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Lust Knight (Web Novel)

Chapter 423: Lustful Demon's Fighting Style
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"YOUUUU!!!" Agapius is already furious beyond the limit, but Lucien manages to make him feel even worse.

Then he looks at the four angels next to him. "What are you waiting for?!?! BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF HIM!!!"

Those angels are not happy to be taking orders from a person as pathetic as Agapius, but they have to obey him because that was an order from Alexa, so they don't think about complaining.

Two of them flap their wings and fly towards Lucien. As he is on Earth Realm, those two angels are sure they can beat him with a single blow, but they want to torture him because of how he humiliated them.


The speed of those angels is impressive even though they are not trying their best. Almost nobody there can follow their movements, but Lucien sees everything in slow motion with his super senses.

'Amazing!!' Lust comments in Lucien's mind while she can only see the movements of those angels because of the connection with him. Her power is limited to his level power but is much improved due to his demonic energy, and even so, his senses and speed are much superior to hers.

Even Lucien is surprised by how his senses are now. It is evident that his senses and reflexes are his main attributes while he is also very strong. But the advance to the Earth Realm made him much more powerful than they expected.

It is not difficult for them to understand that his current power is not just because he is in the Earth Realm now, but also because he and his wives are getting more and more pleasure together.

He especially started to get stronger away faster after Sophia returned to his arms and Amelia started to have sex with him. We cannot forget that Sloth also started to have pleasure with him, of course.

As Lucien watches those two angels cross the barrier, he notices even before them that their bodies start to fall, or rather, to be pulled down.

[Uhh?!?] They get confused while they don't understand why their bodies are getting heavier and heavier. They flap their wings even harder, but no matter what they do, they continue to be pulled down by an imposing and invisible force.

"What?!?!" The two other Sky Realm angels notice their partners fall before they reach Lucien. They can't help thinking that he did something to them.

The third Sky Realm male angel is furious and flies towards Lucien without thinking. His arrogance blinds him, and he only thinks about killing Lucien to help his friends.

"Be careful!!" The female Sky Realm angel also flies towards Lucien, but she is on alert because she doesn't understand what is going on.

Meanwhile, on the floating ship, Eve is focused on those two falling angels. Blood drips from her nose as Sophia begins to channel life mana on her.

"Let's go!" Eve speaks as she flies towards those angels and continues to use her ability on them.

Pride flies next to Eve while preparing to summon her Soul Weapon. Donna nods to Wrath, and Amelia signals to Envy as they jump after them.

Sophia flies after Eve on her floating pillow while Sloth returns to her soul. Both of them begin to use their abilities to make those two angels think they're fine and stop resisting Eve's ability.

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Daisy also flies, but she heads towards Lucien while Astrid, Aria, and Ella follow her. The mature vampire undoes the floating stone ship to focus all her mana in the combat, and because the last girl there is Helene, and she can fly too.

Everything happens very fast, and as soon as those Sky Realm angels get close to Lucien, they attack him from both sides.

*Clang* *Clang*

Two loud metallic sounds echo for miles as Lucien blocks the female angel's sword with the Ghost Lady, and the male angel's spear is blocked by a big stone gauntlet created by daisy around her arm.

While Lucien uses a lot of demonic energy to boost his strength and keep holding that strong angel, Daisy is also doing her best, but she ends up being pushed back, and her back touches Lucien's back.

"This is quite different from the last time." He comments while smiling.

Daisy knows what he's talking about. The first time they met, she was in trouble, and he saved her. And now, a few days later, they are side by side, fighting as partners.

"I like more this way." She smiles too.

While Daisy continues to be pushed back by the spear angel, Aria and Ella quickly get there and use their cry ability to attack the two angels.

The first thing that those angels feel is contempt. [How can these trash girls think they can hurt us??]

Although the ability of the harpy mother-daughter pair is incredible, they are still in the Mortal Realm while those angels are almost in the Immortal Realm.

They shouldn't feel anything even if Aria and Ella try their best, but strange energy in those sound waves, specifically the mix of demonic energies that Lucien gave them, makes their attacks break the defenses of those angels and affect their heads.

Those sound haves do not damage the bodies of those angels, but they hinder all their senses, leaving them confused. At that moment, Daisy and Lucien start to push the angels backward as they are losing concentration.

"HAAAAA!!!" Then Astrid flies towards the spear angel, already attacking with her black steel gauntlets.

Again, that angel shouldn't fear someone from the Mortal Realm, but he can Astrid's true claws, and their spikes seem to have a strange poison, which also has a mix of demonic energies.

[Damn!!] That male angel is worried about not understanding the true power of those women and flaps his wings, flying backward to avoid Astrid's attack.

As soon as Daisy gets rid of that angel, she quickly turns around and attacks the female angel with her stone fist.


She moves very quickly, but that angel was already preparing to retreat and manages to avoid that attack by flying back.

Lucien praises his girls mentally while smiling at Daisy. "Do you want to switch opponents?"

