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My Celestial Ascension

Chapter 125 Against The Wyvern
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'Even though they are willingly risking their lives by deciding to fight the Wyvern, I can't stand here and do nothing since this is our village after all. I can't fight head-on, but at least I can assist them.' Rose thought to herself that even though her legs were trembling before the Lord of the Mountain—The Wyvern—she decided to assist Yuan and Xi Meili in defeating this monster that had threatened her village.

A moment later, when they drew closer to the Wyvern, Rose shouted at the mages and hunters who were intercepting the creature and already pushed to their limits, "Fall back! Reinforcements are here! Attend to your injuries!"

"Madam Rose!" Blissful expressions appeared on the faces of the mages and hunters when they saw Rose, along with two other individuals emitting a profound aura that made them feel inferior.

A moment later, after the group of hunters and mages left the scene. 

"I will assist the two of you to the best of my ability, Yuan and Xi Meili!" Rose said to them after they arrived before the Wyvern. 

Yuan nodded and started at the wyvern that looked like a huge lizard with wings. The only thing that made it different from the rest of the lizards was that its long neck was like a giraffe's and he had bat-like wings on his back.

'What a terrifying gaze and bloodthirsty aura! This Wyvern is, without a doubt, stronger than the Orc Lord...' Yuan thought, feeling the bloodlust in the wyvern's eyes.

Despite the daunting opponent before him, Yuan remained surprisingly calm. He had grown accustomed to such situations and, despite the wyvern's strength, he was confident in his ability to defeat it.

The wyvern noticed the composed expressions of Yuan and Xi Meili, narrowing its eyes as it silently observed Yuan's approach. It then spotted Rose standing beside them.

After a few seconds, the wyvern spoke in a grim voice, his tone filled with anger and resentment. "I have given you ample time to return my son, yet you have failed. And now you bring a few so-called experts to deal with me? Do you truly believe that these two insignificant humans can defeat me? a wyvern? Know your place!"

"I SHALL UNLEASH MY FURY AND RAZE THIS ENTIRE VILLAGE!" The wyvern bellowed at Rose, its roar echoing through the air.

*ROAAAR* The Wyvern released a deafening roar as it rushed at Yuan, Xi Meili, and Rose, its red eyes filled with killing intent, while flapping its huge bat-like wings to fly.

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"Be careful, Yuan and Xi Meili!" Rose quickly warned them.

Yuan nodded, his grip on his sword tightening, while Xi Meili's hands transformed into Dragon Claws with sharp, formidable nails that could easily rip through the toughest of metals.

'What in the world... How can her hands turn into claws? And they look so sharp!' Rose exclaimed internally, astonished by Xi Meili's transformation.

"How dare a mere DISGRACE be so arrogant in front of me? Know your place!" Xi Meili taunted, leaping upward with incredible speed to strike one of the Wyvern's wings, causing it to falter and crash to the ground.

"HOW DARE YOU, HUMANS! You destroyed one of my wings! I WILL KILL YOU ALL!" The Wyvern roared in pain and fury, its damaged wing aching from Xi Meili's attack.

The Wyvern, now enraged, turned its attention towards Yuan, raising its massive claws as Yuan braced himself, his sword held firmly to intercept the oncoming strike.


Yuan felt the immense strength of the Wyvern as he blocked its attack, but he remained steadfast, unmoved by the force behind the strike.

"I will back you up!" Rose seized the opportunity and unleashed her most potent offensive spell against the Wyvern.


However, with a single roar, the Wyvern unleashed a tremendous blast of air pressure, sending Rose flying several meters away upon impact.

"Rose, are you okay?" Yuan called out to her while simultaneously pushing the Wyvern back.

"I-I'm not hurt," Rose's voice resounded, though it carried a hint of pain.

"You possess some ability for a weak human, I'll give you that," the Wyvern acknowledged, impressed by Yuan's ability to withstand its attack.

"I understand that you're angry because you lost your child, but don't you think you're targeting the wrong people here? The ones who took your child away were the people from the Empire. If you seek revenge, direct it towards them. Why target innocent villagers who have done nothing wrong to you?" Yuan spoke up, his words filled with conviction and empathy.

"You know nothing, human. If they didn't allow them to take away my child, how would they have been able to do so? They had the power to stop them, but they chose to do nothing. And if it weren't for those greedy humans, how would they have known about my child? Now, answer me, human!" The Wyvern responded to Yuan with a grim voice, filled with resentment and sorrow.

