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Lust Knight (Web Novel)

Chapter 425: A real bargain with the devil
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While seeing two of her friends being killed by Pride and Lucien's sisters, the Sky Realm female angel is shocked. She can't believe she just saw two Sky Realm realm peak angels being defeated so easily.

[They... they just... these demons... they are dangerous!!] She realizes that they underestimated Lucien's group, and now she is sure that not even those seven thousand angels of the Mortal Realm and three hundred angels above the Earth Realm can defeat him and his arm.

"Wait! Wait!!!" She talks to Lucien as he continues to push her through the air.

Lucien stops forcing his two swords forward but still doesn't back down or give her a chance to escape. Then he smiles. "What? You don't want to fight anymore?"

She makes a thoughtful expression. "Did you spoke seriously about not wanting to fight, but... you know."

"Oh, are you talking about that, hehe..." He makes a lewd expression. "Yeah, I can think of doing others things with you besides fighting."

Agapius watches their fight while sending Earth Realms angels to attack Lucien, but they are very afraid to get involved in a Sky Realm people fight, especially when they are almost in the Immortal Realm, and Lucien is clearly at such a level to be able to fight in the same level that that female angel.

"What are you doing, Genevieve?!?! Kill this dirty demon right now!!" Agapius shouts at that Sky Realm female angel.

While still crossing swords with Lucien, Genevieve looks at Agapius. She wants to follow Alexa's orders and obey him, but the situation is really bad, and he will not protect her as her real master would do.

[This is her fault... Alexa left me in the care of this idiot, and now I'm going to die, unless... Can I really trust a demon??] She thinks while looking at Lucien.

His expression is lewd but also loving and trustworthy, which makes Genevieve have hope. [All those women trust him... They are of different races, but he doesn't seem to have an angel yet... I could be his angel...]

"Genevieve, right? It's a good name..." Lucien smiles at her. "Trust me when I say I don't want to kill you."

At that moment, Genevieve has to make one of the most difficult decisions in her life. She can choose to continue fighting, which will likely result in her death, and her group will also die, and no one will tell stories about her glorious death.

She could try to run away too, but Lucien's group is extraordinary, and it is likely that she will start to fall mysteriously like her friends. Then she would end up dead too.

Or she can trust Lucien and join his group. There are many ways it could go wrong, but one thing she is sure of is that her people would never forgive her for that, especially her master. Joining demons is the worst betrayal an angel can do.

Genevieve would not trust Lucien just because he is hot as fuck, but due to the fact that she was sure she would die if she continued to fight against him, her brain went into a defensive state, and any chance of survival became more interesting than anything else.

So she uses all her strength to push her sword forward. "Alright!! I accept her offer, so lower your blades."

Lucien further decreases the strength he is putting on his swords as he smiles at her. "OK, we have a deal."

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"Yeah, we have a..." She quickly stops forcing her sword forward and starts to retreat, but then she hears a noise behind her.

Genevieve quickly turns and sees a red whip coming towards her neck. In a normal situation, she could avoid that, but Lust manages to catch her really off guard.


She raises her hand to hold the whip, but another hand appears beside her head and holds the whip first, defending her. She looks to the side and realizes that it is Lucien, of course.

Lucien looks at Lust with an inquisitive expression and talks to her mentally. 'What are you doing?'

'You can't be serious about accepting that angel, right?' She quickly asks back. 'It's okay to seduce and then torture her, but I can see that you want to make her one of your troops.'

'Why don't you want this? She is very strong and would be a good addition to our troops.' He speaks.

Lust shakes her head. 'She's a shitty angel! Even if she is in love with you, she will still betray us as soon as she has a chance to return to her people.'

'I thought you trusted my seduction skills...' He speaks in a fake sad tone.

'This is not just about you.' She starts to explain. 'The other Sins will not accept her... Pride will kill her as soon as she realizes what is going on.'

'Helena doesn't have that problem.' Lucien comments, even though he knows that the situation of the fallen angel is quite different.

