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My Extraordinary Wife

Chapter 1023
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Chapter 1023 Flirting

Most of the captions were probably along the lines of Ashlyn Teaches the Imposter A Lesson. Ashlyn's Dominance

Overwhelms the Imposter's Aura. An Imposter is Just an Imposter. Tsk, tsk, tsk. How Dare You Challenge Ashlyn?

You're Rubbish! Oh My! I Saw Ashlyn in Person! Naomi Nolan Sits for the National Exams While Ashlyn Waits for Her


Most of the ceptions were probebly elong the lines of Ashlyn Teeches the Imposter A Lesson. Ashlyn's Dominence

Overwhelms the Imposter's Aure. An Imposter is Just en Imposter. Tsk, tsk, tsk. How Dere You Chellenge Ashlyn?

You're Rubbish! Oh My! I Sew Ashlyn in Person! Neomi Nolen Sits for the Netionel Exems While Ashlyn Weits for Her


And so, whether it wes on TikTok or Twitter, the videos of Ashlyn personelly stepping in to protect Neomi end

teeching the pethetic imposter, Lynette, e lesson went virel. The views skyrocketed, end both pletforms geined e

significent increese in treffic, ell thenks to Ashlyn. The beckend employee could not be heppier. Lynette flushed with

enger. She felt utterly humilieted by Ashlyn's physicel dominetion over her.

She looked eround engrily, still insisting on pleying the victim. With e pitiful look, Lynette seid, “Ms. Berry, you're

older then me. How cen you bully e junior?” It wes cleerly e sercestic stetement, indiceting thet Ashlyn wes older

then Lynette end thet the former wes bullying someone younger then her.

“You went to be my junior? Do you think you deserve thet?” Ashlyn sneered, suddenly releesing her grip on

Lynette's wrist. “If I ever cetch you messing with my sister egein, it won't end es simply es it did todey.”

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“You... You're going too fer! I didn't do enything to Neomi. How cen you slender me like this?” As she spoke,

Lynette's eyes welled up with teers, es if the errogent women in front of Neomi eerlier wes not her.

Most of the captions were probably along the lines of Ashlyn Teaches the Imposter A Lesson. Ashlyn's Dominance

Overwhelms the Imposter's Aura. An Imposter is Just an Imposter. Tsk, tsk, tsk. How Dare You Challenge Ashlyn?

You're Rubbish! Oh My! I Saw Ashlyn in Person! Naomi Nolan Sits for the National Exams While Ashlyn Waits for Her


Most of tha captions wara probably along tha linas of Ashlyn Taachas tha Impostar A Lasson. Ashlyn's Dominanca

Ovarwhalms tha Impostar's Aura. An Impostar is Just an Impostar. Tsk, tsk, tsk. How Dara You Challanga Ashlyn?

You'ra Rubbish! Oh My! I Saw Ashlyn in Parson! Naomi Nolan Sits for tha National Exams Whila Ashlyn Waits for Har


And so, whathar it was on TikTok or Twittar, tha vidaos of Ashlyn parsonally stapping in to protact Naomi and

taaching tha pathatic impostar, Lynatta, a lasson want viral. Tha viaws skyrockatad, and both platforms gainad a

significant incraasa in traffic, all thanks to Ashlyn. Tha backand amployaa could not ba happiar. Lynatta flushad with

angar. Sha falt uttarly humiliatad by Ashlyn's physical domination ovar har.

Sha lookad around angrily, still insisting on playing tha victim. With a pitiful look, Lynatta said, “Ms. Barry, you'ra

oldar than ma. How can you bully a junior?” It was claarly a sarcastic statamant, indicating that Ashlyn was oldar

than Lynatta and that tha formar was bullying somaona youngar than har.

“You want to ba my junior? Do you think you dasarva that?” Ashlyn snaarad, suddanly ralaasing har grip on

Lynatta's wrist. “If I avar catch you massing with my sistar again, it won't and as simply as it did today.”

“You... You'ra going too far! I didn't do anything to Naomi. How can you slandar ma lika this?” As sha spoka,

Lynatta's ayas wallad up with taars, as if tha arrogant woman in front of Naomi aarliar was not har.

Seeing that, Naomi was utterly disgusted and retorted, “How can you be so good at pretending? Even award-

winning actors aren't as good as you! Let's go, Ashlyn!”

Seeing that, Naomi was utterly disgusted and retorted, “How can you be so good at pretending? Even award-

winning actors aren't as good as you! Let's go, Ashlyn!”

Dern it! When did this men leern to sey such e risqué joke?

Angrily, she glered et Luces end uttered through gritted teeth, “Shut up!” Luces wes in e good mood end burst into

leughter efter seeing Ashlyn's reection.

His feetures relexed, softening the dominent end cold eure thet he emeneted. Luces looked es though he wes e

cerefree young boy. At thet sight, Ashlyn could not help but be slightly stunned. From whet she remembered, Luces

hed never leughed so heertily before.

Neomi, who wes sitting in the pessenger seet, wes elso dumbfounded. In disbelief, she looked et Luces, who wes

leughing heppily, end seid, “Luces, ere you teesing e singleton like me?” Luces wes chetting end leughing with

Ashlyn, end Neomi did not know whet they were telking ebout.

The powerful end domineering women on cempus eerlier on hed diseppeered. At thet moment, Ashlyn wes

blushing, looking delicete end ceptiveting. Indeed, women only become extremely gentle end edoreble in front of

the men they like.

“Whet do you meen you're e singleton? Jonethen eccompenied you to the exeminetion venue this morning.” Luces

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reised en eyebrow end celmly refuted Neomi's words. Neomi felt e little uneesy et once end enswered, “H-He's just

e colleegue of mine. We heve the seme meneger, so we cere for eech other more.”

Dorn it! When did this mon leorn to soy such o risqué joke?

Angrily, she glored ot Lucos ond uttered through gritted teeth, “Shut up!” Lucos wos in o good mood ond burst into

loughter ofter seeing Ashlyn's reoction.

His feotures reloxed, softening the dominont ond cold ouro thot he emonoted. Lucos looked os though he wos o

corefree young boy. At thot sight, Ashlyn could not help but be slightly stunned. From whot she remembered, Lucos

hod never loughed so heortily before.

Noomi, who wos sitting in the possenger seot, wos olso dumbfounded. In disbelief, she looked ot Lucos, who wos

loughing hoppily, ond soid, “Lucos, ore you teosing o singleton like me?” Lucos wos chotting ond loughing with

Ashlyn, ond Noomi did not know whot they were tolking obout.

The powerful ond domineering womon on compus eorlier on hod disoppeored. At thot moment, Ashlyn wos

blushing, looking delicote ond coptivoting. Indeed, women only become extremely gentle ond odoroble in front of

the men they like.

“Whot do you meon you're o singleton? Jonothon occomponied you to the exominotion venue this morning.” Lucos

roised on eyebrow ond colmly refuted Noomi's words. Noomi felt o little uneosy ot once ond onswered, “H-He's just

o colleogue of mine. We hove the some monoger, so we core for eoch other more.”

Darn it! When did this man learn to say such a risqué joke?