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Lust Knight (Web Novel)

Chapter 426: Lethal Dance
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As Genevieve moves away from Lucien, she sees him flying towards the spear angel. She can't help but be sad for her friend; after all, they serve the same master. However, she is not willing to die for Agapius after he showed them that he is a rotten person.

Also, she doesn't want to fight Lucien as he hasn't done her any harm. Who started that battle was Agapius, and Alexa always taught her servants not to start a battle without good reason.

Most angels love the Gods and would not think twice about attacking demons and their allies. But Alexa does not think so. In fact, she teaches her people to be brutal to their enemies but not to attack someone because of the war of others. Also, Genevieve is part of the angels who are not happy being servants of the Gods.

Still, she does not want to attack other angels who have also done nothing wrong to her. She would like to kick Agapius' ass, but nothing more. So, she flies to a safe distance from the battle and waits to see how it will end, which she is almost certain to be a total victory of Lucien's group.

Meanwhile, Lucien approaches the spear angel, who appears to be in a state of uncontrollable fury. Daisy fires more and more stone attacks at him just as Aria and Ella use sound waves, but everything seems ineffective.

After blocking so many stone attacks with his spear and resisting the sound waves, that angel quickly removes a shiny stone from his storage ring. Then he crushes that stone and passes Its shiny powder on his spear, making the blade shine brightly.

'Don't let him hit you with that blade! That can break through your demonic energy defenses and cut your body in half.' Lust quickly explains to Lucien.

'Alright.' Lucien responds as he prepares his two swords. He knows that the spear angel is boosted by the magic pill and now has a power equivalent to the early stage of the Immortal Realm, so this battle will be his toughest fight so far.

Furious at being attacked by various people, the spear angel uses his light mana to channel a powerful area attack. His body starts to glow, and Lucien quickly warns Aria, Ella, and Astrid to fly away from him.

But mental communication is much faster than the sound of the voice, so Daisy takes a little longer to receive Lucien's warning. Also, she is nearest to the spear angel, and when she notices his attack, she quickly creates several stone barriers to defend herself.

"HAAAAAA!!!" The spear angel cries while he feels the chaotic energy of the pill boost his attack as if it had been burning his body from inside.

Then waves of light energy come out of his body in all directions. That powerful attack makes even the barrier of angels tremble, let alone Daisy's stone barriers.

*Bam* *Creaaaaaack* *Boooooom*

Aria, Elle, and Astrid manage to get far away from that attack in time to avoid damage, but Daisy's barriers are quickly destroyed, and she is thrown back by the light energy waves.

When she feels that powerful energy touches her body, she is afraid, but at the same time, she feels demonic energies from Sophia, and especially Lucien, protecting her body from the light energy.

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She can't stop that attack from throwing her backward like a rag doll, but her body isn't really hurt. She tries to regain her balance while spinning in the air, but then she feels suddenly stops as strong arms hold her.

"Daisy!" Lucien speaks in a worried tone as he embraces the mature vampire. "Are you okay??"

Her body doesn't have any negative reaction to Lucien's touch, or rather, her body is already used to him to the point that she recognizes him just by his touch. And Daisy is not really happy with that because that is not what she wants. Well, she's not even sure what she really wants anymore.

"I... I'm fine..." She says as her face blushes due to Lucien's hands being so close to touching her ass.

"Good-" He starts to say something but notices the spear angel quickly approaching them, with his shiny spear ready and pointed to his head.


Lucien hugs Daisy tightly and flaps his wings, using his demonic energy to boost his speed and dodge that spear.

The spear angel was at an insane speed, clearly at the Immortal Realm level, but Lucien had no trouble avoiding his attack. Although he is very powerful for having reached the Earth Realm, his demonic energy and the mixed ones are still his greatest sources of power.

The angel returns, making several swift movements with his spear as Lucien continues to dodge while holding Daisy. Her mind is confused due to the incredible speed that Lucien moves, but her body is feeling very well with his tight embrace.

Daisy feels being carried in someone's arms like that is unfamiliar. But she doesn't hate that feeling, the feeling of having someone protecting her.

*Whoosh* *Whoosh* *Whoosh* *Whoosh*

After dodging dozens of attacks in a minute, Lucien talks to Daisy. "What about some help here? This guy looks tireless."

"I... I can't... concentrate when you move so fast..." She tries to shot stone attacks at the angel, but she can't aim at him because Lucien has to dodge his attacks so fast.

Lucien continues to dodge the spear angel's tireless attacks while thinking about something. He doesn't want Aria, Ella, and Astrid to approach that angel while he is in that state. Pride and Eve are recovering with the help of Sophia while Amelia and Donna face many Earth Realm angels alongside his other wives.

So he can only count on the help of Lust, who has no high combat power now. He thinks of something and quickly speaks to her. 'Lust, just distract him for a second.'


As soon as the spear angel tries to attack Lucien and Daisy again, they avoid him, and Lust appears, limited to a certain distance from Lucien, and attacks the angel with her whip.

