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My Divine Diary

Chapter 598
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Without suspense, the seventeen emperors and the source mages were all captured.

When they saw the figure of Yashan appear, a ninstantly popped into their minds – the Armor of Skin Scraper!

The Armor of Skin Scraper actually found their location, then broke through layers of guards, arrived at the absolute headquarters, and announced that they were captured!

Just like a joke, but it happened so oddly.

For everyone present, the “Harmony Castle” in Xingji City was the safest place in the world, without a doubt.

The reason the seventeen emperors refused to return to their jurisdictions, aside from dealing with matters of the “Radiant Guild,” was because they had the idea of using the “Harmony Castle” to protect themselves.

Never did they imagine that while staying in this safest place, they would all be captured at once.

The so-called world’s most mysterious and unpredictable “source mages,” not only failed to protect them properly, but even he himself was caught.

Of course, stried to call for guards, but found that all entrances and exits were sealed with a thick layer of crystal, preventing anyone from coming in.

“It’s over!”

The hearts of the seventeen emperors and the source mages were filled with inexplicable complexity…

Yashan first said, “As long as you cooperate obediently, I guarantee that everyone will be unharmed.”

After reassuring them, he used a paralysis technique to keep everyone in place, then cast a “balance spell” on them, transporting them back to the base world.

After that, he sent a message in the group chat: “Feng Cheng, it’s done, collect the suppressor!”

Feng Cheng deactivated the suppressor’s effects and returned to the base world.

He also wanted to see what these high and mighty emperors of the world looked like, and he even thought about whether he should appoint himself as an emperor in the future, a rather amusing idea.

After Feng Cheng lifted the suppression, the meeting hall of the “Harmony Castle” was reopened by the source mages who had regained control. When they rushed into the hall, they could no longer see their respected emperors and “source mages.”

The objects they were supposed to protect had inexplicably disappeared right under their noses, what to do?

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The guards were to blame, and for sserious cases, their lives might be at risk. After searching all around and not finding the missing emperors, many began to have different thoughts: “Perhaps, I should consider joining the Radiant Guild, I wonder if they are recruiting…”

The sudden disappearance of the seventeen emperors and the source mages was initially suppressed, but as twent on, it couldn’t be contained anymore, spreading through various channels with different versions of the story.

Eventually, it becimpossible to discern what had actually happened, the truth becindistinguishable from the lies.

In the base world, the eighteen emperors and the source mages were temporarily detained together in a laboratory.

There were many strange experimental instruments around, things unseen and unheard of, they couldn’t figure out where they had been taken.

They looked at each other, feeling uneasy about their current situation, unsure what fate awaited them next. All the emperors were pondering one question: as emperors, when faced with severe interrogation, should they surrender and confess, or remain defiant to uphold the dignity of the emperor?

The ones who brought them here were the wanted “Armor of Skin Scraper” from the association, they would never admit their mistake, and the Armor of Skin Scraper was a member of the Radiant Guild.

In other words, not long after the war with the Radiant Guild began, all the decisive leaders on their side were captured.


At this moment, someone finally spoke up: “Just now, my source power suddenly failed, even after being brought to this place, it still hasn’t returned.”

The Cloud Emperor furrowed his brow and said, “My abilities are also unusable.”

“In this case, it seems that everyone’s abilities are disabled. It must be a method used by the Radiant Guild to nullify mage powers, what kind of indissoluble method is this? It’s unheard of, almost unbelievable.”

“Yes, if we cannot crack this ability, we have no chance against the Glorious Council at all!”

“Have you forgotten about the Cataclysm Cannon? Activating the Cataclysm Cannon doesn’t require abilities!”

“Don’t be naive, can the Cataclysm Cannon really compete with ten thousand mages? Even if we have the Cataclysm Cannon, at most, we can only destroy their city, without any flexible maneuvering capabilities…”

“Why think about all this? We might as well focus on our current situation.”

At this point, everyone fell silent for a moment.

Emperor Jia panicked, “Brothers, cup with a solution quickly, or are we just going to wait here to die?”

Everyone shook their heads in sighs; if they had a solution, they wouldn’t have been captured and brought to this place.