"It's not their fault for not stopping them from taking your child. The ones who took your child were much stronger than all of them combined. While I agree that humans can be greedy and shameless, it's not a valid reason for you to decide to kill everyone in this village. You're being unreasonable here!" Yuan replied firmly, his voice unwavering.

Yuan understood that there were individuals at fault for informing the royal prince of the empire about the Wyvern's child, but it didn't justify the Wyvern's desire for indiscriminate violence against innocent villagers.I think you should take a look at

"Don't try to deceive me, lowly human! There is nothing you can do to change my mind. I will kill everyone in this village, be it old or young. None shall be spared, and I will start with you!" The Wyvern roared at Yuan, its anger and determination evident.

However, suddenly, a tyrannical pressure descended upon the Wyvern, causing its blood to boil and its body to tremble. It felt a shiver running through its entire being, and its bloodline trembled in fear.

'What is this feeling? Why is my blood trembling in fear? Why can't I move my body? What is this formidable pressure...?' The Wyvern found itself kneeling on the ground, overwhelmed by the pressure it was experiencing.

"How dare a mere DISGRACE threaten my Hubby? Know your place!" Xi Meili's cold voice resounded, causing the Wyvern to feel as if it was in the presence of something divine.

As the Wyvern turned towards the voice, it beheld a woman with horns on her forehead, coldly staring at him with bright yellow lizard-like eyes, surrounded by the illusion of a menacing black shadow.

'Who is she? How can she make my blood tremble in fear?' The Wyvern wondered, astounded by how this seemingly frail woman could evoke such fear within him.

"Hubby! I've restrained his movements. Now, you can finish him off!" Xi Meili exclaimed, a bright smile on her face.

'Huh? Restrained his movements? But how? I don't even see her lifting a finger. How can she restrain the Wyvern's movements?' Rose thought in disbelief, amazed by the mysterious power Xi Meili possessed.

"I understand!" Yuan nodded, stepping closer to the Wyvern.

A moment later, Yuan addressed the Wyvern, his voice carrying determination. "I understand the pain of being separated from someone you love. However, if you choose to kill innocent villagers who have done nothing wrong, I have no choice but to stop your madness by taking your life."

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After uttering those words, Yuan's eyes flickered with bright light, and Empyreal Oblivion in his hand began to tremble, seemingly filled with excitement.

"One Sword, One Strike!" Yuan declared, swinging his sword with precision, aiming for the Wyvern's neck. A blue arc of light flashed before the Wyvern's eyes, but thanks to Xi Meili's pressure, the Wyvern couldn't move before the sword reached near his neck.


However, the Wyvern managed to move his body at the last minute, defying Xi Meili's tyrannical pressure, and used his claws to block the attack. Yet, Yuan's sword proved to be sharper than the Wyvern anticipated, easily piercing through his scaly claws.


The Wyvern let out a painful roar as one of his claws was severed, blood spurting from his severed arm.

"Hmm?" Xi Meili was surprised by the Wyvern's resilience and will to survive. She didn't expect him to break free from her restriction, considering the minimal amount of dragon blood he possessed.

"I didn't expect you to save yourself at the last moment... Well, color me surprised!" Yuan sighed, acknowledging the Wyvern's escape from certain death.

"I will kill you! I will fucking kill you, damn human!" 

The Wyvern roared violently at Yuan, swinging his other claw at him. However, he couldn't reach Yuan due to Xi Meili's continued pressure restraining his movements.

"I don't have time to play with you any longer. Let's end this for good!" Yuan declared, preparing to unleash the Empyreal Severing Sword Strike once again, this time using only 40 percent of its full power.

Yuan swung his sword vertically, and the same golden beam of light rushed towards the Wyvern. The Wyvern, unable to move a muscle under Xi Meili's pressure, watched in terror as the golden beam approached him.

In a final act of defiance, the Wyvern turned his head towards Xi Meili and let out a violent roar.


When the golden beam of light finally reached the Wyvern, it consumed his entire figure, tearing his body into millions of pieces until nothing remained.

However, the golden light didn't stop there. It continued to soar forward, striking the mountain with a resounding impact.


The entire Pinebrook Valley shook violently as Yuan's sword strike created a massive crater once again, leaving an indelible mark on the land.