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Mr. Huo's Expensive Cute Wife

Chapter 777
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Li Jianbang's husband and wife accompanied him to the county town. They couldn't come back in the evening. The servant also had a normal rest today, so only mother and son were at home.

"Good." Although Li Yanzhou didn't understand what it was, he ate everything his mother cooked. He also found that it was great to be with his mother. His mother asked for his advice before anything happened. Unlike his father, he always told him when he was in charge of his own affairs.

With a big bag of shopping in the supermarket in his hand, and a hand holding Li Yanzhou, Jingli really felt very tired.

Oh! I really admire those mothers who take care of their children by themselves, and even one mother has to take two or three children. It's so great!

The supermarket is very close to home, and Jingli doesn't take a taxi. After confirming that Li Yanzhou is not tired, he takes him back home with a big bag of food materials.

When cooking dinner, Jing Liqian tells Wan that Li Yanzhou must stay in the living room and play with toys. He can't go anywhere. If he wants to go to the toilet, he can run to call her.

The little guy held the toy and nodded, "Mom, you Peace of mind. "

Jing Li kisses him on the face and goes into the kitchen.

The mother and son had a good time at dinner. Li Yanzhou's stomach was bulging, and she also pointed to cinnabar tofu.

Jingli touched his stomach, worried that he would eat it. "You really can't eat it. In this way, can mother make you a meal tomorrow?"

"Good." When Liyan was growing up, Lijing would like to hear his son's words.

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Jingli washed the bath for him in the evening. The little guy was a little shy. After all, this was the first time that Jingli bathed him. As soon as he took off his clothes, he covered his little brother and got into the bathtub.

Seeing this, Jingli couldn't help laughing out, "little fart boy, I'm your mother, shy what!"

Li Yanzhou laughs foolishly and turns to leave Jingli with a back figure.

After taking the child for a day, Jingli felt so tired and tired that he could not get rid of the little guy who had finished the bath. He took him to his bed to coax him to sleep. Only then did he dare to take a shower.

In the middle of the night, Jing Li was awakened by a burst of cough.

As soon as Jing Li heard that it was the cough of the little guy around him, he quickly pressed the bedside lamp, and Li Yanzhou was coughing violently with his eyes closed.

"Baby, what's wrong with you?" Facing Li Yanzhou's fierce cough, Jingli is a little at a loss.

She can only support the little guy to sit up, let him lean on the head of the bed, "mother to pour you water, you don't move."

After feeding Li Yanzhou a few drinks, the little guy's cough seems to have stopped.

But what Jingli didn't expect was that she just put a cup of water. Li Yanzhou suddenly threw up and made everything on the bedding.

But Jing Li was so scared that she couldn't even put on her shoes. She got out of bed and took the garbage can to make Li Yanzhou vomit.

Fortunately, the little guy didn't vomit after a few vomit. Jingli took out a few paper towels and wiped his mouth with one hand. Then he took a water cup and asked him to gargle.

What to do? What should I do?

In a panic, Jing Li simply cleaned up the bed and didn't have time to change the quilt cover. He called Li Jingchen until the cold female voice came, "sorry, the phone you dialed has been turned off..." Jingli then remembered that Li Jingchen had another mission.

The elders are not in the city. Li SHENGFEI recently moved out and lived in a warm place after she got better, and only came back occasionally.

She had no choice but to put on her own clothes and a bunch of long hair scattered behind her back. She decided to take Li Yanzhou to the hospital by herself.

First, he took off the dirty pajamas for Li Yanzhou, and then he casually put on a home clothes and a coat for him, and then he went out the door with him in his arms.

Li's car has a child seat on it. Jingli finds the key to the car, puts Li Yanzhou on the child's seat and holds it for him. Touching his face, he comforts him tenderly, "honey, my mother is taking you to the hospital now. Call me if you have any discomfort."

Li Yanzhou nodded and leaned limply against the chair.

At more than two o'clock in the morning, Jing Li is struggling to hold Li Yanzhou, a 30 jin old woman, in an emergency department in a nearby hospital. When I came to the doctor's office, Jing Li, who was wearing pajamas and casually put on a coat, was already sweating.

Told the doctor about the child's condition, the doctor did a simple examination, and finally diagnosed the result, "the initial suspicion is eating unclean food, the specific reason needs further examination to determine. Before this, I suggest that the child should stay in the hospital for observation, and do blood test tomorrow morning."

Eating something unclean? When the child stayed with her, she ate the dinner she cooked. Was it that she cooked something wrong? If it's because of her children, Jingli would like to slap himself in the face.

Jing Li ran up and down the hospital with Li Yanzhou in his arms and went through the hospitalization procedures. When the infusion of liquid stabilized the situation, it was more than 4:00 in the morning.

The little guy was so sleepy that he looked at Jingli with one eye open. "Mom, I've closed one eye. When you say good night to me, I'll close the other one." His pronunciation is not standard. After a careful taste of it, Jingli can understand what he means.The baby's scalp vein is more developed, so the needle pricked in the head, pleased to print a kiss on the other side of the little guy's forehead, "good night, mother's baby!"

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Li Yanzhou immediately closed his eyes and murmured, "good night, mom."

Looking at her son's sleeping face, Jingli holds his little hand and kisses him constantly. Her little angel is really so good! From the infusion to now, she only cried two voices during the injection, and she would just like to make a lot of noise. There was no noise at all in other times. Jingli wanted to cry.

Jingli thinks about it, but she still thinks that Shi Sisi has the right to know. She still wants to tell them about the children's illness.

But it was too late, so I decided to tell them tomorrow morning.

Son, thank you for coming to my mother's side, let me realize the joy and happiness of being a mother.

In the quiet night, Jingli holds Li Yanzhou in his arms, and his mother and son are huddled in a hospital bed and fall asleep.

Early the next morning, Jing Li took Li Yanzhou, who had not yet eaten breakfast, to have a blood test. Looking at the little guy's tears because of blood drawing and needle pricking, Jing Li quietly apologized to his son, "I'm sorry, Zhouzhou, my mother shouldn't have given you food."

Li Yanzhou buried her small face in her arms because she was sad and did not speak.

After taking care of the child and having breakfast, Jingli sent a wechat to Shi Sisi, "Mom, are you still busy?"

Shi Sisi should be busy and hasn't returned the message for a long time.

Jing Li hastened the test results for a while, and came out in less than two hours. The doctor looked at the results and told her, "the results show that the child is vomiting caused by bacterial infection, and today may be accompanied by fever. You should pay more attention to it."

Bacterial infection? "Bad food, isn't it?" Jing Li looks forward to seeing the doctor.