Emperor Jia then turned to the mage and asked, “Mage, you say something, in the current situation, what should we do?”

All the emperors looked at the mage in unison. Since being brought here, the mage had closed his eyes, seemingly lost in thought or just resting.

Upon hearing this, he opened his eyes with a wise look and said, “The only thing we can do is wait quietly. If you do not want to suffer, cooperate with the other side obediently. If you feel strong-willed, then you can act as you please.”

Even the mage was advising them to surrender outright?

With this, there really was no hope left.

Emperor Jia asked again, “Mage, with your vast knowledge, do you know how to crack this forbidden source manipulation?”

The other emperors cursed silently; if he knew, would they have been captured here?

The mage shook his head, “I don’t know. Perhaps it has to do with the special abilities of the ‘Devious Origin Mage’. This effect is similar to transforming a source mage into an ordinary person, unable to use the source. I just don’t know the specifics of this special forbidden source ability, how it works, or how to defend against it.

No need to be anxious; patience will suffice. If we survive in the end, we will surely know everything, but if unfortunately we die, then no amount of pondering will have any meaning.”

His words made sense, leaving the seventeen emperors speechless.

These emperors had been locked up for seven days, during which their once towering arrogance had been completely worn down.

Moreover, during these seven days, the fear of the unknown future gradually spread in their minds, leaving them restless and increasingly haggard.

Just then, the laboratory door slowly opened, and three young men with crew cuts entered leisurely. The leader was extremely handsome, with a faint smile playing on his lips.

It was indeed Su Hao and his two companions.

Yashan initially thought of handing these emperors directly over to Zhi Peng for transformation into friends, but suddenly realized a problem: most of these captives were source mages, and he couldn’t quite grasp their abilities. If he recklessly handed them over to Zhi Peng, he might end up endangering Zhi Peng’s life. If he used suppressors to control their abilities, then Zhi Peng wouldn’t be able to use his powers…

In other words, as a precaution, Zhi Peng currently couldn’t turn these people into friends.

Yashan, who had no better idea, reported this matter to Su Hao. Upon hearing that Yashan had actually captured all the royal emperors, Su Hao expressed surprise and, after a few days, cto the place where the emperors were detained with Yashan and Feng Cheng.

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Su Hao and his companions did not transform into “Mingzi” but wore casual clothing.

But their arrival still put these emperors on guard.

As the rulers of this world, they could somewhat sense that aura of superiority and control from each other. The moment they saw Su Hao and his companions, they were immediately overwhelmed by the aura emanating from them.

Inexplicably, they felt that these three individuals were somewhat different from ordinary people.

Those bright eyes seemed to see through everything.

Among those present, the most sensitive was the mage. Since Su Hao and his companions entered, he had felt a tremendous pressure.

As if at the snap of their fingers, he could be wiped out.

Su Haohuan looked around, didn’t say a word, casually activated a spell, immobilizing everyone on the spot, not letting them move or speak. Then he walked forward, in the fearful eyes of the emperors, extending his slender fingers, recording their mental information one by one in the bullet space, detaining them in a small dark room.

At this moment, the lives of these eighteen people were just a thought away from Su Hao.

Su Hao waved his hand to remove the restraint spell, and the restraints on the emperors suddenly loosened, causing them to stagger back a few steps before standing firm.

They were extremely shocked internally at this moment, completely not understanding what this young man named Su Hao, pointing at their foreheads with his fingers, was doing…

Feeling a warm flow filling their entire brains, quite comfortable, but would an enemy kindly give them a massage with a great sword?

The answer is no!

Emperor Jia, being the youngest, had only recently becan emperor, with plenty of good times waiting for him to enjoy, he didn’t want to just disappear like this inexplicably.

With a face full of fear, he tremblingly said, “What… what did you do to me?”

Su Hao lightly smiled, “Don’t be afraid, I currently have no intention of killing you, you still have suse. First, letintroduce myself, my nis Jia Wei, I am a very approachable scholar.

Now it’s your turn to introduce yourselves. Con, one by one, report your situation, name, gender, position, whether you are a Origin Mage, what abilities you have, and so on.”

The scene was quiet.

Su Hao’s eyebrows gradually furrowed, “You, it looks like you’re not willing?”

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