Lust quickly responds. 'She is no longer an angel and in fact, she has everything to hate them, unlike this stupid angel who will remain loyal to the Gods even if she starts fucking a demon.'

Lucien understands Lust's point of view. He also knows that she is jealous and concerned about how the other Sins will react to that. But a part of him fails to attack a woman who is willing to submit to him, especially when she has done no harm to anyone in his family.

'Trust me.' Those two words are enough for him to make Lust obediently return to his soul, although she does not agree to treat an angel well.

Genevieve is still in shock because of what she just saw. It is not about Lust appearing of nowhere, but Lucien protecting her. [We were fighting just ago... and he is my enemy... but as soon as I was about to be hurt, he protected me without thinking twice. He... is he really trustworthy?]

She didn't understand how Lucien and Lust came to an agreement, but she disappeared, and only now does Genevieve realize that Lucien has an arm around her waist.

After living for a little over a thousand years, Genevieve has many types of experience, but she never imagined what it would be like to have a demon hugging her.

[Actually... It's not bad... he... smells good...] She is shocked again because her body has no negative reaction to Lucien's touch.

Lucien realizes that and begins to slowly move his hand from her waist to her hot ass while he smiles at her. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah... I'm fine. Ehh... thanks for that..." It's amazing how even a confident and experienced person with over a thousand years old can become a cute and embarrassed shy girl when she is faced with a situation completely out of her expectation, which is, of course, the devilish charm of Lucien.

"I'm sorry about that; my wife is a little jealous." He speaks in a friendly tone.

"I see." She quickly responds, unaware that what a few seconds ago was a deadly battle now looks like a casual conversation, aside from the fact that they are still in the middle of a great battle.

Lucien is happy that his charm is working on Genevieve. He thought that it would be difficult to enchant such powerful women, but it seems that he just needs to act in the right moment, and if they are in a bad situation, he will easily become their' knight in shining armor.'

"So..." He starts to speak as he approaches his face with hers. "Our deal is still valid, right?"

Genevieve realizes what Lucien wants to do, but she still chooses to play his game and lets him bring their lips closer. "Yeah... I don't have to die fighting for that asshole. He's not my master."

"I'm glad to hear that... Genevieve..." Lucien speaks slowly while his lips are just a few millimeters from touching hers.

She can clearly see that he is trying to seduce her, and she could attack him now. However, his scent, especially from his mouth, is so pleasurable, just like is his touch. So she doesn't want to attack him, and neither does her body want to get away from his.

Also, she loves the way he speaks her name. He seems to desire her body and sees her as a woman, unlike Agapius, who sees her as an expendable servant. No matter what the situation, a proud woman loves to be desired.

So Genevieve doesn't resist Lucien's actions and lets him kiss her mouth. His lips are warm and soft, making that kiss unforgettable, even though being fast and that he was not using his tongue.

Lucien continues to give quick kisses on her lips while moving his hand over her ass. Then he materializes a scabbard and puts Ghost Lady in it to be able to caress Genevieve's body with both hands.

"I... I agreed not to fight you... but... I will not fight my people either..." She speaks between kisses and keeps her sword in her storage ring.

"I get it." He responds as he continues to stroke and kisses her. Then he notices Agapius staring at them through the barrier.

Agapius cannot believe that he is seeing Genevieve being corrupted in that way. After Alexa sent her and the other three Sky Realm angels to obey him, he tried to order her to go to his bed.

However, Genevieve quickly refused him and said that she would never obey such an order. She is clearly a very proud woman, but now she looks like a tamed kitten in Lucien's arms.

No matter if the numbers of Lucien's army are smaller, or his group was weaker than the angels, he was acting overconfidently from the start while his arrogance reached an incomparable level.

Agapius was sure that Lucien was an idiot, but now, as hard as it is for him to admit it, Agapius can see that Lucien is the most badass guy he has ever seen, and even though he doesn't want to, part of him admires him.

