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Life Changing System

Chapter 99 A Boast Of Power
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As soon as Da Fu opened the door, something unexpected happened. A gun barrel was smashed against his face. His nose broke and a stream of blood poured down from it. His eyes turned blurry. He was in agony.

But not for long, because he soon lost consciousness.

The person who hit Da Fu with a gun could be none other but Bai Chen. He did not pause to look at the unconscious Da Fu who fell to the floor. He quickly ran inside the cockpit. The handing holding the gun was raised and the gun was thrown.

Bo Kuang panicked when he heard something happening. He turned to the door.

Once he had seen Da Fu knocked out, his expression changed. He was about to shout out that he had hostages and if anyone dared come any closer, he would shoot them.

But he did not have the chance to do so. A gun flew at him and hit his face hard, breaking two of his teeth. Blood poured out of his mouth.

His nose was also bleeding. Fortunately, his nose was not broken like Da Fu. Otherwise, he would have been in much more pain.

The gun slipped out of Bo Kuang’s hand and fell onto the floor. He took a step backwards, almost falling over.

Bai Chen saw that Bo Kuang was still conscious. He ran fast and used the gun in his hand to smash Bo Kuang’s neck.


A heavy sound was heard. Bo Kuang’s eyes widened painfully before he passed out.

Everything happened extremely fast. The captain and the first officer had no time to react.

But as soon as they saw that both terrorists had been taken care of, they felt relieved and could breathe more easily—unlike a moment before when they were both in a stressful, fearful situation.

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Bai Chen was panting by the time he finished dealing with Bo Kuang. He was quite tired because he had had to do everything so quickly.

He turned to the captain and the first officer. “Do you have ropes? Hurry and tie them up.”

“O… Okay,” the first officer answered nervously as if he had just woken up from a dream. He got up and looked for ropes to tie up the two terrorists.

The captain did not offer his help because he still had to fly the plane. After the terrorists were dealt with, he changed back to the original course heading to Dong Hai Island.

“Thank you so much. If it weren’t for you, we would’ve been in big trouble.”

When he had finished tying up Da Fu and Bo Kuang, the first officer hurried to thank Bai Chen with a smile.

“That’s right. We really thank you. You can be regarded as our hero this time.”

The captain also gave his thanks. His words sounded somewhat exaggerated. His eyes were full of admiration when he looked at Bai Chen.

“There’s no need to thank me. It’s something I had to do. Don’t forget to contact the police to come to arrest these terrorists once we land. There are two more of them outside. Oh, and don’t forget to check the unconscious flight attendant over there.”

Bai Chen told them this before picking up all the guns. Two of them were on the floor and one was with Da Fu. There were four altogether. Bai Chen took all the terrorists’ guns with him.

He handed them over to the first officer to take care of. There would be a problem later if he took the terrorists’ guns. That was why he did not keep them for his own.

After that, he left the cockpit to go back to his seat to see Long Xu In.

The first officer’s eyes followed Bai Chen thankfully. He went to check on the unconscious flight attendant. As for all the guns, he kept them all in a bag to be handed over to the police.

As soon as the captain heard what Bai Chen said, he instantly contacted Dong Hai Island airport to send the police to come to arrest the terrorists the moment they landed.

When Bai Chen walked out of the cockpit, all the passengers looked at him gratefully. Ever since they saw him knock out Da Fu, they knew that the terrorists would be taken care of.

But none of them had left their seat to watch. They had been too scared, though they knew that Bai Chen had it all under control.

Bai Chen had taken several steps out of the cockpit when he heard a continuous stream of thankful words from the passengers.

“Thank you very much.”

“Thank you for dealing with the terrorists.”

“You are our hero!”

“We will never forget today!”

Bai Chen could only smile back at these voices.

“Bastard! You owe me an apology!”

Among the wave of thanks, an angry voice sounded.

It was the voice of the middle-aged man who had thought of coming to take a gun from Bai Chen and whom Bai Chen had pointed a gun at until he had become scared.

This man did not think of giving up on this quarrel with Bai Chen. Once he saw that Bai Chen was done with the terrorists and no longer had a gun in his hand, he quickly left his seat to shout at Bai Chen.

He thought that with Bai Chen having no gun, he could get back at him, that he could easily beat him up.

His voice caused all the voices saying their thanks to stop. Many passengers raised their eyebrows and stared at the middle-aged man like he was a freak. This was because this kind of behaviour was considered ungrateful.

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“Uncle, there’s no need for trouble. Just let it go.” The man who had helped tie up the terrorists left his seat to help resolve the argument.

“Shut up, you dog!” The middle-aged man was extremely agitated. He glared at the young man before looking at all the passengers in the cabin.

“Don’t any of you dare to interfere with this, or I will deal with you. You all should know that my brother is the superintendent of Dong Hai Island police station. If you stop me, my brother will arrest you and let you rot in jail!”

He exclaimed this loudly.

Unbelievably, this man was not just any ordinary person. He turned out to be the brother of the superintendent of Dong Hai Island police station.

It was no surprise that he did not care about other passengers and was so audacious.

After hearing his words, no passenger dared to stop him. The only exception was Long Xu In.

However, she did not step in because she believed that Bai Chen could handle this.

“Are you done talking?” Bai Chen stopped in front of the middle-aged man.

“How dare you!” The man did not expect Bai Chen to challenge him even after knowing who he was. He was furious. He held up his fist and threw it at Bai Chen’s face.


His fist did not reach Bai Chen’s face; rather, it was his own face that was hit by Bai Chen’s fist.

His body flew like a piece of paper and fell to the floor, unconscious. His face was beaten up and blood poured out of his nose.

All the passengers were surprised that Bai Chen had come to blows with the middle-aged man. But Bai Chen did not care what they thought. He continued to walk towards Long Xu In.

End of Chapter 99