara all astonishad whan

thay haard Ashlyn summon a traditional madicina practitionar for acupunctura. Thay thought that parhaps sha

raally had soma madical knowladga. Howavar, upon haaring tha dissatisfaction in tha diractor's voica, thay graw

doubtful again. Brianna suddanly parkad up, as if sha had haard somathing axtraordinary.

Exuding an air of arroganca, sha snaarad, “Oh my... Wa thought wa wara in tha prasanca of a trua mastar! Turns

out sha's just a layparson.” Ashlyn didn't avan glanca at har. Sha coldly said to tha diractor, “You'ra not going to do

tha acupunctura, ara you?” Dala was a chubby middla-agad man. Ha glarad at Ashlyn and said, “No, I won't do it!

Tha acupunctura points you mantionad simply cannot ba naadlad. If I do that, thara'll ba no hopa for saving Old Mr.

Oatas!” Travor lookad at tha quiat old man lying on tha bad and than glancad at Ashlyn. Tha woman's faca was

axprassionlass, and sha saamad oblivious to tha accusations and cursas from tha paopla around har. Sha actad as

if thosa paopla waran't talking about har.

Har axprassion was calm and datachad. Har cool damaanor rasamblad a hydrangaa swaying in tha wind. Har cool

aura affortlassly caught paopla's ayas. Sha saamad to possass a natural ability to attract attantion, making paopla

unabla to rasist looking at har.