[A real man...] Those words echo in Agapius' mind as he feels respect and envy of Lucien. He can't take his eyes off his hand on Genevieve's ass while the little sick in his underwear knows he will never be like that badass devil.

"Do you like what you see?" Lucien asks Agapius in a provocative tone as he squeezes Genevieve's ass even harder.

"..." Agapius is unable to say anything while his mind is in a mess. But his open mouth and stared eyes make it clear that he is getting excited to see Lucien and Genevieve acting that way.

As she starts to moans under Lucien's caresses, he starts laughing at Agapius. "I understand, really. Genevieve is a beautiful woman, so it is understandable that you get attracted to her body."

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But then his expression changes from a provocative smile to a fake sorry look. "But I have to teach you an important lesson... A real man doesn't let other men look lustfully at his women."

[Your woman?] Genevieve is very fond of Lucien's caresses and kisses, but she can't help but find his words very bold. [Does he already consider me his woman? So much overconfidence...]

Agapius, on the other hand, quickly closes his mouth as he begins to tremble with fear. "I... I... I didn't mean to..."

Lucien sighs. "I'm going to have to rip your eyes out for that."

"No... NO, NO. NO... I really... didn't want to..." Agapius panics while his mind stops thinking rationally. He even forgets about the powerful barrier in front of him and turns around quickly before flying away while continuing to scream desperately.

Lucien starts to laugh, and Genevieve cannot help but laugh, too, as she finds Agapius's actions so pathetic. Then she looks him in the eye with a thoughtful expression. "Are you going to rip out the eyes of all the men who look lustfully at me?"

"For sure!" He quickly responds before starting to kiss her again. "You now belong to me, and even though you want to run away, I won't let you go."

Lucien can't help but wonder how much demonic energy he can generate with a woman as strong as Genevieve, but now is not the time for that as they are still in the middle of a battle.

Then he looks to the side and sees the spear angel, the one fighting Daisy while Astrid, Aria, and Ella help her. That angel has several injuries over his body, clearly caused by the stone attacks of the mature vampire, but he doesn't seem to be afraid.

On the contrary, the spear angel swings his spear, breaking all attacks that Daisy throws at him while dodging the harpy girls' sound waves and the sneak attacks from Astrid's poisonous claws.

Lucien prepares to attack that angel alongside the girls, but at that moment, to spear angel blocks a direct attack from Astrid. Her claws make a metallic sound when they come into contact with his spear's shaft, but she doesn't back down and uses her tail's stinger to pierce his neck.

A Mortal Realm common person shouldn't be able to hurt the body of any Sky Realm person, but in addition to Astrid's venom having a high corrosive function, it's highly boosted by demonic energies. Then just a drop of that poison enters that angel's body, causing him a lot of pain.

"AAAAAAAHHHHH!!!" He screams in pain as he swings his spear all over the place. Astrid avoids those strikes by flying backward quickly.

Daisy wastes no time and starts casting many stone attacks towards him while Aria and Ella also use their sound waves. But the spear angel continues to madly swing his spear and break the stone attacks while ignoring the pain in his head as the pain in his body due to Astrid's poison is worse.

While continuing to act madly, the spear angel regains focus for a second and quickly takes a blue pill from his storage ring.

Lucien and Daisy quickly recognize that pill. It is the same pill that they have seen other angels use to highly boost their strength and agility at the cost of severe side effects.

When Neoc, June's brother, took a pill like that, he exploded while fighting Lucien because his body couldn't bear the massive amount of energy that pill had.

But that spear angel doesn't have this problem because his Sky Realm body is very tough, so he doesn't think twice about taking that pill. It will also make him suffer side effects later, but for a while, it will give him a high increase in strength and speed, as well as allowing him to ignore any non-lethal injuries.

"Shit!!" Daisy thinks aloud while failing to stop the spear angel from taking that pill.

"Stay out of this," Lucien speaks to Genevieve and then flies towards them quickly while holding the Ghost lady and materializing his red katana as well.

Lust, still jealous, makes a joke in his mind. "Are you going to seduce that angel too?"