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Is that a Wisp?

Chapter 887: Two Monsters
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After the euphoria, he felt a feeling of ease, stemming from the fact that his gamble had paid off. He observed his subspace, noticing some of the spatial laws form a platform at the bottom, outlining the shape of the teleportation formation from before.

While doing so, he also noticed that the laws in the land had changed. Krune closed his eyes as he sensed the laws operating in the place, unconsciously smiling as it went just the way he had expected and hoped for.

He then looked at the dome-shaped chamber, noticing that the quality of Godly Energy around him had fallen to a level equivalent to a Rank Two God Stone. It seemed that his revival had consumed a tremendous quantity of Godly Energy.

'I see, so that's why the danger zones exist everywhere. I'm only at the Seventh Stage of the God Foundation Realm, but even my revival had consumed such a huge amount of Godly Energy. With that, it's no wonder they take centuries or even many millennia to revive. With a higher cultivation base, the longer the revival takes.'

Even though the Godly Energy around him had taken such a massive dip in quality, Krune wasn't disappointed at all. After all, he had achieved his objective. On top of that, the formation was still intact, which meant that it would recover to its previous level sooner or later.

Around 88 Pseudo-Wisps were still present and had begun cultivating once again. Krune soon recovered his cultivation base to the Seventh Stage of the God Foundation Realm. The revival hadn't caused his cultivation base to fall since he hadn't really been injured in any way.

If he had been severely injured, his cultivation base would fall. Or if he wanted to, he could have revived sooner at the First Stage of the Godly Fusion Realm. But usually, most cultivators with a Spiritual Incarnation never wished to revive prematurely.

After all, cultivating from scratch required a ton of resources. On top of that, there were dangers lurking everywhere, which would be amplified because of a lower cultivation base. If they die from that at a lower cultivation base, that would just make them weaker. So, instead of reviving at the lowest cultivation level, they would spend more time in order to revive at their maximum cultivation level so they wouldn't be a lost cause.

As this was his first revival, Krune didn't have much control over the revival process. Nevertheless, it was still a valuable experience for him. As the place he was visiting next probably contained a lot of danger, it was better to be prepared to revive, just in case.

Moreover, Krune didn't just put his life at risk to check the revival process. In fact, he had achieved three of his goals with the experiment. The first goal was checking his revival process and understanding it better.

As for the second, Krune smiled as he watched Little Krune inhabit the body of a Pseudo-Wisp. He then exited the dome-shaped chamber and proceeded to walk on the surface, even going to the extent of whistling as a nonchalant expression appeared on his face.

But all along, he felt immense anticipation as he knew what was happening through their shared thoughts.

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Two Pseudo-Wisps soon hovered in the center of the dome-shaped chamber as the clone controlled by Little Krune stood a couple of meters away from them, thinking of something as its body radiated with rainbow light.

Not long after, in the center of the dome-shaped chamber, a circle with a radius of two meters shone with rainbow light as Godly Energy was sucked into it, activating the spatial laws put into place as the two Pseudo-Wisps disappeared.

"Hahaha!" Krune could not help but let out a cackle as the two Pseudo-Wisps appeared in his subspace, hovering above a similar circular platform with a radius of two meters. This was what he had been attempting to achieve all along.

A Teleportation Formation!

Of course, it wasn't just any teleportation formation activated using a piece of equipment, but a teleportation formation activated using his laws.

Normally, when he unleashed his Land Incarnation, the laws would form a certain circuit that would create an environment suitable to birth more Pseudo-Wisps. But, Krune didn't wish for that in this case.

With that, he first forged the teleportation formation. Then, he committed suicide after activating his Spiritual Incarnation, making it crumble as he enveloped the teleportation formation with his Land Incarnation.

As his Spiritual Incarnation consisted of all the laws in God Realm, it wouldn't have appeared that different from a normal plot of land, except for faint differences. That's why the laws in his Land Incarnation seeped into the teleportation formation and ate away at it.

With that, it was replacing the laws in the area, making the place, including the teleportation formation—his. Due to that move, the teleportation formation was now actually part of his Land Incarnation.

Through that method, he had created a portal exclusive to his use that couldn't be activated or raided by a third party. On top of that, it was his Land Incarnation. With that, he could sense it from anywhere in the God Realm.

And besides, it was situated within the energy-gathering formation. In other words, that meant Krune could abuse the plentiful energy in the place as much as he wanted to.

If he had normally activated his Land Incarnation, he wouldn't have been able to achieve this teleportation effect, despite him possessing all the laws necessary to achieve it.

This was the third objective he had achieved—the creation of a permanent teleportation formation. He had basically changed the laws of the land to achieve this.

