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My Celestial Ascension

Chapter 104 Something Seems Off
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"This... this must be the place where all the treasures are hidden! It's magnificent!" Anna looked at Yuan, her eyes widening in awe.

"Finally, we have a lead on where the treasures are! This is a major breakthrough for us." said Grace, her voice filled with excitement. 

Lily, her curiosity piqued, couldn't contain her questions. "I remember seeing this area before, and there was just a plain wall. How on earth did you discover the hidden entrance? I'm genuinely curious."

Lily's fascination grew as she pondered the method used to conceal such a grand entrance. To hide it behind an ordinary-looking wall, there had to be a technique beyond the ordinary.

"Yes, Yuan, please tell us how you found this hidden entrance. I'm eager to know." Emma chimed in, sharing Lily's curiosity. 

Yuan glanced at his family and beloveds, grateful for their interest. He took a moment to gather his thoughts before responding. "As I previously asked dear Meili to look for a suspicious area in the vicinity, I found the entrance concealed by a powerful formation. I was able to break it using brute force."

"So that's why you attacked the thick wall with your sword, huh? No wonder!" Xi Meili exclaimed. At first, she was very confused—why would anyone attack a wall for no reason at all? But now she understands why, and she is no stranger to formations. 

"Hehe, Indeed! And the result is in front of you," responded Yuan. 

"Formation? What do you mean?" Anna, Grace, Emma, and Lily exclaimed in unison, their confusion evident.

Observing their perplexed expressions, Yuan let out a sigh. "Formations are intricate arrays of energy patterns and symbols. They manipulate and channel spiritual energy. They can enhance cultivation, create defensive barriers, and unleash devastating attacks. Breaking this formation was the only way to uncover the entrance."

Xi Meili, her eyes filled with wisdom, looked at her four sisters and began to explain. "Formations are powerful tools used by cultivators. They possess the ability to shape and control reality itself. Masters of formations hold great power in battles and challenges they face."

She continued, "From what Hubby has said, it seems that two formations were used on the entrance to conceal its existence. One is a concealing formation, which hides the entrance from ordinary perception. The other is a barrier-type formation, which acts as a protective shield, preventing access."

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Xi Meili possessed the inherited memories of her ancestors, granting her knowledge that her mothers didn't possess. Her explanation shed light on the mysteries surrounding the concealed entrance.

Anna, Grace, Emma, and Lily listened intently, absorbing the information. The concept of formations was new to them, but they were eager to learn.

"So, this formation was used to hide the entrance and protect the treasures within. It's fascinating how the manipulation of energy can create such elaborate concealment." Anna spoke up, her voice filled with curiosity. 

"Indeed, the power of formations is remarkable. It's no wonder that breaking through required such force." Grace nodded, her eyes sparkling with newfound understanding. 

"I see now. Formations are like a complex puzzle, and breaking them requires strength and precision." Emma's expression brightened as she grasped the concept. 

Lily, her initial confusion replaced by intrigue, smiled. "Thank you for explaining, Xi Meili. The world of formations is truly fascinating, and it seems we have much to learn."

"It's nothing..."  Xi Meili cutely responded. 

Yuan, taking the lead, stepped confidently towards the entrance. "Now that we have discovered the entrance, let's proceed and see what awaits us inside, shall we?"

The girls, brimming with excitement, nodded in agreement. They were eager to uncover the treasures and secrets hidden within the ancient treasury.

As they entered the entrance together, they were greeted by a set of stairways that descended underground. 

"Is it safe for us to step on these stairs?" Anna was concerned about their safety as she hesitated to step on the stairs. 

Her worry was understandable. What if there were traps set up, ready to harm them without warning? The thought sent a chill down their spines.

"There is no need to worry. I have checked these stairs with my divine sense. They are safe to walk on." Yuan reassured them with a calm voice. 

Yuan had been using his divine sense the entire time, scanning for any signs of danger. His assurance eased their concerns, allowing them to proceed without fear.

"If you say so, then we can trust that it's safe." Anna nodded, trusting Yuan's judgment. 

