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Mr. Huo's Expensive Cute Wife

Chapter 987
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"What? Is a woman more important than a company? " This is not what Tang Zhongzhen wanted.

Tang Shiyi's eyes moved from red wine to Tang Zhongzhen's face. His voice was a little cold, and he didn't seem to be talking to his own father, "then why do you think I'll come back?"

In fact, Tang Zhongzhen wanted Tang Shiyi to come back to replace the company a few years ago, but Tang Shiyi never agreed.

Later, after Tang Shiyi made achievements in research and development, Tang Zhongzhen was quiet for a while.

It was not until he knew that Tang Shiyi gave up his promising future and went to the grass-roots level to do medical assistance. Only then did he have a good reason to look for Tang Shiyi to come back to replace the company.

He was rejected by Tang Shiyi for several years. One day, he took the initiative to contact Tang Zhongzhen's assistant and promised to return to the company. Tang Zhongzhen excitedly took the assistant to pick up Tang Shiyi from Los Angeles.

Don't give everyone a chance to breathe, let Tang Shiyi take office immediately.

Tang Zhongzhen also pondered over what could make Tang Shiyi suddenly change his attention, and his eyes widened when he thought of some possibility.

This woman Is it really attractive to Tang Shiyi?

Knowing that he wanted to understand, Tang Shiyi turned to leave.

Fan Jiachen kept up with Tang Shiyi. When he got away from Tang Zhongzhen, he was dissatisfied and asked, "Hey, Tang Shiyi, what do you mean? Give me an explanation!"

"What can I mean?" Tang Shiyi didn't like this kind of occasion very much. He wanted to find a reason to leave.

"Why do you want to pour red wine on Nightingale and push it on me, you bad friend!"

"Who let her wear the topless dress?" The look in the eyes of those men made him very uncomfortable.

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Last time he destroyed her dress, he warned her not to wear such a leaky dress again. It seems that she is still disobedient

Fan Jiachen looked at the man in dismay, "just So? "

"Yes! Otherwise Tang Shiyi felt bored.

Fan Jiachen was a little bit broken. "I said, you didn't come back for two years, but now you come back, it's just like this for nightding? According to your persistence two years ago, the first thing you should do is to propose to a single man named Wanding. How could you first piss her off? "

Tang Shiyi leaned against the windowsill, lit a cigarette, "ask you a question."


Can humble love be exchanged for love

Fan Jiachen, "..." It seems that he is not very clear about this. He has not been humble. He and Huo Wanxun are in an ambiguous period at most, and there is nothing humble and humble.

Tang Shiyi flicked ash in the garbage can, "I tell you with my own experience, can't!"

Fan Jiachen was a little confused, "so?" Does this have anything to do with making Huo Wan Ding angry?

"So..." Tang Shiyi hooked his lips, "I Tang Shiyi vowed that I would be promiscuous from now on. I would never be quiet for years, and never keep a woman old."

"Ah, bah!" The simple and rude words broke the short literary atmosphere created by Tang Shiyi.

Fan Jiachen was the first one not to believe what he said. "If you Tang Shiyi can not keep Huo Wanding and get old alone, I will take your surname later!"

Tang Shiyi ignored him and looked out of the window at the moon. He said, "I haven't seen her for a long time. I can hardly control myself when I smell her."

Not to mention holding her hand, the heart itching unbearable, just hate just the venue is not right.

"Crouch, there is a kind of you to say this to sister nightding yourself!"

Tang Shiyi, "don't say it!" When he wants to say it himself, it means that he can do it directly.

That's not necessary. Just do it.

Fan Jiachen gave him a big white eye, "you've got to be coquettish!"

When Huo Wanding comes back to Huo's house, Huo Lingchen just put Chu Chu to sleep and put it into her room. Seeing her go upstairs, "back?"

"Well, first sleep?"

"Yes, I may have a short sleep at noon today. I fell asleep just after taking a bath."


Huo Ling Shen walked in and saw the wine stains on her dress. "What's wrong with the dress?"

"Spilled red wine by accident." Her simple explanation.

"Oh." Huo Ling gave her a deep look. "See him?"

Tang Shiyi's replacement of Tianrui is basically known to all the people who should know.

"Well." Ding Huo nods truthfully.

"Well, I know that boy is not as simple as it seems! I didn't expect that he was the son of Tang Zhongzhen's old fox Huo Lingshen was quite surprised when he got the news.

Huo evening Ding silent for a moment, "Dad, Xiujin already knew, right?"

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Otherwise, how could Xiujin arrange for her to go to Tianrui's anniversary?

Huo Lingshen thought of this more angry, "yes, the boy is now elbow out, know this matter will not tell me! And it's been known a long time ago! "Huo Lingchen is not sure when he will arrive early. Anyway, he can be sure that Xiujin knows earlier than he knows.

Huo evening Ding also did not have any reaction, pulled the coat that put on the body, "well, then I went to have a rest first."

"Wait a minute." Huo Lingchen suddenly stopped her.

She looks back.

Huo Ling looked at her deeply, "what do you plan to do?"

Knowing what he said, Huo Wanding asked, "Dad, do you still want to stop us?"

"What about obstruction? What if you don't stop it? " It's no use. Love or love, isn't it?

"If you still stop me, I will give up. If you don't stop me, I will... " Tang Shiyi was chased back.

Huo Lingshen was a little embarrassed. In order to cover up his embarrassment, he snorted coldly, "you're making such a success. If I stop you, you're going to give up, or is it true love?"

Huo Wan sighed and put on his arm, "Dad, you can take more with you. Let me do our own thing, OK?"

"Good is good, but don't tell him the first thing at the beginning. Let him go the way I've gone."

Huo Wan said, "Dad! Do you repeat that to mom? "

"Repeat what for me?" Nian Yaxuan has just finished washing Chu Chu's clothes. She is ready to come and see if her child has gone to bed. As soon as she opens the door, she hears the father and daughter chatting again.

Huo Ling Shen gave her daughter a wink, "nothing, you heard wrong."

Huo Wanding is amused by Huo Lingshen's reaction. Regardless of his small movements, Huo Wanding tells Nian Yaxuan, "Mom, my father said that he would not let me tell Tang Shiyi what happened at the beginning of Tang Shiyi, and let Tang Shiyi walk the road he once walked." action

She repeated it word for word. Huo Ling Shen was glared by Huo Wan Ding's blowing beard. "Huo Wan Ding, you are a traitor." It's better at the beginning, but I'm obedient!

Nian Yaxuan came over and hammered Huo Lingshen's shoulder with hatred. "Huo Lingshen, the misunderstanding has been solved, the engagement has also been engaged, and the money has been obtained. If the two children can't be together because of you this time, I will Run away from home

The misunderstanding she said was about ectopic pregnancy, and money was the profit brought by Tang Shiyi's research and development.