Moreover, it was only a radius of two meters in the center of the dome-shaped structure. Plus, as his Land Incarnation consisted of all the laws of the God Realm, as long as Krune erased its ability to produce Pseudo-Wisps, it wouldn't look odd.

Well, it was just a minor difference. After all, his process of creating Pseudo-Wisps was closely mimicking the world's process of birthing Wisps. Again, there were just minor differences.

So, normal people wouldn't even realize that he had placed his Land Incarnation in the place. It gave him the perfect opportunity. As long as he didn't activate the teleportation formation, no one would even be able to sense its existence in the area.

This gave him the perfect excuse to siphon energy from the area without alerting any people. After all, if the survivors of the Lawless Plains were to return one day and inspect the energy-gathering formation, they wouldn't be able to sense his arrangements in the area.

Moreover, since it was a place that was gathering energy, with his Land Incarnation already being placed there, Krune was able to use it to revive. In short, the chamber had become a secret spot for him, a contingency measure for his future revival if he ever came across harm.

After all, reviving required a tremendous quantity of Godly Energy to do so. With so much Godly Energy in this space, it was definitely the perfect revival spot.

Little Krune stayed behind in the dome-shaped chamber as more Pseudo-Wisps were created in the place upon a thought from it. They numbered one hundred once again.

Krune moved ten kilometers away as he was able to sense his Land Incarnation, smiling as he activated it on his core. Although there was some slight difficulty, the teleportation formation still activated.

'I guess my cultivation base should be higher if I wish to activate it on my own,' Krune thought as he focused on the next phase of his plans.

He gave some commands to a Pseudo-Wisp, intending to see how it would activate it. The Pseudo-Wisps weren't sentient as they lacked a mind of their own to think. Then again, they were just Krune's clones, so all their actions had to be actively controlled by Krune.

As Krune gave it some tasks, Mental Energy was generated in it after consuming some of the Godly Energy stored in its body. This Mental Energy carried his commands, executing them upon the time of need.

Krune determined that while he could make it execute his commands in such a manner, it could only be simple commands. Grinning, he gave it one command, telling it to execute it after a certain duration had passed.

Time was the only factor he could imbue in it. After all, they didn't have shared thoughts like with Little Krune. Also, beyond a certain distance, Krune was unable to command them. As for this limit, it was the range of his Divine Sense.

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At present, he had given the Pseudo-Wisp the commands through Little Krune, who was currently controlling a clone. Once the commands had been given, Little Krune activated the teleportation formation and arrived inside his subspace, closing the teleportation channel.

Krune continued to walk, soon crossing twenty kilometers as he sensed the teleportation formation in his subspace activate as a couple of Pseudo-Wisps appeared inside.

After the duration of time he had specified had passed, the respective Pseudo-Wisp activated the teleportation formation. This way, Krune was able to create a channel even when Little Krune wasn't at the scene.

'I can do a lot using this.' Krune smiled as Little Krune returned to the dome-shaped chamber using the open teleportation channel. Just in case he needed a reserve of energy, Krune kept ten Pseudo-Wisps in his subspace.

He could still keep more of them, but Krune decided not to. They were enough for the time being and were only for emergencies. After all, Little Krune was still in the dome-shaped chamber.

So, when he needed energy, it would activate the teleportation formation immediately. After all, their connection and shared thoughts wouldn't be cut off anywhere in the God Realm, or even the four realms, for that matter.

'I should comprehend my laws further and increase the size of my subspace. That way, I can create enough space to house another teleportation formation,' Krune thought to himself. 'Hmm...if I can find a secluded location to place another energy-gathering formation and teleportation formation, I would feel even safer.'

Of course, they were just plans for the future. Krune had no intentions to rush it. He had obtained enough benefits from this one experiment already. For now, he planned to first use them before branching out in other directions.

Mind Splitting Technique!

Krune absorbed a Pseudo-Wisp as he began cultivating once again. He was slowly walking over the Lawless Plains in search of Cultivator. After all, it was time to head to their next destination.

Little Krune, on the other hand, was cultivating while focusing entirely on comprehending the laws of his subspace, intending to increase its size. They had split their workload and were reaping benefits accordingly.

A day later, Krune finally spotted Cultivator.

"Were you waiting for long?" Cultivator shouted as he landed before Krune, storing the equipment spirit that he used to fly around.

"No worries, I just arrived," Krune smiled as he replied, feeling his heart thump vigorously as he instinctually sensed that Cultivator had also grown significantly stronger. He was already unfathomable before, but now…

Controlling himself from sweating buckets under stress, Krune smiled as he asked, "Shall we get going now?"

"To the Four Sectors' Border Region, that is."