With their fears alleviated, the group continued their journey, moving deeper into the ruins. The further they ventured, the darker it became. However, being cultivators, they possessed heightened senses and could navigate the path with ease, avoiding any obstacles in their way.

As they ventured deeper, Yuan couldn't help but marvel at the construction of the place. Even with millions of years having passed, there was no sign of damage or even a small crack on the walls. The materials used seemed to withstand the test of time.

Yuan wondered to himself, 'I wonder what kind of godly materials were used to build this place and make it last without suffering any damage?'

Xi Meili, ever observant, caught onto Yuan's thoughts. "This place was built using some of the rarest materials from the Nine Heavens," she remarked. "Unfortunately, I can't recall their names. I'm sorry."

"It's alright, my dear. The fact that you recognize the materials is impressive in itself." Yuan smiled warmly at Xi Meili. 

"To think that we are walking on pathways constructed with materials from the Nine Heavens... It's truly astonishing." Emma's eyes widened in awe. 

"Mmm, The treasures hidden within must be extraordinary if the very structure that protects them is made of such rare materials." Grace added. 

The staircase seemed never-ending, spiraling down in a seemingly infinite descent. They continued walking, step by step, for what felt like an eternity. 

After what seemed like an arduous hour, they finally reached the end of the staircase. To their relief, they had encountered no traps along the way.

Breathing a sigh of relief, Lily exclaimed, "Finally! The stairs seem to end. It was a horrible experience walking on them for so long."

Yuan, amused by Lily's complaint, pointed towards a metal door about 20 meters away from them. A smile played on his lips as he said, "Stop complaining. Look, we're getting closer to our goal."

Turning her head to where Yuan was pointing, Lily's complaining look immediately transformed into one of overwhelming excitement. "This door is made of metal! Is it the door to the treasury?" she exclaimed, unable to contain her enthusiasm.

The sight of the metallic door sparked a similar reaction in Anna, Grace, Emma, and Xi Meili. Their faces lit up with anticipation and hope.

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"It certainly seems to be the case," Anna remarked, her voice filled with excitement.

As the group stood before the door, Yuan couldn't shake off a strange feeling that enveloped the empty space between them and the door. Despite not detecting anything suspicious with his divine sense, he couldn't shake off the unease that settled within him.

Lily, oblivious to Yuan's concern, eagerly exclaimed, "Let's quickly go and see what's behind that door!"

Yuan's voice rang out, full of urgency, "Big Sis, wait! There's something wrong here!"

Lily immediately halted her movement and turned to face him, her eyes filled with concern. "What happened?"

Anna, Grace, and Emma furrowed their eyebrows, mirroring their confusion. Anna voiced their collective question, "What is it, dear? I don't see anything wrong here."

"I can't say for sure, but I have a sense that this place is somewhat strange. There is an inexplicable feeling that something is amiss." Yuan struggled to put his unease into words. 

Xi Meili nodded in agreement. "I also feel that something is off."

The group fell silent, their excitement now tinged with caution. The allure of the hidden treasures behind the door was tempered by the mysterious aura surrounding them.

"Let's take a moment to investigate before we move forward. I don't want to risk anything happening to any of you." He bent down, picked up a small rock from the ground, and took a step forward.

Yuan's words melted the hearts of the group, their admiration for him growing as they saw how deeply he cared for their safety. They understood that he didn't want to take any unnecessary risks.

Yuan threw it onto the floor before them. As the rock made contact with the ground, a sudden and powerful surge of purple lightning crackled through the air. 

Bang! A resounding bang echoed through the chamber, and within an instant, the rock was reduced to nothing but dust.

"Grasp!" The group gasped collectively, their hearts pounding with a mix of awe and fear. The sheer display of power left them in awe, realizing the potential dangers that lay ahead. Anna, Grace, Emma, and Lily clung onto each other, their wide eyes reflecting their shock.

Yuan and Xi Meili, however, remained composed. They had expected this outcome, having assessed the situation with their keen senses.