"I don't think so..." The mature vampire makes a thoughtful expression and then starts to blush. "You have an advantage against women because of your... charm."

He can't help but smile, not because of her words but because he loves her cute expression. "If that's the case, then you have an advantage against men too."

Daisy knows that Lucien is just being nice to her and encouraging her. Still, she can't help but think inappropriate things. [Was that a flirt?? No way... Focus, Daisy!! This is not the time for flirting!! No!! I... Damn!!!]

Lucien doesn't have time to enjoy Daisy's adorable expressions as he notices those two angels firing light attacks towards them.

He acts instinctively and holds her around the waist before flying quickly upward, causing those light rays to collide in the air.

"SHIT!!" Daisy looks at that explosion of light as she blames herself for being distracted. However, in the meantime, she doesn't realize that she is also hugging Lucien so tightly.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

She turns her face to answer, and their slight lips rub on each other. That good feeling lasts for only a second or less, but it makes waves of pleasure run through Daisy's body.

"Yeah!!!" She quickly flies backward while making a flushed and sorry expression. "I just lost concentration for a second."

"Then focus again." He comments and flies towards the female angel while materializing his red katana. Then he starts to fight her using dual blades.

Daisy refocuses on the spear angel and starts firing stone spears at him while Aria and Ella attack him with sound waves, and Astrid waits for a chance to attack with her claws.

That fight should be easy for that angel. While the vampire is halfway through the Sky Realm, the other girls are just in the Mortal Realm.

But those women are strangely boosted, especially the weaker ones. The spear angel is unable to do anything while he tries to dodge those attacks.

In fact, the demonic energy is especially effective against the angels' light energy, which comes from their faith in the Gods. And in addition to the mix of energies that Lucien gave the girls, they are also boosted by Pride and Eve's aura.

While the spear angel is clearly having trouble defending himself against the girls, the female angel has no advantage over Lucien.

She is one of the most powerful people in her entire race, and her sword skills are praised even by Alexa Crassus, Qia's second strongest swordsman. Also, she has a wonderful longsword, made with the best materials that the Crassus House can afford.

Still, no matter what moves she makes, Lucien manages to block them. His sword skills seem no less impressive than hers. In fact, he seems to be so skilled even using two blades at the same time: one seems to be a cursed weapon with evil energy while the other is a beautiful soul weapon, full of demonic energy, both fatal to an angel.

*Whoosh* *Clang* *Whoosh* *Clang* *Whoosh* *Clang*

Their blades continue to create metallic sounds as they move faster and faster. The female angel already understood that she can't be faster than him, so she uses her light mana to boost her strength and try to force him to block an attack directly.


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Then he blocks her long sword using his two blades. He can see what she wants to do and doesn't back down or avoid her blade, letting her push him forward.

As they are flying in the open sky, she cannot force him against a wall or anything, so, to hurt him, she will have to move her sword or break his ones.

As she pushes him back, Lucien smiles provocatively at her. "Hmm... this doesn't seem to be working..."

"SHUT UP!!" She shouts. Then she makes a thoughtful expression. "Stupid demon... why are you so fast?!"

"Hahahaha..." He starts to laugh. "Do you want me to keep silent or answer your questions? I can't both at the same time."

She gets even more furious and uses as much light energy as possible to boost her strength and speed. Then she stops holding the sword with both hands and uses her free hand to attack Lucien.

He overestimates her speed, and she manages to hit his chest, tearing off part of the demonic energy armor he materialized. Still, he manages to fly backward, preventing her nails from cutting her body.

While the female angel seems to need a few seconds to catch her breath after forcing her body beyond her limits, Lucien smiles at her.

"You almost really hurt me..." He comments in a teasing way. Then he realizes that she is not well. "Hey! Do you need a break??"

"YOUR STINKING DEMON!!!" She screams as she points her sword at him.

She looks really furious, but Lucien notices a familiar sparkle in her eyes when she looks at his damaged armor, or rather his chest.

"Oh?" Lucien continues to smile as he dematerializes the upper part of his armor, leaving his chest completely naked.


Then he flies towards her while attacking with both his blades. But she blocks his attack while being pushed back.

Lucien looks into her eyes. "You don't seem to really want to fight me..."

"What do you know about me, stupid demon?!?!" She asks, clearly in a furious tone.

"I don't know you, but I understand well about a woman's needs." He speaks as he continues to push her back. She cannot control her focus now and is on the defensive now.

"I don't know what you're talking about..." She speaks in a slightly embarrassed tone. "I just want to torture a dirty demon like you to amuse me!"

He makes a seductive expression that can make any woman wet. "How about we do something else?? Why fight when we can make love?"

[What the hell?!?!] The female angel gets extremely confused as her body starts to get warmer. Of course, that is due to his demonic energy entering her body while he distracts her mind.

Daisy notices that angel's flushed expression as Lucien tries to approach their faces. She doesn't know why but she gets extremely upset.

"Why are you seducing her?!?! This is no time for this type of thing!! You are really a stupid devil!!!"