Lust's whip wraps around that angel's arm, but he quickly pulls her towards him. Lucien uses that moment to release Daisy and flies towards the spear angel as she cast hundreds of stone attacks.

Daisy's stone attacks hinder the vision of the spear angel, but he hears Lucien approach and then makes a vertical cut with his spear using both hands and all his strength.

Waves of light energy come out of that angel's body, breaking Daisy's stone attacks in the air and creating a huge cloud of dust. In the middle of that cloud, there is Lucien, flying towards the angel, and he is swinging his spear, while Lust is pulled like a rag doll while holding her whip.

Lucien uses his demonic energy to the maximum to boost his speed, but because the angel started his attack very quickly and the spear is longer than swords, he realizes that he will be hit by the angel before hitting him.

But due to the impulse he used to fly towards the spear angel, Lucien cannot just stop his movement in the air. He flaps his wings forward but soon notices the angel's spear less than a meter from him into the dust cloud, coming towards him with overwhelming force.

Lucien doesn't think twice about raising the Ghost Lady and his red katana while using a lot of demonic energy to create protective layers around him and the blades.

*BAM!!!* *CLANG!!!*

The angel's spear collides with Lucien's swords, creating a powerful force wave. Lucien's hair wildly swings as if he were in a whirlwind before he being pushed back by overwhelming force.

The spear angel and Lucien are both thrown backward, also like rag dolls, due to the force generated by that collision. But unlike the angel's spear, which remains intact due to the shiny powder, both Lucien's swords are scratched on the blades.

While Lust's body is destroyed and she returns to Lucien's soul, Daisy is also pushed back, but she quickly regains her balance as she was further away from the center of the collision.

The mature vampire is really worried when she sees Lucien get thrown out of the dust cloud. She quickly creates a giant stone hand and catches his body in the air.

"Lucien!!!" She exclaims as she jumps into the stone hand to check his situation.

Upon realizing that Lucien has a vague look on his face, Daisy becomes even more concerned and begins to shake his head. "Lucien! Lucien!! Lucien!!!"

After that collision, Lucien began to have visions of the golden gate in his soul. The more intensely he fights, the more he gets in sync with Aylin's golden naginata.

But then he quickly regains focus while listening to the voices of Lust and Daisy calling out his name in concerned tones. He notices the mature vampire's charming face just a few millimeters from his and has to fight the urge to kiss her lips.

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"Yeah... I'm fine," he smiles at Daisy and also answers Lust in his mind. Then he notices that he is in a giant stone hand and looks at Daisy with a grateful expression. "Are we even again, hu?"

She sighs in relief. "I was so worried..."

Lucien continues to smile at Daisy, but then, he quickly moves his face towards hers. She can't help thinking that he wants to kiss her, so she quickly thinks about avoiding that kiss, but her body refuses to move.

[Really?????] She panics while feeling Lucien embrace her. However, he doesn't kiss her but flies to the side, less than a second before the giant stone hand gets destroyed by the spear angel.

*Whooosh* *Boooooom*

Pieces of stone fly everywhere as Lucien again begins to dodge various attacks from the spear angel while hugging Daisy.

[What was I thinking?!?] Daisy starts to blame herself again for doubting Lucien's intentions. [He just wants to help me... he doesn't want to kiss me... why...]

Despite that being a deadly battle where she could be killed by a single blow from that angel, Daisy cannot stop her mind from thinking about her relationship with Lucien while he continues to keep them alive.

After missing hundreds of blows, the spear angel starts to get tired. His body is very stronger and faster, but he still needs the stamina to keep attacking incessantly.

He stops attacking to catch his breath and looks at Lucien and Daisy with a furious expression. "Damn demon and stupid vampire!!!"

Lucien stops in the air, still hugging Daisy, of course, and smiles at her. "I think he's talking to us."

"I guess so." She laughs.

The spear angel is even more furious with Lucien and Daisy because of their mocking works. He channels a ray of light energy on his shiny spear and aims at them.

But Lucien quickly dodged that ray, with Daisy in his arms. He continues to fly at high speed while the spear angel cannot hit them with any attack.

As Lucien continues to push his body to the limit, he feels his connection with the golden naginata increasing more and more. [It... she is calling me...]

The desire to use the naginata grows, but he keeps thinking about the words of the mysterious woman who entered his dream. She said that Aylin's soul in the naginata could brainwash him.

But now, he doesn't seem to have any other option. Lucien knows that he has a strong disadvantage against the spear angel, and although his red katana can be remade infinitely, the Ghost Lady is not indestructible, so he needs the golden naginata more than ever.

"STOP RUNNING AROUND!!!" The spear angel cries at Lucien and Daisy.

Lucien stops in the air and looks at the angel as he prepares to summon the golden naginata. "Alright, if it makes you stop screaming like a child throwing a tantrum, I will stop."

His words hurt that angel's ego even more as Daisy continues to hug Lucien. Her arm is around his neck while her body already thinks that is the most comfortable place she can ever be.