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MMORPG: The Almighty Ring

Chapter 249: Nuclear Leakage
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Chapter 249: Nuclear Leakage

“You bastard!” cried the girl when she saw Jiang Fei’s expression. She knew that she was about to receive a painful, humiliating punishment from Jiang Fei, and in that instant, she blushed in a red that was deeper than any rose in the world.

With relative ease, Jiang Fei grabbed her wrists with one hand and lifted her up. He then dragged her towards a small platform beside the road and sat down. He then placed her faced down on his thighs, with her butt facing him.

“Yesterday was eight strikes. Today, I think I’m doubling that! Oh, by the way, if you wish to receive some more, feel free to find me again!” said Jiang Fei as he struck the young girls butt cheeks hard.

Piak! (x1)


Piak! (x2)


Piak! (x3)


Piak! (x4)


Jiang Fei paused for a while and turned to her.

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“Hey. If you’re going to continue to yell at me that way, I’ll triple the punishment!”

” Y-You-” the girl glared at Jiang Fei furiously but decided to stop cursing.

Piak! Piak! Piak! (x16)

“Good job!” said Jiang Fei as he finished delivering the punishment. However, just as he was about to get up, he slapped her butt one last time on both cheeks and lifted her up.

“You bastard! Just you wait! Ouch… One of these days, I’m going to have my revenge!” said the girl before she vanished into the night, leaving her damaged motorcycle at the roadside.

“Just what kind of young girl is she? Crazy girl must be from a broken family… Sigh, I pity whoever that raised her.”

Jiang Fei’s palms felt a little sore. When he took a glance at his palm, he could not help but to take sniff. There was a lingering smell of perfume in his hands. He laughed it off and decided to leave it at that. He did not bear any grudge against the girl, since she was not much of a threat to him. From his perspective, he thought that she was just a spoilt brat with too little or too much attention.

Back at home, Jiang Fei quickly forgot about the girl and decided to chill in his room after dinner. Since he could not log into the game that night, he turned on his computer and tried to scour the internet for information about the game. Alas, there was no new news about the game, besides the a huge countdown.

Bored to the bones, Jiang Fei decided to take out the Gauss rifle hidden in his wardrobe. Like assembling a toy gun, Jiang Fei put all the pieces back in place and reassembled the rifle from memory.

As the rifle begun to charge up, Jiang Fei examined each aspect of the rifle and nodded with admiration.

“The Zhang family really does have a trick up their sleeves. It is awe-inspiring to pack a nuclear power into such a small battery pack. He turned off the rifle and disassembled every part of it except for the battery pack. It was the only part that he dared not dismantle. Nuclear-energy at that time had grown rather common; there was still a certain level of precaution needed to prevent any catastrophe. Jiang Fei knew a thing or two about nuclear power, and the more he thought about it, the more he admired the Zhang family. To be able to shrink a reactor down to the size of a book was no easy feat!



A soft electric buzzing was heard.

“Oh no.”

Jiang Fei snapped. He found the source of the buzzing and realized there was a tiny crack in the battery pack! The outer protective layer of the battery had been stripped out, and the inner casing had started to deteriorate!

Even though it was only such a small crack, the radiation would have already spread out! His parents and perhaps even his neighbors would have been exposed to nuclear radiation! Such a sudden incident had stunned Jiang Fei completely!

“CALM THE F*CK DOWN!” Jiang Fei yelled to himself. When his heartbeat started to slow down, he began to think. The battery pack had a crack on it, and the radiation had indeed leaked out. At that moment, Jiang Fei knew that he might have a stronger resistant to the radiation to the armor he wore and his abnormal status. The problem lay with his normal parents!

“I need to contain the radiation! No! I need to bring this thing away from here! Somewhere with zero population!” Jiang Fei thought of a temporary solution and decided to act immediately. Early exposure might be harmful to a certain point, but continuous exposure would be lethal!

Without wasting any second, Jiang Fei held the battery pack and dashed out of the house. Once he was out of the densely populated Manda Square, Jiang Fei sprinted faster than he had ever had towards the central garden. At that moment, Jiang Fei wished that he had learned to drive. There were many cars on the side of the road, and Jiang Fei could easily pry the doors open with his bare hands. The problem was that he had no idea how to drive! All he had to depend on was his legs! It was not like he had Old Hai’s ability to windwalk!

Even though he knew that the mountainous region was the safest place to dispose of the nuclear battery pack, all he could think off right then was to run as fast as he could towards the central garden.

In less than half an hour, Jiang Fei had arrived at the center of the central garden. There would not be anyone in sight for at least two kilometers! That might be the safest place for now.

“WHAT DO I DO!? WHAT DO I DO!?” Jiang Fei screamed at the top of his lung. He could not stop thinking about his parents as he sprinted with all his might. Since there was nobody around then, Jiang Fei had started to worry about himself. Even though he had armor from the game on him, how would he know that it would be effective against nuclear radiation!?


At that moment, he felt a tiny vibration from his finger! The ring was shaking weakly.

“What the-”

When Jiang Fei took a closer look at the ring, he noticed that there was a faint glowing light was being absorbed into the ring. He then saw that the crack on the battery pack was releasing those light particles and was immediately absorbed by the ring! Not to mention, the all-too-familiar crack had reappeared on the ring, and it was growing by the second!”

“What a minute… Are you absorbing nuclear radiation?!”

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The ring did not respond, but continued to suck on the radiation from the nuclear battery pack!

“Here goes nothing!”

Jiang Fei braced himself and then shoved his fingers towards the crack on the battery pack.


At that moment, Jiang Fei could feel the ring violently shaking for a brief second before realizing that the battery pack in his other hand had grown as light as a feather in a matter of seconds. The light particles were gone, and everything went dark. The pack was then completely empty, no longer having any weight.

“What is going on here…” Jiang Fei muttered to himself.


At that moment of silences, suddenly, the ring burst out brightly. What followed next was completely out of this world…

“Beep Beep… Transport Ship Codename Braveheart Captain Support System rebooting…”

“Beep Beep… Insufficient Energy… Reboot failed…”

“Beep Beep… Insufficient Energy… Search function shutting down…”

“Beep Beep… Insufficient Energy… Intelligence Support function shutting


“Beep Beep… Insufficient Energy… Production system shutting down…”

“Beep Beep… Insufficient Energy… Modification system shutting down…”

Jiang Fei stood there, completely still for several minutes until the warnings completely stopped. The most shocking thing was not the sudden eruption of warnings, but the means of how he had received the warnings. They were not auditory. They were all blasting in his mind! It was echoing inside his head!