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MMORPG: The Almighty Ring

Chapter 1808: a small gift
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Chapter 1808: Chapter 1808: a small gift

On the afternoon of the third day after leaving the fleet, the 30 grizzly-class heavy cruisers that had been ordered to lure the enemy arrived at the Orpheus Starfield. As soon as they approached the Starfield, a large number of red dots appeared on their ship’s radar.

Needless to say, the unknown fleet represented by these red dots must be the “Player fleet”that had left. and at this moment, the “Player fleet”had obviously discovered the presence of these grizzly bears!

“Boss! There’s a situation!”

“What’s going on?”

“There’s a bunch of npcs here!”

“Oh? How many are there?”

“30 heavy patrols!”

“That’s great! What good luck! Just after we got rid of that guy, we’ve encountered a bunch of fat sheep!”

“Boss, what do we do?”

“What do we do, my ass! Chase after them!”

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Following the command of the captain, 150-60″Player warships”were like hungry wolves that had seen a flock of sheep. They pounced on them crazily!

“Spot, the enemy has found us!”A young captain shouted in the communication channel. Based on his heroic performance last time, Spot became the temporary commander of this team to lure the enemy.

“Don’t rush, let them chase closer!”Although Spot’s tone was calm, beads of sweat formed on his forehead. After all, they were facing an enemy that was several times stronger than them, and the enemy had a powerful main ship, if they made a mistake, they would be doomed on the spot!

“Okay! It’s almost time! The fleet is starting to turn!”Spotter saw that the enemy had less than 20 light seconds left, so he ordered the fleet to turn.

As a heavy cruiser, Grizzly was definitely not an agile warship, so it took a lot of time to turn.

“Boss! They’ve found us!”

“What kind of lousy radar is that? They only found US after such a long time!”

“That’s not good. If they had found us earlier, wouldn’t they have run away already?”

“That’s true. Ignore them and move forward at full speed. We definitely can’t give them a chance to warp!”

“Yes! Boss, don’t Worry!”

All of a sudden, the “Player”fleet suddenly accelerated and instantly closed the distance between them and spot’s fleet by five to six light seconds.

“Warning! Warning! This ship has been locked onto by the fire control radar!”


Almost at the same time, the alarms in the bridge of the 30 grizzly bears sounded loudly. Although the “Player’s warships”had not yet entered the shooting range, they had already locked onto spot’s fleet. In their eyes.., these heavy patrols had become food on the table!

“Spotter, the fleet has completed its turn. Are we starting to retreat?”A captain asked. Although he knew that this mission was a narrow escape, he still clenched his fists tightly at this moment, from this, it could be seen that this young captain was extremely nervous.

“There’s no rush. Everyone, leave the gifts First!”Although spotter was also extremely nervous in his heart. After all, his current order represented the life and death of the entire fleet, he forced himself to calm down, at least on the surface, he looked as stable as Mount Tai.

“Yes!”Sure enough, Spot’s calm expression infected the other captains, and everyone quickly calmed down.


At the same time, some spherical devices rolled out from the stern of the 30 grizzly bears. After these things left the hull, they automatically ignited, and then pushed forward for a short distance.

Very soon, behind the 30 grizzly bears, there were about a few hundred spherical devices spread out. These spherical devices scattered in the starry sky, covering a radius of about five light seconds.

Gravity Mine. This was a gift from Jiang Fei to spotter and the others before they left. Although it was a near-death mission, Jiang Fei could not let them die in vain, at the very least, he had to let them drag a few “Players”along with them before they died!

These gravitational space mines were extremely small. They were only about five meters in diameter. This was completely negligible in the vast universe. Even the ship’s radar would ignore their existence, this was because these cosmic dust-grade things covered the entire universe. If they were detected by these things and called the police, the people in the battleship would be annoyed to death.

“Whoosh whoosh whoosh whoosh…”just as the Grizzlies finished laying their mines, a few scattered light cannons had already hit them. Although the distance was very far, causing the ‘player battleships’to have extremely poor accuracy.., however, it still caused a few grizzlies to be slightly injured.

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One had to know that this battle was different from the past. In the past, the Grizzlies had always been accompanied by star-grade nanny ships. After they were injured, they would be repaired at any time. No one would care about such minor injuries. However, this time was different.., in order to maintain grizzly bear’s speed advantage, SPOT’s fleet did not have a starship-class healer accompanying them. This resulted in a situation where once a warship was injured, it could not be repaired.

“Alright! It’s about time! Retreat at a uniform speed and increase your speed slowly!”This was spot’s first order, hence, he did not dare to get too close to the “Player warship”for fear of making a mistake. Hence, when the “Player fleet”was about to reach a safe distance, he gave the order to start retreating.

“Boss! They’re running!”When he saw that spot and the others were about to leave.., the “Players”were very anxious. They had left the main force for the sake of gaining a little more experience and money. If they let spot’s fleet escape now, wouldn’t they be wasting their efforts?

“They can’t escape! Advance at full speed!”This “Player leader”was still quite confident, although the small fleet in front had already completed their turn, they were all heavy patrols, and it would take some time for them to accelerate. On the other hand, they were already moving at full speed, and it would not be long before they could catch up to them!


“Spot, received a clear code communication from the enemy!”

Just as Spot’s fleet started to retreat, a communication from the “Player fleet”made these young captains somewhat confused.

“Patch it in!”Spott ordered.

“Listen up, fleet in front. I order you to surrender immediately, or you will be killed!”

Spott and the others did not expect the communication message to be from the player. However, both sides understood that the player was only trying to stall for time, it would be best if they took the message seriously. Even if they ignored it, there would be no loss.

“Screw them!”Potter sneered. He had never thought of surrendering. Even if a bear wanted to surrender, as long as he had a brain.., he knew that a guy who could massacre an entire planet was not trustworthy.

“Boss, the vanguard is already in range!”At this time, the “Players”that were closest to the front had already brought spotter’s fleet into the firing range.

“Fire freely!”At this time, the “Player leader”gave an order to the people of the spotter’s fleet. This was because he gave the order to fire freely instead of focusing fire. In this way, even if they were bombarded.., everyone in Spotter’s squadron might be injured, but there wouldn’t be any warship sinking.